Ok, I've got to share about a very special room in our house. It's a room that gets a LOT of usage. Can you guess? Yes, the laundry room gets a lot of use, but it's not constant. I kind of go in waves with laundry. Let it pile up....then wipe it out in one fell swoop...then let it pile up again. But, nope, not the laundry room.
The den gets lots of traffic, kids playing, TV watching, dog chillin', you get the idea. But, that's not the room that gets the most continuous usage...
It's the bathroom, the john, the HEAD, the commode, the sh*tter. More specifically, it's the master bath, MY bathroom. Now, let me start by saying, for the last eleven years of my marriage, I have lived in tiny apartments with one bathroom. ONE bathroom. And, with two boys and a always-busy-bowel hubby, that kept that one room constantly occupied. And messy. One time my oldest son and I both got the throw-up/diarrhea virus, and we had to take turns...he ended up sleeping on the floor in there...it wasn't pretty, my friends. We'll move on now...
So, now we have a bigger home with three bathrooms. Yes, THREE bathrooms. It's luxurious to say the least. It feels sinful. Of course, now my elderly father has moved in, so there are five of us, but still, three bathrooms is MORE THAN ENOUGH. It makes me so happy.
However, the boys still seem to think we have only ONE bathroom. It's puzzling to say the least. Everyone comes to our bathroom to do their business. It has a constant flow of traffic (except for my dad). And, this leads to not only me often sitting down on a wet seat (because my boys have poor aim) but it also leads to a plethora of reading material stored in there.
So, I want to share with you today the varied books and magazines that are currently stacked in my bathroom.
First, My Wall Street Journal and OED are in there to read, because that's all I read...ok, just kidding. I have a few books in there...because I'm always reading, and I've always got more than one book going at a time. They're usually mysteries or smutty fiction or urban fantasy or an occasional Dummies book to tell you how to get your life in order someway or another. I don't pee on the seat, I keep things neat and piled, and I don't leave a mess when I'm done.
Now my hubby. (He doesn't read this blog, or he might kill me.) So, with his being a lawyer and all, maybe I'll say it this way, so I don't get in trouble. HYPOTHETICALLY, there might be man in my life who uses my bathroom and leaves his reading material in there, along with coffee spills and the damn fan running nonstop, never to be turned off. Hypothetically. Allegedly. Quid pro quo.
I'm always wiping up these coffee stains he doesn't seem to notice (please, god, let them be coffee and not something else brown and wet). And, I find the fan running and have to turn it off...all the time. (I'm not convinced that fan thing really works, by the way.) His reading material falls more along the lines of The Art of Cross Examination and funny books by Kinky Friedman, Stephen Colbert and Borat.

Then there are a few articles on the dangers of smoking and how to quit that I printed from the computer and left in strategic places for hubby to find and read...the bathroom being one of them. He read them...and they weren't thrown away...YET. I leave lots of helpful little articles like that for him to read. He never knows what he's going to find in there.
Then, there's the kids. OH boy, here we go. They either have poor eyesight or just can't control their peepees because I'm amazed at where the pee ends up. And, no one seems to believe in lifting the seat anymore, so the seat gets wet with dribbles, and guess who ends up with a wet butt? Me, the sitter. I'm getting better at looking first, but I still don't always. It's never, ever a nice surprise.
Now, Remy (who's six) doesn't read in the bathroom. Instead, he disappears in there and chatters away. To himself or an imaginary friend, I'm not sure. I just now he starts jabberin' away and doesn't stop. I seriously need to record it (just from outside the door, not invading privacy, people!). We all giggle just listening to him go on and on so cheerfully. It's his happy time. He even sings.
Donny (who's elven) reads. Donny has left lots of reading material in my bathroom. There's the Kids National Geographic magazines, which are so cool that I end up reading them too. I've learned some really neat stuff in there. Seriously.

Then he has a small book full of facts about Space and a huge book called Big Book of Living Things that he is always quoting info from. He has one of these in the car that's similar, so I get to hear ALL about as we drive errands. Nonstop facts zipping over my head...
Anyway, back on task. Donny has a baseball card magazine, because he's decided to start collecting those. (Just when I thought we were done with Pokemon cards, that I would find everywhere, now we have MORE cards underfoot.) Then, the kicker, for Donny, there's a book called It's Perfectly Normal; Changing Bodies, Growing Up, Sex & Sexual Health.
The look on Donny's face when he saw this book I bought for him. (Remember, he's eleven) He told me he was NOT reading it.
