Thursday, July 31, 2008
Wednesday, July 30, 2008
From my soul to your sole.
I grew up on a ranch here. My memories and my heart will always have a home in the country.
And this week, as we drive six hours to the Guadalupe River to swim and be with family, we will once again pass this familiar landmark...the fence of boots.
My mom stopped one year and took pictures, so here they are to share with you.
Tuesday, July 29, 2008
Inside out?

Ummm, excuse me, can you repeat that?
I don't even begin to know how to answer this question.

Treasure Hunt
Because watching TV all day is really lame.
To find the treasure, follow the clues
And play fair, or everyone will lose.
The next clue is where Mama blogs,
Is she the guiltiest of being a computer hog?
Here are the boys with their first clue, ready to go hunting for treasure! They were excited and even willing to put up with me and my camera for the occasion.
Head to the place you get water on the floor.
A treasure awaits you, if you’ve been good.
In the place where you bath often, or at least you should.
Monday, July 28, 2008
Saucy Chef
If you haven't discovered SITS yet, you really need to stop by and check it out.
And, they're having an awesome giveaway this week, for a Apple 4G iPod Nano in Silver! Seriously cool.
Sunday, July 27, 2008
Saturday, July 26, 2008
King Kachi - Camera Critters

I was reading Lane Boyz Mom's blog the other day, KooKoo For Cocoa Puffs, and she had some posts about her cats, who were apparenting starving and letting her know it...and once she bought them food, they dissed it. They're food snobs!
Anyway, this reminded me of my mom's cat, Kachi. I love cats but we can't have any in our house because my hubby's allergic to them. So, Kachi is our adopted cat...we love him when we go visit.
Kachi is weird a way that all cats seem to be. If he can SEE the bottom of his bowl, he starts complaining, LOUDLY. Even if there's still food in it, just a hint of the bottom peaking through causes instant upset.
He is housemates with a big black lab...and totally king of the castle. He's in charge of the dog.
He loves to escape outside...for about ten minutes, living dangerously in the bushes...
then he's back at the door ready to come back in.
He has to drink bubbly water. He drinks with his paws. It's the strangest thing I've ever seen.
I could go on and of his nicknames is Alarm Kitty. He's hilarious. I laugh from afar, because I don't have to live with him...
We totally love King Kachi.
Grab a camera and a critter and join in Camera Critters!
Friday, July 25, 2008
Ask...and I just might answer

My Homage to Tequila.
Let me say, first of all, that I never drink. Seriously. Practically NEVER. However, I was in Mexico with my husband and NO kids, at a Mexican wedding and there was tequila being passed out like it was water...and we had a huge bus to take us back to our hotel. I didn't know it at the time, but I was a goner the minute I got to that wedding.
Two years ago, our good friend John was marrying a beautiful girl in Mexico City. My Texas Homeboy was asked to be a groomsman, so we flew down there for the wedding. We left our cute boys behind because we heard children get kidnapped a lot down there.
The wedding was gorgeous and held in some 16th century chapel. It was elegant and amazing.
Behold, batteries on the table!
I might know this guy.
I think he's had too much tequila as well.
Yep, he looks familiar.
We didn't make it back to our hotel until the party was over...
at like 5am the next morning.
It was one helluva a wedding