Welcome SITStas! Y'all don't be shy and come back soon, ya hear?

Sunday is a good day for confessions, right?
I admit, I probably shouldn't have done it. The boys bought this weird, soft, squishy, green tie thingy at Home Depot when we were there for the Saturday Kids' Workshop, and it was so much fun to play with.
I think I got carried away. I imagined I was at a rodeo and in the calf-tying contest. We were all on the floor petting Annie, and I did it.
I hog-tied her.
It didn't hurt her, I promise!
She might have looked at me like I was crazy though...
Is it bad I stopped and took pictures before untying her?
I'm bad, I know.
I set a bad example for my kids...then I blogged about it.
My husband thinks I'm nuts.
Sometimes I get a wild-hair to do something weird, I admit.
So, forgive me. I did wrong.
But, I can't promise I won't do it again...
maybe the kids next time.
You're hilarious! I can't say that I wouldn't have done the same thing.
Hehe! I'm impressed with your talent. And at the patience Annie has. Poor Vader wouldn't have been able to sit still that long :)
I think that Annie took it with much more good humor than Donny Remy would...but, I would like to see those pics! :)
You know what they say...it's always better to ask for forgiveness than for permission. I still can't believe you hog tied your dog. But, can I borrow your green thing to do it to my kiddos? They have been home for 24 hours and I am already pining for next year when they'll both go again :-)
Hilarious! Poor Annie. What a good sport. Now, what aisle at Home Depot can I find that green squishy thing on?
I want some for my kids. Poor puppy.
Poor, poor Annie. She puts up with a lot, doesn't she?!? But hey, she gets to sleep on a bed (which is more privilege than my poor doggie gets), so it's not all bad all the time ;-)...
I am so relieved everyone took this in good humor. I was a little nervous you might sick PETA on me. Whew.
Jennifer H - I'm glad you might have done the same thing.
Vader's Mom - Annie is super patient. She lets Remy climb all over her, enough said! lol
Alison - If I tie up the boys (and gag em) then I'll definitely take pictures and share.
I Beati - Yeeeehawwww!!
Kat - I'm with you on the forgiveness rather than permissionn thing. I have now added one more picture to the post that shows the green stuff I used. The boys each bought a package (because I'm a great mom) and they immediately made a green spider web in the car on the way home. Kids!
Angie - It was in the plant section. I think you can use it to tie your tomatos to a post or something.
Laura - Poor Annie, I know. She's such a sweetie.
Susan/skeller - Annie does put up with a LOT but you're right, she's pampered too.
Who hasn't done something to their pet for savage amusement? Anyway, PETA would be the last people I'd call, bunch of crack pots. In fact, I'm going to eat some processed chicken right now just for them.
Too funny... what a lovely dog you do have! Our Great Dane Cosmo was this patient too - he was harrassed constantly by kids who thought he was a horse, and would try to ride him. He would just sit there til they got tired of it then walk off with a very long-suffering look on his face. God I miss him!
I'm thinking PETA is like our RSPCA (Royal Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals)??
Love the scars story too... gives me an idea for a post on my blog sometime. My scars are many, varied and quite scary. Not sure the world is ready for it!
Lovely to visit your part of the world!!
Complaint Department Manager - Oh, let's hear what you've done to your pets! PETA is a little nutty, I agree. They go way overboard.
Bush Babe - Cosmo sounded like a great dog. I love Great Danes. PETA stands for People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals, so it does sound like your RSPCA. Do a post on scars, sounds like it would be interesting! Thanks for stopping by!
LOL I think it is funny and such a good doggie!
Annie was loving it I saw her smile..
This wasn't the first time was it?
Shannon H - Glad you enjoyed our craziness! Annie is a wonderful dog.
Insane Mama - She didn't mind. She seemed a little confused though, I admit. It WAS the first time, I swear. lol
Only in Texas!
Now that was funny!!
