My mom lives in the same town we do, here in North Texas.
And sometimes my boys go over there to play.
Tita has a treasure chest.

Remy hasn't quite outgrown it.

But I think Donny has.

Some of the toys in there the boys played with when they were babies.

I have wonderful memories of playing at my grandmother's house.
But she lives in Baton Rouge, so I only visited her a few times a year.
But she lives in Baton Rouge, so I only visited her a few times a year.

My boys are so lucky to have grandparents so close.
Did you have a special relationship with your grandparents?
Do your kids spend time with theirs?
Wow, I have great memories of my grandparents! Well, my mom's parents were completely boring and I hated going there, but we were soooooooooo close to my dad's parents. We saw them every Sunday. Either they came to our house for a huge Sunday dinner, or we went to theirs. Some of my most treasured memories are just us sitting around the table, gorging ourselves on pasta and roasted chicken. I miss them!
Justine :o ) mom lives with us - so they spend lots of time with her. And with Katie camping this weekend, Madalyn spent the evening with my mom - and then even slept in her bed!
Now my inlaws are a whole 'nother matter. And I have nothing nice to say. So, I just won't say anything :-)
My grandparents lived a couple hours away so we mostly saw them on holidays and vacations but I always have fond memories of those visits. Like racing my grandpa in his underground parking garage where somehow I always won. And how everytime I saw my grandma she'd have gum waiting in her purse for us to find.
My kids A.D.O.R.E. their Amma(my mom). She lives in our town and goes through withdrawals when she doesn't see them for a couple of weeks.
I did not have to best relationship with my grandparents mostly b/c they lived out of town. I didn't get to see them very often. So that is why I make sure that my kids get lots of time with their grandparents. We see my parents every Sunday and Jeff's mom and hubby every other week. Jeff's Dad and wife are MIA which is really sad to me. We live in the same town and see each other about 4 times a year. The kids always run from them instead of too them. Sad.
My kids have wonderful times with their grandparents. Grandma Granny is my son's very best friend. Most of all, I love to see the tired looks on the grandparent's faces when we go to pick up the kids after a night with them. It's sweet vindication for me! Ha! Who has the dark circles under the eyes now?
I have wonderful memories of my paternal grandmother. She shaped my interest in a lot of what you see on my blog (i.e. baking, cooking, gardening, entertaining, housekeeping...pretty much everything.)
As for my kids, one grandma lives with us. My husband's parents are fantastic!! They are very involved with ALL of their 9 grandchildren. In fact, when Christmas shopping comes around, I bring Grandma with to tell me what to get the nieces and nephews. They are awesome!!
I'd say I'm closer to my maternal grandmother than my paternal one... although I love both of them dearly.
Growing up, my family was the one that lived away from the rest... so we only got to visit the grandparents once or twice a year.
I tell my girls all the time how lucky they are that their grandparents not only live in the same town as them, but that they are so involved in their lives. They even have a set of great-grandparents here, something I never did.
How fun. So. Many. Breakables. I feel nervous just looking at that photo.
I wish my kids could spend time with their grandparents but with one half on the other side of the country and the other half on the other side of the world unfortunately they only get to see them once a year :(
Look who's not lurking. ;)
My kids' grandparents live 2.5 and 6 hours away. They don't get to see them as often as I like.
But there are pors and cons not to living in the same town as the g'parents. Mostly cons, I suppose.
Love that they have something so cool!
I definitely don't have a special relationship with my grandparents..they've done some mean things.
My daughter spends time with hers when they come to visit or we visit them.
My kids see my MIL a lot. I wish they saw my parents more. My kids are really close to my in-laws.
My grandparents are all gone now, but I remember the year we lived down the alley from my great-grandma, and every day after school, my sister and I would walk there and stay until our parents got home. She would always do craft projects with us, and I still have some ceramic owls we made with her.
My boys spend time with all their grandparents every weekend. We're lucky to live close to each of them.
My grandmother had a game closet with all kinds of cool toys in it. Our favorites: puzzle of the USA, the game Aggravation, and a skeleton that you took apart and put back together. She would also buy the ends of the paper rolls from the newspaper office, and we'd have endless coloring surfaces.
My grandma had to move into a nursing home before my kids really had a chance to know her, which is sad. But now we have an Aggravation game, so that's cool.
I love that treasure chest. How beautiful.
