I was reading Lane Boyz Mom's blog the other day, KooKoo For Cocoa Puffs, and she had some posts about her cats, who were apparenting starving and letting her know it...and once she bought them food, they dissed it. They're food snobs!
Anyway, this reminded me of my mom's cat, Kachi. I love cats but we can't have any in our house because my hubby's allergic to them. So, Kachi is our adopted cat...we love him when we go visit.
Kachi is weird though...in a way that all cats seem to be. If he can SEE the bottom of his bowl, he starts complaining, LOUDLY. Even if there's still food in it, just a hint of the bottom peaking through causes instant upset.
He is housemates with a big black lab...and totally king of the castle. He's in charge of the dog.
He loves to escape outside...for about ten minutes, living dangerously in the bushes...
then he's back at the door ready to come back in.
He has to drink bubbly water. He drinks with his paws. It's the strangest thing I've ever seen.
I could go on and on...one of his nicknames is Alarm Kitty. He's hilarious. I laugh from afar, because I don't have to live with him...
We totally love King Kachi.
Grab a camera and a critter and join in Camera Critters!
Our dear departed Alice and Gertie both drank with their paws! What is that about? maybe certain breeds? Kachi is lovely by the way!
both gorgeous
Cats have got to be one of the funniest animals on the planet. Kachi is quite a looker!
Kachi is a totally handsome cat!
Cats just have so much personality. When you have one...you have this tendancy to discuss thier quirks. And people look at you just as funny as they do when you discuss your blog.
I love how cats have certain qualities like that... it makes them so unique and special.
My cat Tomba, will only drink from a dripping faucet, not out of a bowl.... so we must always have the tub on a drip... but we won't let him up on the counter for the kitchen faucet... but it's strange how we will not drink out of a bowl.
Kachi is a beautiful cat...! =)
Rhea: Your cat with the red eye looks like she is really in charge. LOL
Hello! Kachi is a handsome guy. Cats always seems to dominate and make it about them don't they. But you gotta love them. I have three. One inside that is always reminding me that she is hungry. Which lately is all the time. Two outside that adopted me last year. I have a water bowl out for them, but the male feels the need to stand on tippy toes and drink from the birdbath. Go figure. Lisa
I love Kachi too! What a beautiful guy...I grew up with a black & white Siamese. Thanks for sharing!
Kachi is a very funny cat!!! I love Camera Critters. One of these days, I'm going to have to participate.
King Kachi sounds like the Best Cat! Such a character and so handsome. We had a black lab once - very nice dogs. Great CC post!
What a cute story!
My daughter's cat will drink with his paws from the faucet in her bathroom.
Lovely cat.
That is a BIG cat! Hope you are having a better day. I totally forgot about Camera Critters this week!
My cat Jake only used his paw to drink..Must be a cat thing..
He drinks with his paws. LMAO... he is character.
not only is he funny, he's cute, too!
My critter is posted HERE. Please stop by if you have some time. Happy weekends!
Too funny!
(thanks for stopping by!)
Thanks for stopping by my blog!
My cat is the same way - if he sees the bottom of the bowl he gets all pissy and won't eat anything else until we fill it back up.
I once heard a story that little kids are like puppies...who turn into teenagers or cats - TOTAL SNOBS!
He is SO regal, Rhea!
Very sophisticated looking kitty, I definitely see where he would get the nickname of king. Very cute.
He is absolutely adorable, Having ten cats they all have different habits 3 of them like drinking from the sing, and i think 4 of them touch the bowl to feel were the water is before they start drinking, Its a silver watering dish, so not sure they can sense were unless the paw is there. LOL Thanks for stopping by
sleek fur, well fed bodies!
Such beauties :)
I don't like cats... but, one that complains that the food is almost gone.. that's my kind of cat.
Seriously if you hadn't told me it was a big black lab I would have thought it was a pot bellied pig. Sorry, doggie.
Hi there, SITSta! I've never used that term before and I'm realizing it's not really...me. But anyway...I wandered over from the comment you left for me and I'm so glad I did! Love your cute pink cowgirl hat...or do you call it a cowboy hat even when its on a girl? I live in Carolina...no clue about the Texas vernacular.
Love your header and your tagline. And congrats on your 200th post.
newsflash: cats are snobs.
Beautiful fur and coloring. Funny story!
Kachi is a cutie. Cats do seem snobby. Come see my cat pic I posted.
Kachi and Sady are so alike! I think all cats have that Queen of Sheba attitude!
Beautiful fluffy kitty. He looks like a king. Very regal.
Your mom has some gorgeous pets! I really enjoyed reading about them. My dog is the same way, out for 10 minutes and then ready to come back into the a/c.
That is a beautiful cat. My husband is allergic too but I am ok with that b/c I've never been much of a "cat person." But I have to admit I would love to pet Kachi! : )
Hey there...caught you talking about my food snobs, huh? LOL
Kachi is soo pretty! And shhh, please don't mention the bubbly water out loud, I do not want the snobby kitties in this house to know what they are missing;) LOL
They are both absolutely gorgeous! You can tell that they are both obviously well cared for and well spoiled ;-) Beautiful!
Aww, such a GOOORJUS critter!!!!
I want a kitty even more now!
Kachi is a handsome boy! He has fabulous colouring. My daughter's cat drinks with his paw too - it is so strange to watch him do that!
Thanks for stopping by to see my CCs
Awww......... I think I love Kachi. And how did he get his name?
wow!! King Kachi... is so handsome!! :)
We have a cat... she is tiny and beautiful but she is also very much EVIL!! you can't really even pet her... she rules the roost here too... but not in a friendly way. :( She also likes to pee on new things... like carseats that are left in the house or some of the kids play couches or whatever... I would like to give her to a new home... but my hubby is attached.
I bow to King Kachi... in all his greatness!! :)
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