But, you see, here's the thing, he was sick and missed school the day they had the sex education video and talk at school, so someone has to teach him these things right? I was hoping to leave it to the school but I guess I'll have to be the parent and do my job.
So, I told we could either have THE TALK or he could read the damn book. He chose to read the book.

What is sex?
Our Bodies.
Familes and Babies
Staying Healthy.
It covers being straight or gay, different body types, what kind of physical contact is ok or not ok, how making babies happens, what your body goes through during puberty, etc. Excellent illustrations. And, I've told him to ask me any questions he has...or ask his dad.
Now that I think about it, you can learn a LOT in our bathroom. You never know what you might find in there...just look before you sit down, ok? Can't say I didn't warn you.
Three bathrooms????
Really!!?? You lucky girl!
We have one. :( And there are SIX of us here.
It's sad. I'd be afraid to leave reading materials in there. Eeew.
Hub does tho. I think there's a motorcycle manual, one of the Lord of the Rings books and one other but I'm not touching any of them. I'll just clean around them, ick, yuck, bleh
Your bathroom is a Mecca of education...no wonder they all like it. Who knows, maybe your hubby is reading the sex ed book, and your son is learning how to quit smoking!?!?
Either way, wiping the pee up, gross! Maybe you should claim another bathroom for yourself?
since you have so many bathrooms already, i say you chalk this one up to being a den... or library for the family forget the the bathroom part... you will have less cleaning to do too!! :) lol
i love all the things that your family does in the bathroom... WAIT!!! not THOSE things...you know the reading, the coffee, the chatting, more reading... those things...yeah I'm not that sick to enjoy the other things!! lol
Trevor is going to be 5 the end of September and he reminds me of Remy... how he can be in there and talk and talk and talk and sing and make silly noises and do it for a LONG time!! :) I guess they are truly happy children!!
I like the book you got for Donny... although I have a while till my children are going to need a book like that... at least I hope I have a while, I think I might get it and put it up so I do have it when it is time. :) Trevor has said/asked a few things about how his sisters got here, and also about maybe getting a brother... and how would I get him "out"... but nothing really too big... b/c he is only 4, but I just want to be totally honest and upfront with my kids so that hopefully they will be that way with me. :)
anyway... i'm rambling on and on here... sorry!!
great post! makes me think I should go clean my bathroom... a 4 yr old boy, my hubby, and two newly potty trained 2 yr olds. ugh!! lol
Okay...The Borat book is bad enough...please do not watch that movie!! Although I laughed so hard I almost peed my pants, it really is gross, but funny. Congrats for Sunday's win!!
Thanks for stopping by my blog this weekend! Your bathroom is crazy educational! LOL! I never knew people actually kept reading materials in the bathroom until I was a teenager. We never had books or magazines in the bathroom at my parents house!
When I was growing up, we always called the bathroom "The Library." hehe.
You have a Borat book in your bathroom?! That movie was so hilarious - in such a gross way - but you have a book?! And I am most disappointed I didn't get to see the smut that you are reading.
But the boys use your bathroom? I am thinking that you need to reclaim it. Kick your hubby out and make him share with the boys. :-)
Oh...and speaking of being on the same wavelenght...my mom lives with us...but I wouldn't call her elderly :-) We have 3 bathrooms, too - but hopefully in the next year or two, we'll expand to 5...
I'm SO glad to know that other people have wet seats...er, toilet seats, and the floors around it. Mine are that way constantly with four boys...seriously, is it really that hard to LIFT the seat? Puhleeze. Oh, and it doesn't get better as they get older. My 13-yr old is the worst habitual offender with wet seats and....not flushing.
Without going into gross detail...I swear it's large enough to look like he's delivered...something...
I didn't know there were so many of us with parents living with us...my mom will be moving in with us the end of July!
One of my biggest pet peeves...men leaving the bathroom fan running continually! ARGH!
And I'm so jealous. Three bathrooms. SIGH.
I'm so glad it's just me and my daughter (and my mom, but just temporarily). No boys.
However, it took a LONG time to get her trained to wipe up any "extra" that fell when she stood up.
Wet bootay's are not nice.
Crystal Chick - I thought four to one bathroom was hard, I can't imagine six people!! You might need to bring in a port-a-potty for the backyard or something. hehe
Krystyn - I might have to take over another bathroom, you're right. Mecca of education, I like that.
Jennifer - Congrats on your newly potty trained 2 yr olds! Both my boys were quite a bit older when they potty trained. one was 3 1/2 and the other was 4!
