Friday, June 6, 2008

Yet Another Very Serious Interview with the Little People.

Welcome SITStas! Y'all don't be shy! I'm so happy to have you here.
The boys are out for summer, yesterday being their last day of school! So, in honor of this joyous occasion, it's time for another interview with the little people.
Meet tha Playas... (or meet the players)
Remy, the six-year-old

Donny, the eleven-year-old

Annie, the sweet labrador retreiver

As I ask these questions, Remy's answers will always be first, because otherwise he tends to copy Donny's answers (little brothers do that, you know). So, Remy's answers will be in his favorite color, RED. Donny's answers will be second, in his favorite color, BLUE. My comments, interspersed throughout will be GREEN. Following me still? Onward to the fun stuff.

Did you throw the sticky ball that's currently still stuck on the ceiling in the den (going on over two weeks now)?

No. I don't like this question. Donny did it.

No. Remy did it.

Hmmm....Annie must have done it then?

What will you miss about school?


Seeing friends and having something to do all the time. (oh, we can find you stuff to do all the time...hehe)

Where did you sleep last night?

In the backyard (really, Remy? Where in the backyard?) on a couch. (We don't have a couch in the backyard. Ok, moving on.)

On the floor (because we had a guest staying in his room. Why didn't you sleep in Remy's bed, since he obviously wasn't in it?) I don't like Remy's bed. Ok. Moving on.

What did you think of the new Indiana Jones movie and what was your favorite part? WARNING: Don't read from here on if you haven't seen the movie yet and don't want to see spoilers!

It was good! I liked the part where all the knowledge went into that woman's head and the aliens went around.

It was very good. I liked all the parts where they were in the old temples.

What are your summer goals?


Get good exercise every day.

(to survive! and maybe get a tan...with sunscreen)

What kind of summer camp would you like to take?

Basketball camp.

Space camp.

Spa camp?

Here's our wild question for the day...What would Annie do if she met a Martian in the backyard?

She'd butt scootch on it!! (he laughs non-stop at this point)

She'd sniff and lick it.

Now, the boys got to make up their own question...What would you do if you saw mole people popping up out of the ground?

I'd step on them!

I'd grab a camera, take pictures and then run out of there! (he's sooo my child)

I'd take pictures, then blog about it, then get the heck out of dodge. hehe

The interview started to fall apart at this point as the boys tied a balloon (helium & mylar) to Annie's collar, and she was running around trying to get it off. Then she jumped on the bed in my room, causing the balloon to immediately get caught in the fan...and now there is a big mess to untangle when my hubby gets home. (I'm too short to get it!) Lovely. BOYS!!!

That's all for now, folks. I'm leaving this post with pictures of the boys' end-of-year good report card reward/graduation gifts that we bought at Target the other day. Both these items are made by Razor and a LOT of fun.

Remy's PowerWing
And, Donny's Rip Stick.


Keys to the Magic Travel said...

You do the best interviews. You need to come over and interview my girls. Well...when they get back from camp that is. Donny's razor looks really difficult! Is 911 on standby?

Rhea said...

Hey, Kat! I'm having trouble with Blogger's formatting. I'm trying to get more space between each question but it's fighting me. I hate that.

The rip stick makes me nervous, but he's very cautious. He's still new to it. It looks better than a regular skateboard though (which we also have). They wear helmets...but I'll let you know how things turn out. lol

Our surprise guest left this morning.

Valarie Lea said...

I just love these interviews. Remy is such a hoot. Donny seems very level headed.

Well now I am off to Target, but I am not getting one of those things. :)

Angie's Spot said...

Another hilarious installment! So, where DID Remy sleep last night? LOL! And if you find a spa camp, please share the whereabouts with the rest of us. That sounds right up my alley.

crazy4danes said...

Love these interviews!!! I should start doing that with my son...super cute! :D

PS...Good luck with the kids out for the summer!!!! :P

Jeff B said...

I was here yesterday I swear!. My comment went poof. Probably forgot the word verification. ~Sigh~

Moving on...I love hearing about you boys antics.(dog and balloon) It serves as a reminder that my boys are normal too. You know how you wonder sometimes if your own kids are the only ones that do certain things?

It's always comforting hearing other parents stories.

Jennifer S said...

Great interview...Kids say great things.

We have one of those sticky things stuck to our dining room ceiling right now.

Chatterness said...

butt scoot......LMAOOOOOOOOOOOO

Indy said...

Still have that sticky thing on your ceiling? We had to have a repair man get ours down. It was up there almost a year. Love the interview!

Skeller said...

I do so love these interviews. The answers are so very boy, and Rhea, you've got the best touch, lobbing just the right questions. I totally relate to the answer in which the questions are answered. My middle always takes his cue from Big Bro :-)
Have a great weekend!

