Today has not started out right.
We were out of milk.
So, the one morning I planned to make the boys eat cereal...
I ended up having to cook.
I didn't budget time for cooking.
It cut into the precious little time I had for blogging this morning.
Blogging is something I really enjoy,
but am woefully behind on doing.
So, sorry, no creativity or photos in this post today.
I'm going into work early, so I can get off work earlier...
so I can make my
complex-seven-year-old's baseball game this evening.
We're out of sandwich meat. I didn't make it to the grocery store last night.
After work, I ended up at a jewelry party. Where I wanted to buy everything.
Have you seen the
Silpada Jewelry?
I don't know what to wear to work.
My husband's grouchy.
My 12 yr old is grouchy.
The 7 yr old is still asleep.
Where are those darn baseball pants from last season?
I can't find the honey to make peanut butter & honey sandwiches.
They don't even really like peanut butter & honey, but that's all I have when we run out of meat.
It's casual Friday at work.
But I hate my only current pair of jeans.
So is it snooty to still dress up?
I feel wholly incompetent.
The dog is following me around like she needs something.
What, Annie?
What do you need?!
My dad just told me he worked out on an anti-gravity treadmill yesterday,
and it was awesome.
What's next, a freaking anti-air breathing machine?!
Sweet Pickles in peanut sauce.
Some days are just grouchy days.
What's your mood today?
Any fun weekend plans?
OH, GREAT, now my blow dryer broke.
Now I get to look frazzled too.
Where are my keys?!