Let's get closer, shall we, and see better what colorful fun stuff I have in store for you.
Yes, that's a cowboy hat, a brightly striped tote bag, a rainbow photo album, a patchwork journal, bright pink notepads, glittery gel pens and some colorful jewelry.
Here I am modeling the hat. (Excuse my frizzy, unbrushed hair. It's clean, freshly washing, I promise.)
I wore this cowboy ten years ago in my first rodeo where I did the barrel racing on horseback. My horse, an Appaloosa named Indian Runner, slipped on the last barrel, but we pulled it out and made it back to the gate in record time. My hat flew off and into the stands, and the guy who caught it brought it to me after the event. It was Brad Pitt!! I won but I barely noticed because Brad Pitt was beside me. I was given a trophy and a huge shiny belt buckle. That hat is special to me and it's been good luck to me ever since...
Ok, just kidding. That was all a tall tale. Here in Texas, we like to tell stories.
Not lies, mind you...stories.
Ahem, well, moving on. Did you notice this little guy next to the tote bag? Yep, a gift card to one of my favorite places, TARGET!
And, while this is a fabulous amount of stuff I'm litterally throwing at ya, I can't promise I might not add a little to it when the time comes to mail it off. Because I LOVE to give gifts. And, as this is my premier giveaway, I've gotta do it right.
Now, there are some rules. And, because I love a challenge, they're a little complicated. You see, in order to be entered for this contest, you have to go to Uptake and leave a comment on their blog...then come back to my blog and leave ME a comment telling me you did it. Easy, right?
Uptake is a travel search engine that combines all travel sites to bring you the most information at your fingertips when you're planning a trip. AND, on their blog, they are featuring interviews by locals about their cities.
So, choose a blog on one of their featured cities. (I like the one on Austin the best, because I lived there for 19 years!) And when you come back to comment on my blog telling me you did it, let me know which city you chose to comment about and WHY. And, yes, I'll be checking to make sure you did it.
If you want to earn EXTRA entries into my contest, feature my giveaway in a post on YOUR blog. That'd be great! I'll give you two extra entries in addition to the first one. (one plus two equals three) Feel free to copy and paste the first or last picture in this post that features the giveaway name.
Sound like fun? It should be. You see, my sister works for Uptake, and I want to bombard her with comments. I don't think she believes we bloggers can take her site by storm, but we can and we will, right?!! Let's do it, have fun in the process and someone will win something!!
So, before you go, one last thing. Here's our sweet Annie modeling the cowboy hat. Start your engines and let's go!!
This contest ends Saturday night at MIDNIGHT central stardard (Texas time).
Cool stuff....although when the time comes to send it to the lucky winner--Annie might not let you take the hat! :) I also love the graphics at the beg. and end of the post-where are they from?!
I actually may have a hard time giving away this stuff. After I bought it all, I thought about keeping it for myself...but where's the fun in that?!
istock.com is where I got the graphics.
Fun contest. I went to the site and checked out Cleveland. I am from here but wanted to see what was written about our exciting city. I actually read about a new place to visit so very cool. I will try to remember to mention your contest on my blog tomorrow. But, I am so not in the mood to write tonight. I'll try to get it done.
I just went to Uptake and wandered around some. Of course there are many places to go, such interesting sites to see, but I ended up settling on San Francisco.
The date of the blog I left a comment on is:
March 19, 2008
Wordless Wednesday
Coit Tower, San Francisco
I went to San Francisco in 1983, right after graduation from high school. I won a state competition and had to go to California for the nationals. Didn't win there, but no biggie, I got a little taste of a very neat place. We spent alot of time watching presentations and doing the competition part so it wasn't all vacation. And I was young. Only 18. So if I could go back now it would be awesome. I loved Muir Woods and would definitely go spend time there again. I didn't get to Alcatraz, only around it in San Fran Bay, so next time, tour of the prison for sure! The cable cars weren't running? I don't think so anyway, so I'd do that too. And of course we'd eat lots of Rice-A-Roni!! LOL
I'll get to passing on the info. of your fun giveaway a little later.
I really need that hat because it touched annies fur and basically my dog lusts after Annie, and I guesss my dog is gay becasue her name is Amy...
Anyway, I posted on the granite picture in Lake Tahoe, becasue who doesn't like lake tahoe?
you texas gals are so generous! i commented on detroit. while i'm a mississippi al myself, my dad grew up in detroit and always regals me w/ stories of the city.
I checked out a few posts, but commented on Cleveland. Why? There was no Indiana post. :( But, I LOVE your giveaway goodies!
Indy (Gina) - I'm so glad you went by Uptake and learned something new about Cleveland! Very cool. I can totally understand not being in the mood to write. I get that way often.
