I won a bag from Carissa at Good And Crazy People. She makes them herself, and they're so cute!! I really like mine. You can see more of her stuff at Apricot A Lot.
Yesterday, Remy bought an art kit at Michaels, the craft store, a cute dog to paint.
He managed to get paint in lots of other places as well, unfortunately.
And Donny felt he had to try his experiment again, cooking egg in soft drinks.
I've emailed his science teacher in hopes of figuring out this experiment.
I'll let you know when I hear back from her.
We don't have a Barnes & Noble in our small town Texas, so the boys and I hopped in the car today and drove to a nearby town. We were in heaven.

Remy then said, "What's our speed limit?"
hehe....come to think of it, that boy could use a speed limit.
We spent over an hour browsing. I wish I'd had my camera to capture them sitting in an aisle surrounded by piles of books, loving every minute of it.
I was going to end the post here, but then had an unexpected event occur tonight. While doing dishes, a bowl broke and sliced the top of my thumb. Hubby was working late in Dallas, so I piled the kids in the car and drove myself to the emergency center a few blocks away.
I got in just before they closed for the night. They cleaned the laceration and then used silver nitrate to cauterize the wound and stop the bleeding. Just in case you didn't get that...
cauterized = burned.
I almost started crying.
I almost started crying.
Couldn't fill the pain pills at Walgreens due to an error of info on the prescription
and the e-center had closed by this time. Lovely, huh?
So, I'm up, hurting and trying to type with one hand, keeping my other hand elevated while it throbs in time to my heart.
Donny took a picture of it in front of the computer moniter.
You poor dear. Another scar??? I'll pray you sleep well tonight, despite the lack of pain meds...
Oh my! That sounds so painful!
Oh crap. Dishes eh? I'll send good drug dreams your way tonight.
(You'll have to wear that awesome bag on it to camouflage it!)
That's nasty Rhea, get drugs fast today!
Very cute bag and I think it's great you are encouraging your boys to love books. If were within an hour of a B&N, we might be broke :-)
LOVE the purse! :) that is a great bag!! and i love that it is handmade too! :) I wanna win one!!!!
the pics are so cute of the boys laying with the dog watching a movie... this would be a scene at my house as well... my three can't get enough of the dog and she seems to love them just the same. :)
SEE... house work can be harmful!! this is soooo why I'm not doing dishes any more! (I have been looking for a reason, actually looking isn't quite right... feverishly searching and digging, praying, begging and hoping for an answer to not have to do dishes!)
really i don't mind dishes, but that has to suck!! first to cut it... OUCH!! then to have them "BURN" it... wth??? OUCH!!
i hope you are feeling much better soon!!
You poor thing! I hope the throbbing stopped quickly last night and you were at least able to sleep. See, doing dishes is hazardous to our health!
There are few things that bring me as much joy as sitting in a bookstore, looking at all the great titles around and seeing my girls have that same gleam in their eyes. It's heaven!
OH, honey!! Your poor thumb!! I hope you feel better soon.
You poor thing, how long do you have to wear that thing on your thumb?
Cute purse though :o)
What a day you've had. A new purse, sleepy kids, *crafts,* and an emergency room visit. It's Katie's job to do the dishes here. Our dishwasher has been broken for ages - and was just fixed last night - so she is a happy camper. I'll be sure to keep this post a secret from her...don't want her to think she is going to get out of that chore!
Oh darn- Hope it stops throbbin- I love that you give these boys projects for the summer. So great
Thats it, I'm giving up doing the dishes, for my own safety and well being.
You have such a busy life. Always going here and there doing this and that. I am in awe.
I'm glad you survived the day.
Ouch, it looks like a lobster claw in that pic! That sounds so painful. :-(
Yikes! I hope the pain subsided (or you got some meds today)!
Hey, everyone! Typing hurts, so keepin it short today. Got pain meds but can't take em until I'm done running errands for the day (you know, people frown on moms driving kids under the influence of drugs!)
I'm giving up dishes (at least for today). :o)
Oh No! Your poor thumb... what a trooper you are, posting anyway... that's dedication for ya...
Cute purse.
'Speed limit'.. that's adorable.
Jesus, they didn't have dermabond? Or was the cut THAT deep?
I too would like to know the actual process of the whole egg thing. There needs to be something there to interact with the proteins in the egg.
Welcome to the life of the single parent! :-) Hacking yourself and then having to fix it is part of the job description - pull up a chair and a large glass of alcohol!
I hope your thumb feels better!
oh, NOOOO! excellent bandaging job, though. wink.
I wait expectantly to hear the true story about the whole egg cooking thing...!
You poor thing! You never realize how much you use your thumb until it's not there to use. I hope you're feeling better and have either found some new pain relievers are at least poured yourself a stiff drink. (smile).
No package yet, but it takes FOREVER for things to get to Maine (I sometimes think the rest of the country thinks its part of Canada). I'll be sure to send you a note when it arrives: I'm so excited!
Okay, NO more dishes for you. I'm sending my house boy, Sven, right over to help you for a bit. hehe
Hubby got National Treasure 2 for Dad's dad in his goody bag.
Feel better soon!
for Dad's day, I meant. LOL
I love B&N. And Borders. Some of my very favorite stores!
Just found your blog and love it. I cut my index finger on a can lid about a month ago; almost cut my 'fingerprint' off. I hollered for the kids to get dad. Lord, it hurt and looked terrible. He cleaned it up and bandaged it.
Lisa Q
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