Oh Rhea: You are one crazy girl. And what were your kids while this was going on? Oh.......... and if my kids saw this, they'd probably start tying up each other!
That dog's looking at you like, "You're kidding right? Can you take it off now?" LOL!!!
I posted the second half of my family history story of you're interested.
That's what we call a FUN mom. And Sweet Annie is such a good sport. I can't say that Finn would have sat through such an ordeal!
LOL funny! Annie is a good sport...she's like my Russia...she doesn't care what we do as long as she's included! :D
Holy CRAP that is hilarious! The best part is, I have a lab too, and they are so easy going and docile, I could TOTALLY see my Tucker laying there all trusting and easy going too! LOL
Oh I love that you are such a big kid! (Like me - I will NEVER grow up!!)
I'll help you tie the kids up, and we can tickle their noses with feathers when we're done! *GIGGLeS* xx
And the dog is looking at you so patiently like whenever you are finished please let me know.
I am not sure what is means when our dogs are more mature than we are. hahaha
Never a dull moment! I'd love to see what you can do with bubble wrap, silly putty and a Pez Dispenser! Lol!
Congrats on being today's FB!!!
I've got to get some of that stuff.... I already have ideas! I love your blog header.
Enjoy your day of comment love.
Since nobody got hurt in the process, I think you are okay. Your dog just looks like she's waiting for a treat....there has to be a treat involved after sitting quietly through that game right?
hahaha. Annie seems to love being hog tied!
Please see previous SPCA comment :)
I think you and I would have WAY too much fun together.
LOL! Your poor dog!
Oh man, I'm chuckling aloud at those pictures. Seriously LOL.
It looks like you have one great dog! :D
That's a little nuts.
But completely hysterical.
And I LOVE that you took pics so you could blog about it!
Okay, kids next. But to be fair, you must stop and take pictures before you untie them... ;D
If it had been your kids, I would be looking at you funny but your dog? Nah - she looks pretty calm about it. And of course you took pictures of it! That's what any good blogger would do - we would expect nothing less!
So flippin' funny. Poor Annie, she is just looking at you like wtf?
Ummm, I have a three-year-old boy that could use this once in a while. Can you come over and teach me?
Just kidding. Kinda. Seriously, if you met Gabe, you would know what I mean.
That is too funny. You know that while the kids are so young you can blame it on them, right?
You have YEARS left of getting them to think it was their bright ideas. ;)
Looks like you have a great family dog. Ours are babies like that and umm included more than they might have chosen were they given a chance.
But, they are even more spoiled than the girls so I don't think they are complaining. One of the nicest things people say to/about us is that when they croak they want to come back as one of our dogs. Bet people say/think the same thing about you.
I'm adding you to my blog list so I can keep up with the antics- now that we have Ian (grandson) I need to know what to expect from boys.
That's AWESOME! I have never thought to do that, but it seems like something I would think up. Even though our dog is trusting, I don't think he would let me do that. He will run if I come at him with the claw clippers.
It could be worse - you could be dressing that dog in costumes and outfits. I'm just saying...
She doesn't look distressed at all. I'm all about hog-tying the kids...you said Home Depot, right?
Congrats on the SITS feature, I love your blog and will definitely be back!
I know you must be enjoying your SITS day!
Aw, the poor trusting puppy.
Do you think you could use that thing to do something about the rabbits in my garden? Happy SITS Day!!
OMG! Animal abuse! Animal abuse! Someone call the authorities! ROFLMAO!!!!!!!!!!!!!! You're a wack-job! I think I love you!
Justine :o )
Now THAT is funny. Let's hope PETA doesn't catch wind of this post!
This is something I could totally see myself doing to our cat and on occasion, my Toddler. I kid, I kid!!
Poor doggie. She's too cute! And you're confession is too funny. That's one very trusting dog.
Glad to have found you through SITS.