Perez Family - You know, I haven't seen Borat yet, but my hubby LOVED it, which was why I got him the book for Christmas.
Kimberly - I can't imagine NOT having reading material in there. Even if I'm only in the bathroom for a sec, I often have to pick up a book. I love to read. :o)
Skeller/Susan - That's pretty funny y'all called the bathroom The Library. We sometimes call it my hubby's OFFICE. hehe
Kat - I haven't seen the movie but hubby did and loved it. I thought about putting up pictures of my smut books but didn't want to shock my grandmother who reads my blog sometimes. And, yes, I need to kick the boys out of our bathroom, I just haven't had the heart to do it yet. My dad IS elderly, he's 78!! He had me when he was pretty old.
Sidney - We should form a wet seat club...or not. Let's just get these boys to stop with the wetness. It's sooo gross!! And, you're poor 13 yr old, if only he knew that you just commented on what he had "delivered." rofl Good luck with your mom moving in! It's worked pretty well for us having my dad here. He's pretty disabled though and needs some help.
April - I know, what's up with the fan? I swear it doesn't do much help anyway. :o)
Mama Dawg - That's a great comment. Wet bootay's are not nice. I wholeheartedly agree!
Ok now...now try visiting my in laws. They insist the WHOLE family visits on holidays and get offended if anyone wants to get a hotel room. So imagine 15 people (6 of them children) crammed into a 4 bedroom home with ONE bathroom! You'll be glad it's just a wet bum is all you have. Trust me. At least you get reading material..haha!
What I want to know is, why is it that noone needs you until you go to the bathroom. Then here they all come to ask you some stupid question. This always happens to me.
Oh Rhea I am SOOO a lover, not a hater. You're the best comment leaver, I swear I see you everywhere. Everyone loves you.
we have that Stephen Colbert book too! Holy crap we love him. We love his show, so we bought that book. We still haven't read the whole thing, but it has cracked us up a couple times!
You have three bathrooms, make all the boys share one
You get one to yourself and reserve another one for children with viruses. Keep leaving the stop smoking articles :)
Funny post. I want to see pics of the bathroom(s)!!!
We're in the same boat. 3 bathrooms, yet everyone uses mine. But, our bathroom is non educational. No reading material there.
Hmmm...not sure where to begin. We don't seem to do the reading thing in the WC. I never understood the appeal. I mean, the longer you sit, the more the legs go numb....numb legs trying to stand up, well, too much can happen, none of it good! Thanks for stopping by The Front Porch!
Wow... you have a serious wide selection of reading material in there. If I'm ever looking for a bathroom...
Your husband doesn't read your blog? How did you achieve that?
Your site looks great!!
Rhea..never a dull moment at your house or on your site!! :)
You are a very brave woman taking a chance about your husband not seeing this!! :O
Thanks for the laughs!
You outted your husband, man that's brave. Don't know what I'd do if I got punked out on my bowel behavior.
Paty - 15 people and one bathroom is unacceptable! They need to chill out and accept some people staying in a hotel. Sheesh. How uncomfortable!
Valarie - I agree with you. No one needs anything until I'm in there...then everyone comes to harrass me...even the dog!!
Mama's Losin' It/Kathy - Awww, thanks for the comment love. Thanks for dropping by.
Motherfood for Dummies - My hubby LOVES Stephen Colbert, DVR's his show, etc. Big fans.
Insane Mama - I'd love to make the boys share one...it's just easier said than done sometimes. And, I think he wants to quit smoking, he just knows how hard it is and is stressed with work and all.
Uberburber - Hmmm...I might could take pictures...we'll see.
Seven Clown Circus Angie - No reading material at all?! No way. What do you DO in there? hehe
Clayton - Thanks for stopping by! No reading in the WC? Oh, my. You people are scaring me!!
Mama Bird Diaries - I don't know why he doesn't read it...he will eventually, I'm sure. He saw the new header and liked my new look but other than that...unless he's reading secretly...
Gypsy-heart - Never a dull moment over here, nope. Thanks for stopping by!
Complaint Department Manager, I mean, James Bond - HYPOTHETICALLY. That's the key word here. :o)
My kids have their own bathroom with a bathtub and shower, but still they ask "Can I have a shower in yours?".
Considering how little the seem to use it, their bathroom is an unholy disaster.
The more bathrooms, the more bathrooms to clean.
Trooper Thorn - Such words of wisdom: The more bathrooms, the more to clean. I know what you mean, man. I hate cleaning bathrooms. Thanks for stoppin' by!
