Her last couple of posts have spoken to me.
Or maybe that's just the voices in my head.
It's hard to tell sometimes.
Go read her. Then come back here and put me back together.
I'm gonna need glue. Wait, make that a hot glue gun.
And promise me it won't hurt.
I don't want to end up like that Humpty Dumpty dude.
He's spending the rest of his days stuck in a damn nursery rhyme book.
If this is the end of me, don't let me go out that way.
Put me in a mystery, or a fantasy of epic proportions.
Or maybe that's just the voices in my head.
It's hard to tell sometimes.
Go read her. Then come back here and put me back together.
I'm gonna need glue. Wait, make that a hot glue gun.
And promise me it won't hurt.
I don't want to end up like that Humpty Dumpty dude.
He's spending the rest of his days stuck in a damn nursery rhyme book.
If this is the end of me, don't let me go out that way.
Put me in a mystery, or a fantasy of epic proportions.
Dude!! Don't do that!! I thought I was having a stroke!!
Whoa, I thought wifey was trying to poison me again...
OMG! Another fellow blogger who hears voices!!!
Love it, always good to find other's with that "muse" affliction!
:) Terri
Please check out my blog, puzzle lady, I left ya something :)
How funny. I just read her right before I visited you. Your post is funny too!!
hi...please accept my compliments. This is an introduction and invitation to my blog and if you would like to make a counter visit I would like to stop by again regularly and comment since I feel your blog is very interesting and worth my time (you are bound to discover why on getting to my blog) ...hope to see you soon and that this will be the first of my many visits here.
With my very best wishes
It was a little bit perfect, wasn't it?! I'm looking forward to coming back here, too!
(thanks for your recent comment on my blog...well, recent is kind of a relative term. Life has been a bit hazy lately...but thank you for coming by. I really do appreciate it!)
Um, I am confused. Really confused? Maybe its the lack of sleep or all the wine, something...
I am thinking that the voices are saying "just say no to picnik."
I love the Bloggess, and I imagine that not only does she hear voices, too (so you'd be in good company) she talks back to them and offers them coffee. Which is why I love her.;)
I liked the puzzle... very cool.
Silly me, I clicked the puzzle pieces trying to move them around to fix you.
I read it! Hilarious. As always.
Good luck getting yourself back together.
OMG, this Bloggess woman is a whack job! Meaning, I totally enjoyed reading a couple of her posts. It's a rare thing to get your pic taken with a chicken sitting on your shoulder!
Justine :o )
Btw.. I can't find my glue gun. Would Monster glue work?
Justine :o )
Rhea...you are hilarious!
She is seriously crazy....or funny....or crazy?!! I see why you need the glue.
I love the Bloggess.
Would gladly put you back together again, except I have no hot glue gun. Alas!
Bloggess is funny! Thanks for the recommend.
First time visitor. Great blog!
Best wishes,
Too dang funny! Not sure that blood and pot mix.lol
I just added the Bloggess to my blog list. Thank you for the recommendation.(did i spell that right?)
I lvoe the bloggess...she's just the best.
that is a cool picture!
Okay...so how is Karen catching up with me?
Is she out to take over the world? Or is this a different Karen?
And you are in third place on mine.
But I am thinking that it will all equalize in a few days. I mean Lizzy dropped off the list entirely.
I love The Bloggess. I recently discovered her and am so glad I did.
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