What a patient doggy!! Isn't it crazy what we do to our pets for the sake of entertainment!?!?
If you had did it to your kid, then it would have been going to far. But a dog who patiently complied? That's just funny.
If you had did it to your kid, then it would have been going to far. But a dog who patiently complied? That's just funny.
lol! my dog never would have stood for this! enjoy your SITS day!
Let me know when you tie up the kids, so I can bring mine over too!! lol...
I think that you are my long lost sister.
I do stupid stuff like this to entertain myself all the time!
Hilarious. I get these wild ideas sometimes. My kids just look at me like I'm crazy and go on.
If Annie's anything like our dog, she is just glad you're touching her...ha ha...Poor Annie!
It reminds me of this cat we used to have. I had a Ziggy doll and I took Zig's little t'shirt off and put it on my cat. Her reaction was HILarious. I don't know what she was thinking, but she just dropped...she thought she couldn't move or something. She was like paralyzed. She didn't move an inch. It was so sad and funny at the same time.
Happy SITS day!
That is so cute. But I'm thinking next time maybe it should be the husband.....I'm just sayin.
Your dog is so gorgeous!!!!
It's obvious that Annie trusts you by the way she is letting you hog tie her. I'd say no harm done. (But you might want to delete the incriminating pics from your blog once your SITS day is over.)
Oh, this reminds me that I need to go get some of that stuff at HD today. (Insert evil laugh here)
Thats it Ramsey is on his way to get Annie to run away with him. Oh wait nevermind he likes his home too much. Lazy bum. He'd never make it. He is eyeing Annie though...he thinks she is cute.
Congrats on your SITS feature.
LOL! LMFAO! That is FUNNY! Although I would most likely have done it to all 3 kids AND my husband first! LOL!
Very patient dog... LOL If you do tie up the kids, please blog about it... :)
Anything for a laugh....and a blog photo :)
I love it! You have a patient dog. My dog would have had a cow.
Congrats again!
WOW!!! I might have to try that on my kids!!
So funny! What a sweet dog she is ;) I dressed mine up as a ghost for Halloween last year...pretty much, she wore a pillowcase and couldn't figure out the eye holes. She loved it ;)
You know, sometimes hog-tying the kids doesn't seem like too bad of an idea...
But I probably won't anyway! ;-)
What a good natured dog Annie must be.
That's hilarious!! Fun memories!!
Annie is a cutie.
MomDot Street Team
What a good dog. No harm no foul. Congrats again on the SITS feature.
I totally would have done the SAME thing!! LOL! :)
Annie is such a good, patient dog!!
too funny! Annie is a sweetie! our dog would have freaked!
That's an awesome idea for tying up the kids! I'm going to steal that one. After all, I have blogged about imprisoning my child. And I took pictures too.
Love it! I'm evil with my camera too, Can't help it!
Congrats on your SITS feature!
Howdy! ;) I'm from Dallas too - McKinney! You near there? I found you via SITS! Love the post. Your poor dog! I use to trap my cats when I was a kid under laundry baskets, and said it was in a case like at the pound. LOL.
This totally made me laugh. Pets are fun to mess with.
How funny! I am always wishing I had my camera for things like that. My DH thinks I'm crazy too! Your dog is a cutie and a great sport. looks like ya'll know how to have fun!
That's IT Rhea! I'm calling PETA.
Hahahaha!!! Poor Annie - completely trusting...
Wow, even if I thought of doing that, I wouldn't know how to execute it. Maybe you should do a tutorial for us wannabe cowgirls. Or did they teach this at the Home Depot?
I can think of so many people I'd like to hog tie...
Better the dog than your kids, right ;)?!
Good girl, very smart of you not to post the pictures of your kids hog tied. You lawyer husband gave you good advice not to post those ;)
Just thought I'd post and up your comment count! He he......
Aw, cute doggie!
Now this is a dog you know you want in your house! How sweet and patient (and adorable, of course)!
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