I bet you didn't know that.
I am.
I rock at makin' smoothies. Well, at least one kind. Strawberry-banana.
Ok, that's the only one I've ever made, but I'm really good with that one. It's the best smoothie ever.
Now, Pioneer Woman-style, here are the ingredients. Spiru-tein protein powder (strawberry flavored) is awesome. I buy it from GNC or my local healthly vitamin store. It comes in different sizes. This is the grandaddy size, but they have baby-sized packets too. And other flavors, like chocolate and vanilla.
I also use, as you see pictured, apple juice, bananas, stawberries and crushed ice (not pictured). You need a measuring cup and a blender.
First you peel the bananas (of course) and then break/cut them in half. And then put them in a freezer safe Ziploc bag. Non-Sequitur: My mom gave me this cutting board when I was first married. I think it's corian, which is like some kind of superman material that holds up well.
Then you cut the tops off the strawberries, and depending on how big they are, you might need to cut some of the strawberries in half. Then put them in a ziploc baggy also. (See the monster berry in the container? HUGE!)
Here are my baggies of bananas and strawberries, and I put them in the freezer. Where they live, the rest of their days, until I gobble them up with my superior smoothie-making skills.
Here's my blender. Non-Sequitur: I received this commercial grade blender as a wedding gift but didn't even open the box or use it until eight months ago. (I've been married just about 12 years!) You see, ever since we've been married, we've lived in tiny apartments, so we boxed and put almost all our wedding gifts in storage for all this time...until we moved into a big house with room for everything!! And, I got to find all my wedding gifts all over again. It was better than Christmas, because I got an amazing haul when we got married. People were way too nice. Especially to a 19 year old who was pregnant. Shhhh!! Ok, everyone knew.
This is a Thermos brand cup that I have to drink my smoothies in. I have blue ones and pink ones, and I found them at Target. They have thick straws and thick double-insulated bodies made out of polycarbonate and are just awesome. I make my boys use them around the house so they don't spill drinks all over the place.
Finally, last but not least, about a cup of crushed ice. Add that in and get ready to blend.
When you're done blending, it should look like this...sweet heaveness.

OH... MY... HECK!!!!
You have no idea the grief I have given Hubby today about getting me a smoothie! LOL
We have only ONE smoothie bar in town and they have the best smoothies EVER! But they are at the other side of town which is like 50mins drive away!
But I've been craving one all day!!! And I've been sulking for the last 2 hours coz Hubby refuses to get me one!
HAHAHAHAHAH And now this!!!!!!!!!!
I never even thought that I could make my own!!!
Now I just gotta see if we even have those ingredience here!
If not... I'm coming over! xx
mmm. Looks delicios!
I think that Darcy was onto something when she called us Kit and Kaboodle. All my wedding things have been in storage too. For 11 years. Until we bought this house last year. It really was like Christmas, wasn't it?!
And thanks for the smoothie recipe. When we went strawberry picking this year, I got extras. But my freezing process was more tedious. I cleaned,cut and hulled them. Dried them. And then froze them. And then put them into the baggies.
But we were just adding them to yogurt. Not that I like yogurt. Might have to try your version. Why do you add the protein powder?
Mmm, looks smooth and delicious! We rock the smoothies over here, too. You are good to go to all the trouble of cutting and washing those strawberries. I just spend the extra money and buy the frozen ones. I also toss in some flax seed for good measure--undetectable once it is all whipped into a frenzy.
Okay, I may go make one now! Thank you!
I've been having a smoothie a day over here too! A little simpler (read, I'm LAZY) Plain yogurt, frozen strawberries or raspberries, and V8 Fusion juice...YUM!!!
We love smoothies, but I haven't been able to perfect them. The Apple Juice...it's the Apple juice that makes it sweet enough for my kids right??? I had been using sugar...but I also added vanilla yogurt which helped. I am gonna try your recipe...because it is making my mouth water as I type.
I am so going to try this. I bet my kids would love it despite it not being a chicken nugget.
Giggle/Rae - That's too funny you were wanting a smoothie today. I bet the belly bean loves that cold healthy goodness. Only one smoothie bar? That's just wrong. Tell that hubby to start carrying his cell phone.
Shamelessly Sassy - Thanks for stopping by! It is delicious.
Kat - No way! That's so weird. I've never met anyone else who put all their wedding stuff in storage. Freaky weird, girlfriend. When I'm dieting, I never get enough protein, so I add a little (plus the protein powder has vitamins in it, a full daily allotment's worth).
Angela - I've thought about adding flax seed. That's a really good idea. And,I actually didn't realize there was frozen fruit at the grocery store until recently...hehe I just got into the habit of doing it this way.
Cristin - Very cool. A smoothie a day keeps the doctor away! Well, ok, maybe not, but it's a good start. Your version sounds interesting! I need to explore a little more and try different ways. I like getting into a rut and just keeping things that way.
Debbie - Apple juice helps. Sometimes I buy the light apple juice when I'm feeling even more healthy. hehe My younger son is fueled by apple juice. As in he has to have it daily. hehe
Heather - I KWYM. My youngest could love on chicken nuggets. He's going to turn into a chicken nugget.
Tranny Head - Now, Sumo baby is cute when he drools but grown up tranny girls with superior drawing skills just can't quite pull it off the same way. :o)
Looks yummy. Smoohtie's are something that never ever turn out for me. I wish that I could reach in and grab it, yum yum.
Oooooh, Yummmmmm! I wanna come to your house!!! I love smoothies. But (shhhhh...) I'm lazy. And I never make them. I should. They're good and good for you.
Off to ponder my laziness and what it's depriving me of....