My bathroom consist of magazines with houses that have three bathrooms. Our dream houses! You blessed woman you. BTW, I absolutely love your blog design!
I guess we are boring. We get in and get out. We have no reading material in the bathroom. If we did it would probably be something outdoors.
Sheesh, you certainly can get quite an education in your bathroom! I am so not looking forward to "the talk" with my kids...nope nope nope!
I am lucky I guess because my husband is at the 'age' where he mostly sits down to pee. Yes, sits. My son is grown and out of the house but he was the worst about wetting the seat. I don't know how many times I got the wet seat mostly in the middle of the night or right before bed. UGH!
Since I work where a lot of truck drivers can and do use our bathroom I keep the toilet seat UP by using my boot. That way there isn't a chance of sitting in a stranger's pee, that is just too gross. I also keep a spray bottle full of 1/2 bleach and 1/2 water and clean the seat several times per day. Sometimes you just gotta do what you gotta do!
It's posts like this that remind me of how lucky I am to live in a house full of estrogen. Hubby is the only boy in our house and we've trained him well. :-)
And we always have interesting reading in the master bathroom as well. I might have to chat about that someday!
Glamorous WAHM - Thanks for your compliments! We waited a long time to upgrade from a small apartment, and even now we're only renting. But, I love my new home.
The Hunter's Wife - Well, there's something to be said for getting in and out and getting your business done quickly. hehe
Debbie - I'm the one who has brough it up with my kids...I want them to be able to talk to me and ask me questions...but they're also boys and it might be easier for them to talk to their dad about it. Or not. Maybe it's just never a comfortable topic.
Trailboss - I see men sit down to pee before. HYPOTHETICALLY my husband might do the same. Eww about the truck drivers...I'd have that spray bottle ready too.
Angie - Do share your bathroom reading material in a post sometime! Fun stuff.
We've got three "libraries" also, but only two get used the most. My mom lives with us about 4 months out of the year. I make my boys clean their own library, I got tired of wiping up drips. Hunting mags, Reader's Digest, Texas Parks and Wildlife mags take up the most room. Love your blog!
Look inside looks like a great book. And has he asked you guys any questions yet?
Ok - this is FREAKING hilarious! Not only because of the eclectic Bathroom Book Collection, or the theoretical actions of one such man in your life - but because I too, gave my oldest son the choice of a BOOK or "THE TALK". He too chose the book. I laughed so hard I cried at this one! Good to know I am not alone out there!
Love your style, came here via SITS.
What is UP(or down) with the poor aim these days? Your TX boys can probably shoot better than they pee!
You say the whole wet seat thing is an issue but in my house we have persistent offenders in not flushing!!
OMG Our kids could be twinners!your older boy and my girl - all about the NG KIDS and fact based reading. As for those lil' boys - the whole mon-sided conversations while in the bathroom are a hoot
With 3 girls, I'm scared to know what the future has in store for my bathroom. EEK!
Wow! Your wealth of information bathroom sounds much better than my guilty pleasure bathroom filled with People, US Weekly and OK Magazine! Well, I guess you could still learn about the birds and bees from my magazines too.
Happy SITS Day!
I remember this one! :)
Ten dollars says if you decorate the bathroom all frilly pink and stuff, they'll stop using it.
First of all, I love Hot Tub Lizzy's idea! :D Brilliant!
Secondly, you are SO right - those bathroom fans do NOT work. They do make an annoying noise until Mom goes around the house to shut them off, however. But they can't even handle any...fragrances produced by my five year old's adorable hindquarters. I mean, yeah, she does eat a lot of fruit and veggies as well as a fair amount of refried beans, but still...
Happy SITS day! And boy, what I would give to have little boy pee on the seat. Hmmm, can you tell I'm in the midst of potty training (and twin boys, no less!)...pee on the seat would be a big step of from pee on the, well, everything :)
Hmm. I am so loving that I have all girls so far.
You sound like a patient, patient mom.
I would have banished them all to the furthest bathroom by now. And I'd make them clean it. Because I'm an awful, awful mom.
You've got an entire library going on in there! Funny.
Happy Sits day!
OMG too funny. As someone much older I feel well qualified to give this advice- BOYS have one bathroom that is NOT MINE (Yes, I make hubby use his office bathroom). My girls have their own for all the messy things (showers, etc.) and they can use mine in an emergency but NOT for number 2. No one can stink it up, period. Boys can NEVER use mine (not even in an emergency, and not even Ian whom I adore).
