Thursday, July 31, 2008

Weird Hair

I went through a weird hair period in high school.
It did some really weird things.


Krystyn @ Really, Are You Serious? said...

I'm not sure what I would call that look! It's awesome, right?

Jennifer said...


You are long lost sister!! I knew it. I always knew there was someone out there that shared my sense of extrodinary style and swag!!

when I say YOU LOOK HAWTT!! I really mean...






I can't even begin to share how many "special" hair styles I had in school pictures. And around 5th-7th grade I had THE same style. lol

great pics!!


Lula! said...

I think you look so hard rockin'! Yes, I do. I admire you for posting these pics--'cause I'm not about to share my "hair band" dos from the 80's!

And for the record--I am in Texas RIGHT NOW and wishing you lived in Austin so I could pose with you and that fabulous pink hat.

Skeller said...

hey, at least you went thru school AFTER the Farrah Fawcett hair years. that's all I'm sayin' 'bout that.

Jen said...

Oh Rhea, you are just so cute. But I do agree that is some weird hair.

Amy said...

What a cutie! MY oldest daughter had hair like that when she was around 3...part of it was straight and part was curly. It has since straightened up completely.

CrystalChick said...

Yikes, we had a part curled part feathered thing going on in our school. Hey, wait, I think I still have that style going on. :(
Really pretty color you have!

Cristin said...

You are a braver woman than I.... with some weird ass hair!

sassy stephanie said...

ha ha. I recently started talking to old friends on Facebook, reliving HS memories. I too have some very entertaining hair shots! Love the 80s!

Keys to the Magic Travel said..., I'm sitting here trying to figure out what to say about that hair...that looks like it had visits with a crimper (that I so desperately wanted when I was in high school - because I had straight limp hair that didn't turn crazy curly until pregnancy hormones) - when Madalyn walks by and says "Is that DJ Tanner?!"

Keys to the Magic Travel said...

Have I told you how many episodes of "Full House" are on our DVR?!

Anonymous said...

All I can say is THANK GOD FOR CHI(straightener)! And why didn't they invent it sooner? I also have thick kinda wavy hair, but I burned my school pics. Mine were much much worse. My hair was short, I thought I was Molly Ringwald. So imagine that.

Live.Love.Eat said...

So cool! You look the same....I mean, without the hair I guess :) In the still look the same!!!!

Karen said...

I so wish that I had that kind of weird hair to share. I was in a small town in Utah in those days, so "big country girl hair" took on a "larger than life" sort of quality. You were a darling kid!!

Mama Dawg said...

Oh, girl...I feel ya. I need to post some of mine!

Unknown said...

Ummm.... AWESOME smile :)

Insane Mama said...

Now THAT is a look!

i beati said...

This gives cloning a bad name hahaahha

Angie's Spot said...

That was AWESOME! One of these days I'll have to post a progression of my hair over the years. It will make you feel SOOOO much better about that pic.

Anonymous said...

I went through a weird hair period too...only I can't blame mine on hormones, I totally blame stupidity, LOL

Indy said...

Is that hair crimped????

wcnews said...

You are brave to post this. There are some hair pics that I would be too scared to share! HA HA HA! In other words, don't worry, you aren't the only one with pictures like this!

Jules said...

I still am doing the weird hair thing. Sigh.

Anonymous said...

the picture was so special, you never cut it up and distributed it...?! I think frizzy on the right and straight on the left is gonna make a huge comeback.

Rhea said...

This was my hair NATURALLY during the beginning of high school. Totally on it's own, no crimping. Bizarre!

The CDM said...

My hair looks like that now.