KG said...

These interviews are fantastic. My favorite response is "I don't like this question" right before blaming it on his brother.

That's fabulous!

Kiera said...

Love those green comments! :) Cute boys you've got.

Anonymous said...

aaaah, boys. love love love 'em. I tried that rip stick last weekend - impossible!!

Keys to the Magic Travel said...

Oh, I hate blogger formatting. It does some really really strange things. Especially when you try to add pictures. Then whatever you have accomplished goes out the window. What drives me the craziest is when I do my recipes. I do not want my list of ingredients to be double spaced. But it won't do it any other way. I just give up and press publish and eat a peanut m&m.

Andrea said...

What is the deal with everyone and their sticky ball on the ceiling? I feel so left out!

That is what summer conversation should be-nothing too mind boggling, a few easy goals and laughter.

Jules said...

Woo hoo for summer. Love the conversations you have. And I think my boys want to play electronic games all summer. As if.

Who's the cute chick on your blog profile? Can it be? No way! It's you! And I LOVE the pink hat.

Insane Mama said...

I'm wondering about Annie and the Balloon mess...
Your kids wear helmets? Mine don't! They sneak them off as soon as they get down the street!

Unknown said...

great stuff and the smiling aNNIE TOO

the mama bird diaries said...

funny post. sounds like a fun summer.

CrystalChick said...

What beautiful children you have. Of course Annie is a sweetie too. Fun interview. We liked Indiana Jones! Iron Man was terrific too.
Rhea, thank you soooooo much for your order. I will get them packed and sent out first thing Monday so Wed/Thur you should receive it. :)))
Hope you are having a nice weekend.

Rhea said...

Valarie - Did you get anything good at Target? The PowerWing seems to be a much bigger hit than the Rip Stick...and SAFER.

Angie - Remy slept in my I knew he was telling a story about sleeping in the backyard on a couch. lol I'm still searching for that spa camp.

Crazy4Danes - Please do some interviews with your son! That'd be fun. How old is he?

Jeff - I'm sorry your comment went poof. It's frustrating when that happens. No boys are normal. lol Just kidding. I know what you mean though. I always feel better hearing other parents' crazy kid stories also.

Rhea said...

Jennifer H - No way! You have a sticky ball on your ceiling too?! I thought I was the only one. lol

Chatti Patti - I am determined to catch Annie with my camera when she does the butt's HILARIOUS.

Indy - NO way! A year?! I was taking bets to see how long it might last...I figured it was going to fall any day now. Shoot. A repair man?! Did it do damage to the ceiling?

Susan/Skeller - Thanks for your sweet compliments! I guess I have some talent interviewing kids...useful? Not really. lol

Tranny Head - I think his evasion tactic isn't working, what do you think? I wish we could all answer questions we didn't like with the "I don't like this question" reponse. hehe

Kiera - Thanks for your sweet comments!

Uberburber - I haven't tried the rip stick yet...I'm sure I'd end up on my butt. It seems hard. The Power Wing looks much cooler.

Rhea said...

Kat - I'll remember your advice. Press publish and eat a peanut m&m. lol Love your style, girlfriend! Are your kids back now?

Andrea - I had no idea so many people had sticky balls on their ceilings! We need to start a support group. lol You can always join know how...(buy a sticky ball and hand it to the kids).

Jules - I actually took a picture of myself yesterday and put it as my profile pic, crazy huh?!! I can't promise I won't change it again...but for now, it's here to stay. Thanks for your sweet words. Cute chick. hehe

Rhea said...

Insane Mama - Hubby came home and had to undo the balloon stuck in the ceiling fan. Annie has recovered and hopefully doesn't have PTSD from it. Although, what we did to her today might have scarred her for life...more on that later.

My kids wear helmets most of the time but not always, I'll admit.

Sandy - I have to include a smiling Annie pic, always. She's a sweetie pie.

Mama Bird Diaries - To think, yesterday was our first official day of summer here. Lots more crazy stories to come...

Crystal Chick - Thank you for your sweet comments on my boys and Annie. I was very excited you finally got a shop up and going, and I love the work you do. You need to get more stuff online...I'd have bought more. :o)

Keys to the Magic Travel said...

Rhea--Yep...the party is over. Kiddos are home. I cannot believe I forgot to bring my camera to church when I picked them up. You should have seen Madalyn and felt her hair. Oh...gross, gross, gross. It was matted...sticky...and crispy. And her clothes. OMG. She'd spilled some sort of koolaid on it...and there were dirt/oil/something black on them. She was a sight. And she said she'd actually taken a shower that day. HA!

And then...unloading their suitcases. Again...OMG. One bag had her sleeping bag, a pair of panties, and one sock. So much didn't make it home. And...she didn't put her shampoo and stuff back into a ziplock, so it leaked out all over her stuff. Her reply was that at least her clothes smelled nice. ACK! Things are back to normal here...