And my girls just spent the weekend with their grandparents.
Ummmm.... how about that Chinese Communist propaganda comment? That was relevant to your post eh??
So anyhoo.... I LOVED spending a week or so each summer with my grandparents on Cape Cod. Walking to the beach, cooking out... Grandma setting the breakfast table before she went to bed...
My parents are on the crazy side... not good crazy... kids don't like them... Hubby's parents are good though....
I always get a little envious when I hear about other people's grandparents. I missed that when I was growing up. I had three different sets, but for various reasons, I didn't have a good relationship with any of them and they were all gone by the time I was about 12.
All of our parents are gone too, although the boys did get a few good years with them. We make do with elderly friends from church, but it's not quite the same.
I feel bad because I think that grandparent relationship is so important for kids. It really shapes who they are to have someone other than the parents who are just crazy about them, no matter what they do or say. But like the saying goes - Ya get what ya get and ya don't throw a fit!
My grandmother was the best, and she spoiled my first daughter so bad (I know that is why Mercede is such a pain in the butt today. I hate it that she never got to meet my last child. I always tell Aysha how great her greatgrandma was and how much she would of loved her (although not as much as Mercede, Mercede was her favorite and everyone knew it).
My older daughters have my parents whom take them all the time. Their bio fathers mother is alive but they see her once every few years. They call my husbands mother "grandmother" also. That cracks me up since she is only 8 years older than me! lol
My Paternal Nana was awesome! She used to dance on the Lawrence Welks show once in awhile. She taught me my best dance moves! My Maternal Grandfather is very dear to my heart as he taught me about Christ and how important it is to develop a relationship with Him.
My stepchildren live in East Texas and don't get to see my parents often, but when they do, it's as if they never parted ways. My parents have been amazing as they have welcomed Taylor and Colton into their lives. They don't think of them as "step" grandkids, just their grandkids. I love them for that!
I love this post and the idea behind it. I spent every weekend growing up with my grandparents. My parents were extremely young and liked to party so they took me to my paternal grandparents house who lived just across town. My grandmother was incredible and she is still my best childhood memory. I learned so much from her and she is the one person I would love to see again as an adult if I could.
We moved here to GA because my hubby has 5 siblings and both sets of parents are here. We were pregnant with our first daughter and wanted our children surrounded by family. (I'm an only child and don't speak to my father). Anyhow, we live less than 40 minutes from the entire family but rarely see them. And my mother actually moved down here from Indiana when my youngest was two but she moved more than 2 hours away so needless to say, we see her even less than the hubby's family. Long story, short- my girls don't have that connection with the grandparents that I had with mine. It's sad to me. But it's reality.
My mom and daughter have a TERRIFIC relationship. She's seen her almost every day of her life.
As much as my mom bugs me sometimes, I would taken NOTHING for the relationship those two have.
I had a bad relationship w/my dads parents but have a terrific one with my maternal grandmother. I never met my maternal grandfather (from what I hear, that's a good thing).
I was the first grandchild on both sides of my fam and the only one to live out of town. I went EVERY summer for about 2 months at a time to visit everyone. I loved it.
Sad to say, though, my kids do not have the same relationship. My husband and I both get upset about it. Sometimes it feels like both of their sets of grandparents visit out of obligation. They just don't know their grandkids the way my grandparents knew me.
My kid's grandparents are all bizarre, but for different reasons. As long as I can keep them from licking their own ears in my kid's presence, then they can hang out with him!
My grandparents lived several hours away, so although I loved them, I didn't have a close relationship with them. And they weren't the adoring grandparent type.
My parents are very active in my kids' lives and they have a much closer relationship. It's nice.
My parents live 1 mile from us and we have dinner with them once a week. Not to mention that my mom comes over frequently to see the girls. They love grandma & granddaddy! Hubby's parents are divorced and his mother is a worthless human being. (Oops, did I say that out loud?) My girls don't know her, which makes me very happy. His Dad, on the other hand, lives out of town, but comes in several times a year to visit. The girls are always very excited about that.
We live right next door to my Mother in Law and I love it! THe kids are always going back and forth between our house and theirs.
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