Two years ago, my sister, The Bug, had a bachelorette party that ended up being a little unusual.
We went out to her finance's family's land in the hill country to spend the weekend and have fun.
It was the Bug and I and a handful of her close friends.
We had a blast, drank alcohol, played charades, and then discovered a critter under the porch.
Can you tell what that is?
And totally freaked out.
And drinking mimosas.

which apparently freezes the snake...or in our case, just slows it down a little.

If you want to join Camera Critters on Sunday, grab a camera,
take a picture of any animal and post it online.
You don't have to tell a story, and one picture will do just fine.
See, Now I am thinking that might be a buzz kill.... but sounds like your sister really enjoyed it... Nothin like them Texas shindigs with a Little Diamond back thrown in...
wow. that is so incredable. :) i would have been trying to take pics of it too. you got some good ones!!
intersting to know that a fire exstinguisher will freeze them or slow them down at least. i never heard of that. :)
and to your sister...
please... please, PLEASE... let Rhea post the pictures of you. :) pretty please with sugar on top. :)
great job Rhea with the critter pictures. :)
So scary! I really get scared of snakes. It's good that you guys killed it. Glad the party went on!
Ewwwwww.... I'm doing the ewie dance right now.
oh my!!!! you are so brave to take those photos... we encountered a rattle snake once on a hike.. i ran the other way! (my husband however had to check him out!)
*shiver* that is one scary snake!
Not a fan of snakes, but we always seem to run into them on our outings :(
That would have freaked me out!
I played too :)
I want to see Bug in her veil with a snake! When I was little, we used to babysit for my swimming teacher. His baby? A diamond back rattlesnake. It stayed in a cage in our garage. And my mom always talks about going out there to do laundry and the rattle starting...
Holy cow... I'm covered in goosebumps now! I am not afraid of snakes at all, and actually think they are cool... but I do prefer to know where they are and would NOT like to be surprised by a venomous one!!! WOW - that is just crazy!
Great photos to go along with the story! Now... let's talk to your sis about that other photo ;-)
Rhea: Very nice picture of the snake. Now that is an unwanted guest at the party. Diamond Backs can be mean, at least they give you some warning. I don't like snakes. I say the only good snake is a dead one.
Holy cow! What a big guy...snakes are the only critters I'm really afraid of, and being from out West rattlers are the worst.
Great CC!
Well that picture makes my 4 year old feel better about our up and coming trip to Colorado. She now knows we can take off the head of a snake (I told her we could, she just didnt' believe me til this picture)
They sure do blend in don't they I had a smaller vesion on my door jab in February, but Texas ahs a lot of them . That's a bigee too. sk
awe, poor snake. Couldn't you put it in a bucket with a lid, and carry it far away and dump it? Thats what I would've done, even though I probably would've got bitten and died.
We have rattlers here in So Cal too. I've seen a few in my time. We too use the shovel as the weapon of choice... or, a car to run it over... The fire extinguisher is a GREAT idea!
OMG! I would have ran!
Those other photos sound intriguing! :)
Great shot.
This is one of those "only in Texas" kind of thangs. Tell Bug we would love to see the rest! Great series of shots.
Ok, ewwww!!
Gotta love the Texas snakes!
I think I am going to die right now... just seeing the pictures. OH MY GOD. I friggin' hate snakes. Gosh, I even hate worms.
You are some brave bachelorette party girls!
YIKES! That's definitely gonna liven things up!! WOW...
Thanks for dropping by my blog today..
Mountain Retreat
Wow … THAT could have put a HUGE damper on the wedding party! Glad there was a happy ending. Everything goes better with mimosas ;--)
Thanks for dropping by BOTH of my Saturday Camera Critters posts at Small Reflections this weekend!
Hugs and blessings,
Yikes, I'm no fan of snakes either. Glad that little critter didn't ruin your party!
Unwelcome guest, poor thing got beheaded.
wow, I thought MY Camera Critters post was going to make people shudder. Yours takes the cake - I love it! You Texans have some cuh-RAY-zee Bachelorette parties and your sister sounds like a hoot!
Post the dancing w/ snake picture PLEASE? oh, please oh please oh please!
Last summer we had a rattler on our farm. I was standing with the gun and my husband had the hoe. Everytime he'd swing at it he's say, "you S.O.B. I'll teach you to come on my land." I laughed so hard at him!
Whoa!! Now *that* was a Texas party!
OMG you could have warned me! :-S Eeeeeek I don't care if it's dangerous or not, the poor, poor snake :-( *wipes tear* xx
That would have so freaked me out. Add mimosa's into the mix and your talking total total freak out.
Okay, I So did not want to see this. Glad everyone was okay, though.
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