(Bet you didn't know that simple question would get you a dissertation did ya?!)

Rhea said...

Love the gross descriptions, Kat. Ewwwww!!!!

~**Dawn**~ said...

OMG the balloon tied to the dog... that must have been so funny! Probably less so when it got stuck in the fan but still! LOL!

Gene Bach said...

She'd butt scootch on it?


Awesome interview!

Utter Basketcase said...

HAHAHAHA They are such little characters!!! Love it! xx

EmmaP said...

ok - I LOVE the whole "interview" thing. I wish I was briliant enough to come up with that on my own!!! Perhaps I shall "steal" your idea...not copyrighted, i hope???

trash said...

That rip tide thing is fabulous. Babyman aspires to these. One day, one day.......

Camille said...

Spa camp- that is a fabulous thought? Does spa camp really exist? If not, it should....pure heaven.

Buttons and Dots Photography said...

Kids are so funny. At least they lasted all of 4 wquestions, that has to be a record!

Casey's trio said...

Happy SITS day and thanks for commenting on my blog today:) I love the idea behind this post and cannot wait until me girls are old enough to do this with.

Claremont First Ward said...

I don't think I've read any of your "feature" posts. This is so great! And to think the summer is basically over......

Unknown said...

Happy sits day! Too cute those kids are... and I hate balloons and ceiling fans, but I do like driving animals nuts (in a good way, not in a go-look-in-the-yellow-pages-for-your-local-SPCA-number way)

Jodi said...

What a fun thing to do with your kids!!

Heather said...

Ooooh there is nothing worse than a balloon tangled in a ceiling fan! We have a ceiling fan in our living room, which has a cathedral ceiling, so the fan is approximately 14 feet off the floor. Talk about too short... We also have a kid who loves balloons.

I wish I could say that we've only ever had a balloon get ensnared in a moving ceiling fan once, but, ahem.

Love the interviews! Did Donny get to go to Space Camp? :)


Summer said...

I'm glad I'm not the only one who comments on comments. ;) Do people usually go back to the same post and check the comments again? No. But we just have to get the last word on our own blog.
Don't worry.
I'll be back.

What A Card said...

Oh, what a fun idea to interview your kids! Very well done, and fun!

I hope they had a fun must be back to school time already, huh?

Unknown said...

Oh, how I hate to disillusion you but getting the balloon caught in some thingy or other for the AC and starting a fire- is way worse than the ceiling fan. Not that I would know or anything *rolls eyes* and yes I swear they are all girls.
God only knows what the grandson will do to top putting the dog out the window on the roof.
Hehe really cute interview with your boys.

Creative Junkie said...

That was a cute interview! I actually tried to do the same thing with my girls, but it didn't work out. I might have to try again.

Kathi Roach said...

Fun interview! What is with those sticky balls and sticky hands??? We've got a nice green stain and a nice blue stain on 2 of our ceilings from those lovely things. Nobody through ours up either....I guess Annie must've been here.

Heather said...

What a great idea! I need to interview my kids soon; never done that before. Great blog and scrapbook material, both.

Congrats on being the featured SITSta of the day! Brace yourself for all that love headed your way!

Caroline said...

That was great! I especially love the butt-scooching comment because I think it is beyond hysterical yet slightly gross when dogs do that. I do know the real reason they do that, but I will spare this public forum of such content.

Lori said...

Hey, let me know when you find that spa camp, 'kay?!

Anonymous said...

Spa camp sounds great to me! Especially after fighting off the mole people. Yikes!

Love the things little people come up with.

Happy SITS day!

angela | the painted house said...

Poor Annie's itchy bum.

I'll so join you for spa camp!

EmBee said...

Your 'Annie' looks a lot like our yellow lab, Anna.

Justine said...

This was GREAT! Never have heard of anyone interviewing their own kids to post on the blog, but what a great idea! I may have to STEAL this from you, if you don't mind!!!!!!!!!!!

Justine :o )

Tracy P. said...

What a great way to have fun with your kids!

Aubrey said...

I've visited your blog once before when you had an interview. These are great!

Unknown said...

I want to join you at Spa Camp!

Anonymous said...

Oh my! I spit coffee out at the "butt scootch" comment. Yeah, I have 6-year-old humor.

Happy SITS Day!!

thotlady said...

Very funny! Congratulations on being the featured blogger!

Ronnica said...

Those rip sticks look like so much fun. They were all the rage in the neighborhood where I babysat last school year.

And butt-scootching aliens totally makes sense for a dog.

katylinvw said...

lol! what fun! those rip-sticks are crazy, it takes some serious coordination! i tried it out at wal-mart the other day . . . not pretty, loL!

katylinvw said...

lol! what fun! those rip-sticks are crazy, it takes some serious coordination! i tried it out at wal-mart the other day . . . not pretty, loL!

