We didn't believe him. That's just not right.
So, he bought some Sprite, we gave him an egg, and he went to work to show us how it was done.
Nothing happens!! It doesn't change at all. We were disappointed. I think Donny left a step out of the process....surely. Or an ingredient. He said you can do this with raw egg or raw meat, and it will cook.

AND, I recently bought these adorable Wrap-a-Latte products that you can get your initial on for your coffee or HOT TEA drinks, to reuse and reduce waste. Isn't it adorable?!! I bought one for my mother-in-law and my mother. And myself, of course, because it was just too cute. I found them originally in a store here in my town, but then also found them online here and here.
I seen a lot of blogs lately talking about road rage, (most recently at Law School Sucks...And so do Lawyers and Amy's Brat Pack) and I just have to share my thoughts about that.
A Southern Gal's Guide to Road Rage Etiquette
1. You don't honk unless someone's about to run into you. It's just rude.
2. You do NOT gesture at other people. You know the gestures I mean. And, if someone makes them at you, you just smile and wave back. It drives them nuts. I think this is called Passive Aggressiveness.
3. If someone really butters your bread, then you have a perfect right to tell your children to cover their ears and then procede to yell away all you want in the privacy of your own automobile.
4. If you're forced to deal with someone face-to-face (say in an accident-type situation or a policeman pulls you over, god-forbid) playing the helpless female is essential and works every time. :o)
Thanks for stoppin' by, y'all!!
Because it's late...I commented on this on the other post. But I'll give all a recap.
Ya'll can also honk at a car that is stopped at a green light. The honking helps the brain to realize that the green they are looking at is the correct shade...and it is now okay to proceed through the intersection. Stupid %*&(%&^!
It wouldn't have surprised me if it had work, with all the yukky chemicals in those soda's. I am like the one woman anti-pop brigade Rhea!
So, do you think I should just respond to each section of your post in individual comments? That way your comment count is padded and I can ease my way back to being the number one commenter? Good for you, good for me.
I'm so curious as to what on earth Donny was doing in Science class. Please email the teacher and find out. It's like a puzzle. And you know how I feel about puzzles. (I can hear the seratonin calling me...)
Kat - quick. pop in a peanut M&M!!
Britgal Sarah - I don't drink soft drinks anymore at all. But they sure taste good...
Kat - I honked a few weeks back at a light when someone didn't turn on the green arrow, and it ended up being someone I kind of know!! I was so embarrassed! I don't know if she realized it was me or not. It was the mother of one of Remy's new friends. Sheesh, just figures, the one time I honk...
Oh, but don't you think this person was embarrased to be sleepin' at the wheel instead of moving along at the green light?!
I need to put peanut m&ms on my grocery list. I keep them in the canisters on my counter. But no one knows what is in them. I once thought I'd blog about my secret...but then everyone in my house would know and my stash would be gone.
Confession is good for the soul.
Oh...and am still not subscribed.
I should have broken this into 10 comments so that my reign would be supreme...But apparently my (your) moral compass wouldn't allow it. I'm still thinking about your Johnny Depp comment and giggling to myself. Especially to think that you thought I might have been offended. LOL
That is hilarious - and mostly because it reminds me of MY science experiments. Like the times we tried and tried and tried to make ice cream with rock salt and it was just rather cold goopy liquid . . . certainly not ice cream-like.
aww adorable, no i have not heard of this, but im sure his teacher will figure it out, anyway i have a lil one who is looseing lots of teeth too!!! he pulls them out his self, im like puuuuleeease dont show me that, eh yuck!!! and i LOVE the lil sleeves for the coffee, i am a starbucks freak....where did you find that?? thanks for the comments, ill be back new blogger buddy!!!
Remy's eyes and the photo of the 3 of them - You are blessed girl !!
