Friday, July 18, 2008

Quick Post with the promise of more

Internet has been in and out here for some reason, so this post is going to be short.

We're leaving Houston today and heading home. I'll post again when we get home this afternoon and catch you up on our trip! (With pictures)

Wish me luck. Four hours, two kids, and a portable DVD player to keep them happy. We should make it.


Krystyn @ Really, Are You Serious? said...

Sounds like a blast! Hopefully, you've worn them out so much, they might sleep part of the time, and momma can have some quiet time!

Anonymous said...

Glad you've had fun! I'm sure it wasn't humid at all down there...

Hey, Amorette reminded me...I, too, left you an award the other day. Check my blog when you get a's a few days ago (after the infamous 80's hair pic). was a long day!

Angie's Spot said...

Have a safe trip back! Can't wait to hear and see all about your adventures.

Maternal Mirth said...

Ugh ... I am traveling today, too. WITH 3 KIDS! Air travel + kids = looney bin.

Maternal Mirth said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Unknown said...

Hi Rhea! Just wanted to say "hi" since I am a Texan too and grew up in Austin. Now living in Arlington.

I came here from Krystyn's blog. You have a great looking blog. I be back to visit again! : )

Amy said...

I LOVE your new look!! Girl, I feel you on that drive, we used to make it all the time when we lived in the Dallas area. It's so good to be home back in H-town!

Krystyn @ Really, Are You Serious? said...

There's a little something for you on my blog!

Jen said...

Good travel thoughts coming your way.

Andrea said...

Hey! We were in Houston at the same time! What are the odds!?! Can I just say-that-I-don't-miss-the-hot-weather!! Blech. I miss my family and friends though :).

Portable DVD's are a blessing. What did we do before we had them? Oh yeah, fight with our siblings. Or do something productive like travel bingo or read a book. They didn;t keep interest as long though....

Anonymous said...

safe travels. I look forward to hearing road trip stories.

Aunt Julie said...

Hope the ride was a pleasant one! What on earth did we do before the advent of portable DVD players?

CrystalChick said...

Have a good trip home.
Went to Starbucks earlier and guess what I got?????
A venti chai tea with soy milk!!! Yummy!

Chatterness said...

Safe trip home! Hurry! I miss your Donnie, Remi, and Annie stories!! :-)

Jennifer said...

I hope you had safe travels!! :) Nothing but the open road ahead is great... but when you have kids... nothing like the open DVD player is BEST!! lol :)

we did a portable DVD player for Trevor when we drove from NY to SC. It worked great. :)


Jules said...

Hey! I'm a little late on this one. But it's good to see you made it. And all the kids are smiling in the photos!