I would say it is because I am a wussy weanie and that offending odors make me gag something fierce, but really it is that I just don't play well with others.
I am so glad I found you through SITs today. You are hysterical.
OK - this is something I've missed out on because I cannot, for the life of me, read in the bathroom. When I go, I just go and leave. I spent the smallest amount of time in there as possible. Same with my girls. My husband? He spends a little longer, but not long enough to read anything.
Is it a boy thing?
You should hang a sign on your bathroom door that says "Library".
In our previous home, we had 2.5 bathrooms. In this house, 1. Just 1. (that's my sobbing you hear in the background...)
The fan. It must be a man thing.
In my opinion the very worst job in the house is that of cleaning bathrooms... HATE IT, and I have 4 of 'em!
OMG, you're just like me. You can make a blog post about ANYTHING. This is the first one I've seen all about the crapper, but I loved it! But, um... one question? What the hell is hubby doing with coffee while he's poopin'? Can't he leave it in the kitchen for a while, then go back to it? Pee pee on the seat I can understand, but coffee? Nope, just can't wrap my brain around it! LOL!
And where do you KEEP all these books and magazines in the bathroom?
Great post!!!!!!!!!!
Justine :o )
LOL...that's funny...The only person that really reads in the bathroom is my son, and it's usually one of his Star Wars books...of course there are times he takes in SEVERAL and I think...how long does he plan to be in there?? As for DH he also leaves the fan and the light on...and occationally get's a little side tracked and forgets to flush, but that's another story.
This is a great post. My bathroom is filled with my reading material, hubby brings his in and continues reading when he leaves. I don't know how you do it with all of the traffic in there. I mean now that you have 3 bathrooms seems like the boys could just use their own -that would alleviate the drips and dribbles on the seat, yes?
How funny!! Neither my husband or I are "bathroom readers" as we both believe in getting in and out as quickly as possible. The only time I read in the bathroom is when I need a time out and I am hiding. It's the only room with a locking door.
How funny!! Neither my husband or I are "bathroom readers" as we both believe in getting in and out as quickly as possible. The only time I read in the bathroom is when I need a time out and I am hiding. It's the only room with a locking door.
I never have read in the bathroom. I agree with another commenter..yuk!
We have no reading material in the bathroom. NONE!
An old boyfriend of mine used to take the paper in there to read every day...again...Yuk!
It's interesting to hear people's bathroom behavior. I know a lot of people read in the bathroom.
Me...it's in, do my business, and out.
I think I'd kick my hypothetical children right out of my bathroom.
I never leave reading material in the bathroom. That's like admitting to everyone that I need reading material in the bathroom. I do take a book wherever I go, so of course I take on in there, it's just that I take it right back out, too.
I remember this one...the Borat book...I think I have a crazy sense of humor, so I laughed at the movie. But it's not for everyone. My hubby reads the labels on soap and shampoo bottles during his "man time" ...lol!!
We have 2 bathrooms but my kids had decided the masterbath was the only one that counted. I had to put a stop to that. I need some semblance of privacy. So I booted them out.
LOL at the fan running continuously! I can totally relate to a certain man that might be in my life that might, maybe do that too...ha ha...
And THANK GOODNESS for Clorox wipes!
I think it's hilarious that he takes his coffee in there too! I couldn't!
We have a friend that hilairously admitted to us that when he does his business, he has to strip...ha ha..."get comfortable". Too funny. He totally thought it was the norm. Ha ha...still too funny! I don't know...maybe I'm the only one that doesn't do this!
I'm so inspired by all the reading material. You guys are bringing back memories of growing up. There was always a Reader's Digest in our bathroom. LOL!
Happy SITS day!
Ok girl that is absolutely hilarious. I thought I was the only one who had to look before I sat. And just so you know, we have 2 bathrooms in our apartment and everyone seems to want to use MY master bathroom, mine!! My son in particular. And I'm pretty sure when I potty trained him I taught him the whole lift the seat thing yet he never seems to want to do it. Just lazy!!!
It's smart to leave reading material in the bathroom. Sometimes those visits take time.
three bathrooms and you still probably can't 'go' without someone stopping in for something.
I feel for you!
How funny. Someday, Donny may hate you for this post. Ha ha ha. Just kidding.
Yup, this entry, still hilarious as well. Congrats again!
A wide selction for you to choose from. I wonder if you could kick them all out and make it YOURS. LOL
Congrats on your feature.
5 of us share 1 bathroom and the DOG...yes the DOG makes more of a mess than the 2 boys do. She drinks the toilet water and I ALWAYS sit on the wet seat!!! Dang dog!