Crystal Chick - What did you win in your state competition and go to finals for? I'm dying to know. And, I have never been to Muir Woods but would LOVE to go there. I've heard awesome things about it.
Insane Mama - That's great your dog lusts after my Annie, but I'm not sure she swings that way. lol
Quite Contrary - Mississippi is quite a ways from Detroit, that's for sure! Thanks for participating!!
Angie - I'm sorry there was no Indiana post. Maybe we can change that. :o)
cool giveaway Rhea! I'm going to bow out this time, but maybe I'll be around for the next one.
have fun!
Ok, Carrie/Gremlin Wrangler. Thanks for coming by! I love your new photo site, btw. And your new books sound hilarious. I can't wait to read them.
Howdy Rhea~
I won't be entering the contest, but I still wanted to tell you how COOL this giveaway is!
And I REALLY like the graphic you created for it!
Very...Peter Max! (Yellow Submarine)
Hey...I might reconsider if you would give Annie as a prize. She is SO precious!
Ron - Hey, thanks for stopping by! I'm afraid Annie isn't part of the deal. We couldn't do without her! I agree, she's precious. :o)
So the Uptake site is down. I tried. I'll try again, but I TRIED!
I need a sweet hat like that. Boy howdy do I.
I'll be back.
Visited uptake - check
Left comment on D.C. page - check
Posted your generosity on my blog - check
Making room in my house for fab new cowboy hat - CHECK!
Can't wait to see who wins! What an AWESOME prize package!
Ok, so it's late and I didn't read the directions so well. The reason I posted about D.C. is because I think it's a totally cool place to visit and the Newseum that I saw in April really made an impression on me. I will definitely visit that place again!
HOMEWORK! I come over to say hi and I get homework! Sheesh! Just kidding. Well I'm off to prove you right and show your sister the power of the blog. TTFN!
Oh, and way too cut pictures and graphics. Did you do the graphics yourself? You are so talented!
TTFN again!
I'm baaaaaack!
Totally exhausted of course, 'cause I had to run all the way to Hawaii and back. You got there before me, I noticed. And why Hawaii? Sunsets, snorkeling, lava tubes, vocanoes, smokin' hot lava.......... I could go on and on and on...........
Off now to finish my homework and post about the contest. TTFN once again!
Ok first of all... I almost DIED when I read that you met Brad Pitt... but then I just about messed myself with laughter when I read the next bit!!!
And secondly! WOW!!! You are soooo generous to give away these things and do this for your sissy!
I'M IN!!!! :-) xx
so, i'm defintely in love with your hat. and your sis' blog/uptake is super cute.
i <3 tahoe.
PS Annie is TOOOOO cute with that hat on!
Ok! So!
I've left a comment on the latest post, and I did a search for Hawaii because Hubby wants us to go there one day (The surf there rocks!)
I found a gorgeous sunset which I also commented on!
*GiGGLeS* I hope I did it right!
I'm probably too late for the comp am I? With the time difference and all! xx
I was in a business club called F.B.L.A. (future business leaders of America) I had placed, uh, I want to say 3rd for Typing the year before, but senior year I won 1st place for 'Job Interview'. Guess that was my 15 mins. of fame. Up there on the stage as they called all the other names and placements and I was left standing. So it was a free trip to CA paid for by my high school for the nationals. I bought this smart business suit. We're talking navy blue with thin maroon pin stripes, matching maroon shoes, purse, etc. It was the 80's so wasn't as weird as it sounds now. LOL But upon arriving in CA, it seemed that even though it was a national competition, things were more casual and I think I was too over dressed and too uptight about the whole thing. LOL
I ended up placing 11th,
or 12th, or it might have even been 13th?? I was missing my boyfriend (now my hubby) anyway, and got terrible jet lag and some air sickness on the way home but it was still memorable. Muir Woods was impressive!
So.... instead of going on to be business woman of the year... I married that guy and had a couple babies. The business world lost out! hehe
Oh BTW ... does Remy come with all the prizes? He is in the photo so he must! I'd love to win him! He is Such a cutie pie!!! *GIGGLeS* :-P
AND!!!!!! I watched the season Final of lost!!!! And I am VERY emotional about not being able to see it again for a very long time!!! *sniff sniff* xx
Nice job on the graphics, my friend!
Moosh in Indy - I hope you were able to eventually post at Uptake. I checked the site, and you're right, it was down for a while last night.
Angie - I think D.C. is an awesome place to visit! I went there last year with the kids, and loved it. I need to spend more time there though.
Jules - I got the graphics from iStock and then put the text on through the site you told me about, picnik.com! Thanks!
Giggles - Sorry to fool you about Brad Pitt...It was a fantasy of mine. I'm so glad to see you up and running away!! You are NOT too late, the contest still has a couple more days. :o)
KP - Thanks for coming by! Glad you like the hat, even if Brad Pitt didn't see it, right?