I was really intrigued by that experiment! I hope y'all find out what went wrong. We had an experiment where we put a penny in coke, and the coke eventually "ate" the penny. It was either that or our science teacher took it out of the coke when we were not looking and just told us that the coke disintegrated.
I love that little wrap for you coffee cups, and I love the new coffee cup. :)
The road rage thing is awesome! So so true. I mean you still need to be lady like.
So I am trying to get my comment level up there, because you know I was gone for a week. :o)
When I tried to mine on there the other day it made my blog go wacko. I need to try it again.
I haven't heard of that experiment but now you definitely have to talk to the teacher about it so you can post the steps.
I love love that mug!
And that wrap around for cups! Where did you get it?
Ok, we seriously need some answers on this science experiment. I'm so intrigued! And I LOVE your personalized coffee wrap! I have to get one of those, because I've made many a donation at Starbucks.
I want to let everyone know I have edited my post to include links to the companies where you can order the wrap-a-latte sleeves, AND I have emailed Donny's science teacher with questions. I'll let you know when I get an update.
Kat - I take my job as first at a stoplight VERY seriously. So, yes, I would be embarrassed to be caught sleeping on the job. hehe
I'm glad you found my private Johnny Depp joke funny. And super glad you weren't offended.
Tranny Head - Sorry your ice cream attempts never worked. lol
Staci - Welcome! I can't believe your little one pulls out his own teeth! That's impressive. I also don't like to see the wiggling teeth, it kind of freaks me out for some weird reason.
i beati - Aww, thanks! I feel blessed with these little hooligans in my life. And the furry hooligan too.
Valarie - I bet the coke did eat the penny. That stuff is like battery acid (but it tastes soo good!). Good for you, getting your comment level up. :o)
Crystal Chick - I hope the teacher emails me back and isn't on vacation. I'm just dying to know how it works.
Angie - My Starbucks has been trying to cut back on giving out those cardboard wraps to be more conservative, so I think they'll love to see my new wrap. :o)
too bad the experiment was a bust... the look on Remy's face was definitely one of disbelief... too cute...
Love the coffee cozy...and that mug... that's something I would grab if I saw it...
Ummm... I think I need some road rage etiquette lessons...I use gestures... the one you speak of and some others too... I can sign to someone that they 'drive like an a**hole'....
I have done lots of science experiments with both eggs and soda, but never that one! I'd love to hear what was done and what was supposed to happen!
Yeah, I don't see what was supposed to happen. The only thing a soda really has to work with is the CO2, other than that you have acids.
Give your kids huge credit for curiosity in science, that smells like good parenting.
I was on a diet once that suggested cooking a few things in Diet Sprite. I can't remember why, though. It wasn't an egg, either. Maybe chicken, I think. Hope you find out how to pull that one off!
My friend just made me a coffee sleeve. I love it.
Good for trying. I would be so scared to try a science experiment in my kitchen for fear of it blowing up.
Cristin - Oh my gosh, how cool you sign bad words at people! That's totally cool. hehe
Angie - I'm still waiting to hear back from the science teacher. I'm baffled how it's possible...
Complaint Department Manager - Thanks for the parenting compliment. My boys love to learn (at least so far) and I love their thirst for knowledge.
Jennifer H - A diet that suggested cooking things in Diet Sprite? How interesting. Have no idea about that.
Jen - I am a little leery of these experiements, I admit, but so far nothing has blown up....yet.
You will have to keep us updated as far as the science experiment! Bless his heart.. ; )
the other day I was yelling at another car (nothing obscene of course) and my daughter said, "mommy, you need to be nice. When you get mad at people, it makes everybody mad."
Wow, where'd she learn that!
ps in response to kat- we've honked at people who aren't moving through a green light (stupid cell phones) and almost everytime they either flip us off or stick their head out the window and yell (or their passenger does, actually).
And we only honked once, politely.
Ha! Who would have thought???
It would have a very interesting taste to it, thats for sure! xx
Love your rules. Words to live by, that's for sure.
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