I have a plethera of reading material on the back of my throan. I make sure it stays off the floor. On the floor would be...well, YUCK!
We have three also, but everyone tends to congregate to the first floor one... NO one wants to go upstairs... And we have a plethora of mags also that range from IT mags to Highlights to Family Fun... so we all have something to read.
Sooo, you actually have 2 bathrooms & 1 library it sounds like........
have have been known to take a magazine into the bathroom... I sit in the empty tub and read it --- it's a great mommy break!!!
When I was a teenager still living at my parents' house, I had a younger brother that made it quite interesting to use the bathroom - no aim whatsoever! I got in the habit of wiping the seat every time I went, whether it looked wet or not. Even now, I still occasionally find myself thoroughly inspecting the seat when I visit (said brother is 8 years old now). Lotsa fun!
MAN!! I would give anything to have three bathrooms. we have 1.5 and it gets to be a bit much b.c the boys FOLLOW me no matter which one I'm in.
MomDot Street Team
We have two bathrooms for six of us. There are reading materials in each one. Unfortunately the hall bath, the one that was designated the kids' bath, has been overrun by one unruly teen, so that the other three children use the master grown-up bath for everything. They even keep their toothbrushes in there. I could sooo use a third bath.
I've always wondered about the whole aim thing. I mean seriously - they are only so big...and the pot is SO MUCH BIGGER. How hard can it be?!
Happy SITS day!
I'm a big fan of bathroom reading material and it seems like you have quite the eclectic library!!
My brother used to do the same thing Remy does in the potty...we also would have a great laugh at the poor little guy's expense...we still tease him to this day.
I think it is time for you to claim a throne and banish all desenters!!
always enjoy a little bathroom humor in the evening!
This was such a crappy post (haha!). I never knew how life was with boys around. I'm getting the picture and it ain't pretty. It's probably smelly too.
I am so envious of your 3 bathrooms! We just downsized rom two to one and it's awful!
It's also nice to know we are the only family in the state with a mini library in the loo!
Yay to three bathrooms!
And I'm definitely going to look into a couple of those books!!
I would have chosen the book over "the talk" as well...
How does that pee end up all over the place?
Sadly, I don't have any reading material in that room. :)
Really, I just do my business and get out as fast as I can. Plenty of better smelling places to park and read. :)
Seriously now, don't you wish our men get trained early in life to lift the seat and wipe the dribbles???
Yep, it's amazing. We have 3 bathrooms too including one that is specifically for my boys, yet my kids will walk clear upstairs and across the house to use our bathroom. I think it's a territorial thing. I finally started charging them - 50 cents a pop. Now they mess up their own bathroom.
At least they're reading, although their choice of reading material is, um, someone eclectic...
This post just reminded me that I sprayed bathroom cleaner on the commode in my kids' bathroom earlier tonight and forgot to go back in to finish cleaning. I had better get back to that before one of them has to go to the bathroom! Thanks for the reminder!
I'm sending my kids to your bathroom when it's time for THE TALK.... ok???
My master bathroom is the size of a shoebox, and yet---everyone is in there all the time too!
Everyone's reading material. The poor aim. THE talk. SO much good stuff going on in this post I don't even know where to start. I just loved it and glad SITS gave me a chance to read it :)!
LOL! You should just set up a book case in there. Luckily my kids haven't caught on to reading in the bathroom. They just get in and get out. I'm sure that will change soon with a 13yo boy and a soon to be 11yo girl. The 7yo is the one who needs to work on his aim. :-)
What a great post idea! We went from one to two not long ago, and it felt like luxury. I agree on the fan thing, they only work in theory!
Great post! My bathroom would also be the most busy place in my home. We have five people using one bathroom. My oldest daughter has OCD and she goes to the bathroom ever 15 minutes, sometimes to pee, make poo poo (remember the Potty Book), and other times just to reorganize everything in there. My husband told me instead of moving into another home where she can have her own bedroom, he wants to get her a bathroom she can sleep in.
Oh too funny! Have you thought about relegating yourself to a different bathroom? ;)
It's funny because when I was growing up, I was rarely allowed in my parents' bedroom and NEVER in their bathroom. My wee ones prefer using the master bathroom for whatever reason (without having been invited but I'm ok with that). Including in the middle of the night.
Good to know we aren't the only ones! No reading materials yet at least!
Wow, this place looks familiar... haven't I been here before? Nice to meet you, I'm visiting from SITS
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