Saturday, October 11, 2008

Tolerance is her Middle Name

Annie puts up with so much in this household.

She listens to the boys make music.

She helps them with their Home Depot building projects.

She puts up with a lot.

And has worn many hats.

And the newest fashion accessory she tried on yesterday were:

Cowgirl boots!

I swore I'd never be one of those people who dress up their pets.

Well, guess I lied.

We dress her up, but we don't let her leave the house like that.

grab a camera, take a photo and join in!
see the Camera Critters rules!

Camera Critters


Karen said...

In the last picture, Annie looks just a little worried. :)
She really is a sweet thing.

sassy stephanie said...

Oh man, isn't it great how tolerant they are? You know she loves it!

Shannon said...

I love Annie.

Looks like she wasn't too sure about the cowboy boots, though!

Justine said...

Oh, the cruelty of putting your poor, beautiful dog in cowboy boots! She must have been SO mad at you after that!

Justine :o )

All Things BD said...

Hey, we've got dolls around here. You think I should dress up our hamsters?

Lisa said...

I like the second to the last one where she is looking up at the person standing next to her like "you have got to be kidding me!" She is such a great dog to put up with all that.

D... said...

That Annie is a keeper!

Anonymous said...

Puppies are so loving, adorable and loyal! We could all take a lesson from them :)

Heather said...

I love how patient she looks in all of them. I'd dress her up too!

Keys to the Magic Travel said...

I don't think she is liking the indignity of it all. Especially when you hog tied her :-)

Unknown said...

That's one easy going baby !!!!

When I try to dress my two up...

Sparky just gives me that look and buries his head under the pillows or whatever ... or just does the floppy 'dead dog' thing.

Meesha shakes furiously until whatever flies off her or slips underneath her. Then she joins Sparky in the 'dead dog' posture..

Proper party poopers, those two !!!

Susie said...

Too cute!! I think she is my favorite dog on the blogosphere:-)

Chatterness said...

the trombone!! wooooo hooo!!

Lula! said...

I think Annie needs to hang out with us. Say...April? How does that work for you? And for Annie? Get back to me on this.

I want a pink hat.

Cristin said...

We had the cutest little dog, Pixie, growing up... I remember putting a shawl and granny glasses on her... she was so freaking cute... so is Annie of course... you sure you don't want another?? I could send Olive to you...

Sandy Kessler said...

y favorite thing Annie in a cowgirl hat sk

imbeingheldhostage said...

You have music in your house! Our drummer moved out just over a year ago (he's 20, it was time) and I miss the drums so much! Actually he was several instruments, but I miss the drums the most.

Christy said...

very cute

AppleDebbie said...

Annie you are TOO cute! I think you look fabulous in your Home Depot apron... Lol!

david mcmahon said...

I recognise that second hat, Rhea!

And great work with the Eye Feast, too.

Jen said...

You have the best dog ever.

Anonymous said...

WOW! Those photos are really nice! The last photo made me smile. He's kinda worried:) Mine is posted HERE. hope you can drop by! Happy CC!~

Anonymous said...

She does look like a wonderfully patient and sweet pet. The 3rd shot in the hat is a great portrait.

Valarie Lea said...

Whats she gonna be for Halloween????

Misty DawnS said...

That first cowgirl hat photo (5th pic overall or 3rd pic of her) is the BEST - I LOVE IT!!! I love you Annie, and I'm one of your biggest fans.

steenky bee said...

Remember when I wanted your father or father-in-law to come live with me? Can I change my request to Annie? Think about it.

Carissa(GoodnCrazy) said...

Holy cow! My 4yrold has just announced that he intends to play the drums when he gets older AACK!

And hey! Doggie is wearin' my hat!

OHmommy said...

I love that pick cowgirl hat. Guess what I just bought...?

A pick cowgirl hat. I am going to be Rhea for Halloween. No joke. I hope Rhea wears heels. Trying to goggle that right now.

ratmammy said...

whaha! i loved those dog photos! he is a riot!

Aunt Julie said...

Annie does put up with a lot, doesn't she? But she looks best in her mama's cowboy hat!

b13 said...

Our pets really do put up with a lot of our BS, don't they? ;)

WheresMyAngels said...

Oh poor Annie, the music would of had me howling!

Pseudo said...

Annie is really a good sport.

Unknown said...

Yep...the last picture looks like Annie has had enough... beautiful dog though... & cute cute boys...(I know the post wasn't really about them...but they are still so cute...-that is one big drum set mom..!)

Tootie said...

Cute dog! She seems to be very patient. :-)

Susan Demeter said...

Awwww! What a sweetie :) My entry for CC is here

Thank you for stopping by :)

Jenny, the Bloggess said...

Featured on Good Mom/Bad Mom on the Houston Chronicle:

Ashrunner said...

Annie looks great in the natural straw colored hat. Nice photos 8v)

Gretchen said...

What a really cute series of shots! Your dog is one patient pup!

Lapa37 said...

I'm loving the boots and hat she sure does know fashion.Thanks for visiting.

steenky bee said...

Woo-hoo! You're on Good Mom/Bad Mom! Yay!!!

Tonya Staab said...

Annie is hilarious ... and so, so patient.

Anonymous said...

Oh your dog is so cute! And patient...I so much as touch one of my dogs paws and they run off in the other direction. Trust me I've tried.

nikkicrumpet said...

Ya gotta love a post about our adorable dogs! My doggy posts are my favorites...and other peoples pet posts make me smile!

Angie's Spot said...

Such a good sport. The pink hat is still my fave shot.