Anonymous said...

Congrats on your sits day!! I love it!

Tinabean said...

Congrats on being featured at SITS!
The interview your kids is a cute idea, they say the funniest things.
My 13 year old has a rip stick & he loves it.

Melanie Dickens said...

My boys would so not go for being interviewed. I would get the -Mom this is stupid face. Your boys did great. Really funny.

Sunshine said...

THAT was totally awesome!

Your boys and Annie are so fun!

♥ Becky ♥ said...

Happy SITS day!!!!!
I love when bloggers interview their kids. I'm gonna have to do this real soon with my son. The daughter would have no time for it.

Peggy said...

Congrats on being in the SITS spotlight!

When interviewing children, you never know what you will get!

Party of 5 said...

Gotta love kids.

Congrats on your SITS feature! A great way to start my monday. It was the frist day of school here.

Lisa@BlessedwithGrace said...

Very clever idea for a post. How fun to include the boys. Congrats on being the featured Saucy Blog, today.

Angie's Spot said...

So, this will be my 2nd comment on this entry. It's still hilarious! Congrats on your feature day!! You SOOO deserve it. :-)

Shannon said...

The things kids say!

Happy SITS day!! :)

Rachelle Lynne said...

Ahhhh...sticky balls, gheckkos, lizards, worms, all of those on the ceiling for WEEKS!

Great post! Congrats on your SITS day!

Andie said...

I'd love the name of your spa camp... did you ever find one? I can soooo see my children doing the same as your kids... thank goodness we don't have a dog!

Untypically Jia said...

LMAO That was hilariously fantastic!

Live.Love.Eat said...

Eat your heart out Barbara Walters! Congrats on being featured today!!!

Jules said...

Congrats on SITS today. Hope you're swamped! :)

AJ @ A Little Bit Nutty said...

I couldn't stop laughing at the "butt scootch". That sounds like something mine would say.

Congrats on your SITS day!

Sherri said...

Great Interviews!!! You are great!!!

Holly said...

Spa camp, hee hee!

Darn, I was hoping to get Annie's take on things too. ;)

Anonymous said...

What a great idea, kid fun!
I love the mole people comments. So cute.

Stephanie said...

It can be so interesting, and downright funny, to talk to kids like this! I like the question (and answers) for the ball stuck on the ceiling.

Anonymous said...

Great interviews. And I agree with Remy, dogs butt-scootching are always hilarious. Congrats on the feature.

Jess NBP said...

Happy SITS DAY!!

LOL at the interview!! Their gifts look awesome.

MomDot Street Team more than just moms.

wendy said...

Congrats on the SITS feature! Cute interview!

Kelly said...

So cute! You're boys are very funny.
Congrats on your SITS day; bask in your comment love!

Threeundertwo said...

What a great idea - using different colors. Made it so easy to keep the playas straight!

Congratulations on your SITS day!

Linda S said...

congrats on your SITS day! wonderful familiy!

Anonymous said...

On second thought, life with boys sounds pretty fun. Tying a balloon to the collar and then getting it stuck in the fan--I'd so be in on that.

Adiel | Rose Gold Lining said...

Those rip sticks are nuts. I don't dare to ride on lest I fall flat on my face!

Nessa said...

I love the interview! Your house sounds a lot like mine!

I love your blog design!

KatBouska said...

Cute! Isn't it fun to pick your kids' brains. Talking to them is so important!!

Rela Pantaleon said...

Annie has no lines??? :)

Tiffany said...

Sign me up for spa camp!!!

Melissa Lester said...

Spa camp? Love that idea!

Cristin said...

I love your interviews!! Butt scooch...cracked me up...

Happy SITS day.. a day late...D'Oh!!!!

Cristin said...

I love your interviews!! Butt scooch...cracked me up...

Happy SITS day.. a day late...D'Oh!!!!

Jennifer P. said...

Can't believe I missed your SITS day! Hope it was wonderful and marvelous ;)!

Loved that interview---I could just see everything happening. And what would I do if I saw little people popping up out of the ground? While-- eat them of course :)!

Oh==that was bad. Think maybe I need more sleep....

Off to read your next one!

Kaza said...

So sorry I missed your day yesterday. But it's never too late to comment! Cute interview.

Michelle said...

Congrats on the feature! What a cool feeling, right?

I love the interview. And how easy is that Rip Stick to use? I'm thinking when Mister Man is about 20 years older, that would be a good one for him to have. Ok, maybe not quite 20 years.

And you can seriously decide on camp that late in the year? Apparently around here, parents need to sign up in January! Yeah, we've done no camps to date ;)