Oh Mommy - Thanks for the compliment! Are you entering?
Giggle - No, Remy doesn't come with the prize. Thanks for your sweet words about how cute he is. lol I am so sad about not seeing LOST for such a long time too.
Crystal Chick - the business world definitely lost out!! Thanks for explaining!
I checked out Hawaii..it was such a gorgeous picture, how could I not pick it. Of course, I don't see a trip to Hawaii in my future, but a girl can dream right?
Oh, and I love all of the girly bright stuff you are giving away (and have tons of ideas for the Target gift card...wink, wink)!
Aw, man. I thought for sure you would have a picture of you and Brad Pitt on here. Oh well. :-)
Okay...I have been to Uptake and commented on the Chicago listing. You can so tell it was written by a guy because there is no mention of American Girl store or Oprah. :-) I am working on my interview about Atlanta...but I just sent Bug an email telling her how hard that is to do when we don't actually go into Atlanta.
What a great idea for a contest! I went to Uptake and left a comment on the WW post from yesterday with the adorable toddlers. From there I went to the New York blog because I just went there a few months ago and fell IN LOVE with that city. Hope to go back again someday. Happy Thursday!
I sure hope I did it right. I posted a comment on the Hawaiian Sunset. And Jules sent me this way! I just LOVE her, and I LOVED your "story" about Brad Pitt! Too funny, cause I totally believed the whole thing!
And I want that purse!!!!!!
I'm lovin this Annie in hat made my day I'm sick at moment but will play and post sandy Last week I had a contest and gave away postage my next is August- I'm in tomorrow too sick to sit up at moment booooo
Oooooo I just spotted your 'Top commenters' gadget!!! What I great idea!!! I might steal that one!
And this comment will put me in the lead! woooooooooo!!!! *audience cheers!*
Teeeheeee :-P xx
I wanted to look up Anchorage but I couldn't find where to go :( I will have to keep going back and looking, but I couldn't find where to click.
I posted your giveaway information and links on my blog today!!!!
Wow. I'd do just about anything for a cowboy hat--whether or not it was held by Brad Pitt! I'll head right over and leave a comment.
Very nice prize package! I am originally from AZ so now in PA and miss going to rodeos and fun things like that.
Okay. Brad Pitt or not, I'm entering. I commented on the Santa Fe post!
I'll work on a getting your graphic up on my site.
Have a contest going on my site too!
OK you got me! I was reading the post and when I read that Brad Pitt handed the hat back to you I thought, WOW! Why would she give that hat away? Then I read it was just one of those "Texas tales".
You are to funny!
Ok I went to the site and looked up San Francisco. There was a blog about girls get aways. She wrote about going to see Sex and the City with your friends and told about places to go in town. I love San Francisco.
That site is fun and I've saved it in my favorites. Thats for telling us about it.
I'm putting your give away on my blog and putting you down as a favorite on my blog too.
Hope I win. I love the things you are giving away.
Thanks for signing up for my give away too.
Oh you are such a turkey....Brad Pitt
Bwahahaha...ype you got me, hook line and sinker.
Love the photo of Annie. Gotta love them Texas retrievers
And here I was hoping you were giving away your cute assistant and dog! :)
VERY cool idea!
Ok, Rhea, I did it! I commented on Chicago because I've never been and I want to go to an Oprah taping one day! : ) Congrats on your first giveaway. Very fun for you and us, your faithful following.
FUN! I went over and checked out the blog. It looks great. You should write something up about it for one of my Travel Tip Tuesdays!!!
I posted on the Padre Island post. Did your sis write that (TX and all??) I LOVE SPI, but I havent been for almost a decade. That is tooo long, isn't it?
So much fun, I added your contest to my blog, too!!! Thanks!
So I went and posted a comment on the LA Revealed post. Love the site it's very informative. I am now going to post about this contest. Hope I win I want THAT HAT!
Love UPTAKE. Had never heard of it before. Visited the Chicago site. We have a niece there and these days, you have to go somewhere close to home. I left a comment. Iplan to list your giveaway on my blog, though I don't need any more competition. This is a great package of goodies and I would be a fool not to love every item.
Love the story about your hat. I would retell that one!
Hi Rhea. I visited UPTAKE and found the UPTAKE BLOG and commented on L.A. It's cool to have an updated resource for places you've been or want to go to in the future.
Now enter me for your goody-giveaways!
does annie come with the package?
I just found your site today and I love it! I'm going to have to start to check in on at daily basis!
I checked out Fredericksburg, TX. I first went there to attend a wedding and then later to attend a christening. I can't wait to go back for a long weekend!
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