First of all....what is with all of the blogs turning into the food network?
Second...Insane Mama makes smoothies all the time (mostly for the kids), butI don't think she has any recipe...she just hrows in whatever she can find n te fridge or freezer. I ge a kick out of watching the kids' faces after that first sip. I have only seen one mouthfull of smoothie fly across the kitchen so far...but there is still time. :)
Jen - I'm not the world's greatest cook. I was buying smoothies at a local health store and the guy who owned it taught me how to make it. I am forever appreciative of his generosity! Otherwise I wouldn't have made it...I need instruction. Lots of instruction. And having my hand held. That helps a lot.
Skeller/Susan - Come on over! I can make one kind of smoothie...but I can make LOTS of it. hehe I'd mail it if I could, but I bet that wouldn't travel well...that melting problem. What a mess.
Tentcamper - You and Insane Mama must have one hellava fun household. I am totally not the kind of cook who can just whip things up. I wish I could. I have to have my hand held and talked through it with lots of instructions. And repeated... Thanks for stopping by!
I thought I made really good smoothies until tenter came in here and kinda slapped me in the face. Rhea, I really want to be the smoothie queen, I will follow your recipe and try not to just throw everything in the blender.
I have never had a smoothie before, but I might have to try this recipe. I love strawberries and bananas, but I don't think I've had them together. I know, I live a sheltered and picky-eater life. :-)
I too love the smoothies. My reason is becasue I lost full use of my throat a few years back and smoothies deliver nutrition easily
Insane Mama - I think you are a smoothie queen for your excellence in throwing things together. I envy you your smoothie talent!
Angie - I'm a picky eater too, but I'm getting better as I get older about trying things. This is one smoothie that's pretty straight forward and simple. Apples, banans and juice. Good mix.
Sandy - I'm so sorry we had to search for me! I was trying to let everyone know where I was, but I'm sure I missed people. Sorry! I'm glad you found me. I decided to change names rather quickly and spur of the moment. :o)
Yummy! It's a great way to sneak in fruits! My cousin owned a smoothie place in Beaumont-maybe I can tweak some smoothie secrets from her and share....
You rock on the graphics and layout, by the way....
I only do spoons with the smoothie thing. Straws are a threat to my masculinity.
Hey I will have to try your combo. I normally use strawberry daquairi mix but I think yours may be just a tad healthier..lol.. I also add protein, fiber, flax seed and spurlina (blue/green algae
Andrea - It is a great way to get all your fruits and vitamins for the day. :o) I'm glad you like the new look! I'm very happy with it. Darcy is soo good at designing blogs.
Complaint Department Manager (AKA James Bond) - Oh, dear, we definitely wouldn't want to threaten your masculinity. :o) Sip from your spoon dear, and hold onto it tight. :o)
Cathy - Stawberry daquairi mix sounds like a yummy idea! I hadn't thought of that. I'm impressed with how much you add. I haven't been adding the flax seed or the fiber, but I should. Thanks for coming by!
Can we come round today?
Ooooo... now that looks awesome. You ARE the smoothie queen!
congrats on your roll call win, SITSta!
Do you know I have never made a smoothie in my whole life? I wouldn't know where to begin. So, I'd like a peach one, please. To go.
Okay, when do you put in the chocolate and vodka??
I missed those steps.
Yours look totally awesome and yummy and you can make me one anytime!
YUMMY!!! yum for me!! :) ha!!
that looks soo tasty and good!! I might have to get this stuff when I go to the store and whip myself up a yummy frosty healthy treat!! :)
thanks for the cooking show pictures and description!! :) good job!
I also LOVE that cup that you have it in... I might need to get one of them too!! (I'm slightly a copy cat!! ) ha!!
anyway... you now have my mouth watering and my belly hungry...going to go see what I can scavange up to eat. ;)
Oh, man, that looks good. I just bought a blender. I'm gonna have to try that out.
I use the same stuff and do almost the same thing!!!! We are so on the same level!!! I just use already frozen fruit that I get at costco and put that the protein powder and the juice in my magic bullet mixer and whala (sp) I have fruit smoothie. :)
That looks delish! Love the new look on the blog by the way.
we make a lotta smoothies around here, too. love this post. we made one this week w/ rainbow sherbet and mango. it tasted like froot loops!
I'm going back through the posts that I missed and I came to this one........ again.
And now I'm having a need-delicious-food attack........ again.
Need chocolate...............
Oooo...if only I had a blender, or a banana...or even a strawberry! I have some ice and some sugar free kool-aid. Guess I will just have to settle for that instead...AGAIN.
one word! YUMMY
So simple, a monkey could do it! :) Thanks!
Yes, please. I will have another.
Oh My! My two fave fruits...mmm!
I actually have all these things. Minus the protein powder. And now that I have been reminded again how to do this...I need to do it. Cause I don't like the yogurt smoothies we've been using. Maybe I'll substitue peaches for the bananas...hmmmm...
Akkk! And this is my third time here! I think I'm getting the message now...... off to make myself a lovely smooooooothie!
This looks delish! Congrats on being featured!!!!!!!!!!!
*green with envy*
I am so in need of that smoothie thermos cup. I live on smoothies. Especially those margarita "flavored" ones.
Oh, that looks fantastic! Yum!
That looks yummy and great. Thanks for sharing. Congrats on the Saucy Eats feature!
Nice saucy eats feature! I like your blog and I love smoothies. There is nothing like a fruit smoothie on a hot day.
MmmmMmmmm ...smoothies ...love 'em!!
Congrats on the SITS recipe day!
Did I mention how phallic your bananas look all laid out??? :)
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