Friday, July 11, 2008

What to Post or Not To Post, that is the question

Donny gets braces today!! We're just about to head to the orthodonist appointment now.

I have several post ideas rolling around in my head. Can't decide what to post on, so I thought I'd see what you think.

Shoule I post about the quirky charcters in my life? The crazy relatives I love but have bizarre habits?

Or should I post about a trip hubby and I took to Mexico a few years ago for a friend's wedding. It was THE wildest wedding I've ever been to.

Or the time my son tipped me after I made his bed? (ok, this was yesterday)

Or the one time I was convinced having two children wasn't going to work because of a certain incident?

Then, there was also the last time we were at the orthodontist and I overheard some very interesting conversations...

What to post about today? We're off to get Donny's braces (and hit Starbucks), and then I will be back home to post. What do you think I should post about first?


The CDM said...

I want to hear about Starbucks!

Karen said...

The quirky realatives. I have quite a few of my own and really good use hearing that everybody has 'em.

Valarie Lea said...

Ok either the quirky relatives, or the overheard conversations in the dentist office. :)

Sounds like you have a weeks worth of posting you could do!

I am Laura said...

I want to know about the incident that made having two children seem like it wouldn't work and then i want to hear what you hear at the orthodontists the last time you were there. I am totally on pins and needles to know so you better pick on of the ones I want to know about.

Krystyn @ Really, Are You Serious? said...

I vote for the wedding...and a close second is the no second child.

Jen said...

Write about them all. I want to read about them all! You have 5 or more boogy post days covered. I am ready to read...

Angie's Spot said...

I'm all about a good quirky relatives story, but I'm also intrigued to hear about this incident regarding not having 2 kids. Hmmm...

angela | the painted house said...

Wild wedding, please. I need to live vicariously through other people's crazy hi-jinks.

CrystalChick said...

Well ALL of them of course, but first the crazy relatives. We all have THEM but somehow it's better to hear others stories. The wild wedding after that.

My son has had braces on for awhile now and is doing well with them. Even some oral surgery too that he just sorta goes with the flow about. Kids adjust. He'll thank you years from now!

Anonymous said...

The wild wedding piques my interest, for sure! But I say you start DRAFTS for all those topics and work through them one by one. You'll be set for DAYS! (Not that you ever have trouble coming up w/ great post ideas!)

Heather said...

I'd like to hear about the interesting orthodontist conversations. Gossip is my biggest sin. Seriously.

Shannon said...

As a fellow mom of two, the "certain incident" topic struck me first... so that topic has my vote!

The CDM said...

I changed my mind. I want to hear about the crazy relatives of some quirky characters(that you met when you and your hubby met in Mexico at a friend's wedding) that convinced you that having 2 children wasn't going to work because of a certain incident that involved some interesting conversation you overheard at the orthodontist office after visiting Starbucks because your son tipped you after you made his bed.

Keys to the Magic Travel said...

Yes, please.

Keys to the Magic Travel said...

Am I supposed to tell you if I have a preference?

I like overheard conversations. Because gossip is where it's at.

Why won't two children work?

Stories of wild weddings in tell.

I want to know it all!

Anonymous said...

AWESOME pic! Brotherly love. So sweet.
I vote for the wild wedding!
aND MMMMM...what did you get at Starbucks??

KG said...

I vote for "all of the above!"

Oh - and I remember when I got braces. Heh. Thankfully my teeth were so incredibly awful pre-braces that I was VIGILANT about wearing my retainer because I didn't want my effing teeth to look like that again.

Anonymous said...

I'm on board with Laura!!

Jennifer said...

I want to hear about them all... so don't forget them. :)

I'd like to hear about your Mexico trip and the wild wedding!! :)

maybe that one first... or maybe your crazy relatives that have quirky habbits!! :) sounds like my family!! :D

or maybe how one of those sweet angels tripped you, by accident I'm sure, after you made their bed. :)


can't wait to see what you choose. :)

Anonymous said...

OMG! Next time I will make sure to look out for you! I usually chase my kids down the hall to and from the child care. Yep, that's me!