Saturday, October 4, 2008

Kachi & The Flying Feast

This furball rules his roost.

He dominates the dog he lives with and my dog when she comes to visit.

King Kachi.

His name is Japanese for "Worth."
He belongs to my mom and stepdad.

Why is this his favorite spot?

Because it offers the best view out to the backyard...

and a view of the flying feast that torments him.

What's within your view but you can't reach? Are you tormented by something?

I'll go first. Finding a job feels tormenting, although I just got some part time blogging work and some part time free-lance copy writing work.

That helps.

However, two part time jobs do not a full time job with benefits make.

and the winner of my book giveaway is Jen of Buried With Children!!

Grab a camera and a critter and join in! It's Camera Critters!

Camera Critters


steenky bee said...

You're nobody until you've been ignored by a cat.

steenky bee said...
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steenky bee said...


Cristin said...

You're too freaking prolific... I take a couple days off from the computer and I'm so far behind!! I didn't know about the giveaway... oh well...
What's just out of my reach?

Unknown said...

Tormented by wanting to BE with Mr. B and not being able to.... ugh

Unknown said...

Oops... missed the giveaway deadline!!!! Oh well, just have to buy the book :-)

I'm tormented by wanting to move back to NZ !!

Sandy Kessler said...

great and smart cat sk no Annie in Cowboy hat have to waut sk

Momma Trish said...

Gorgeous cat.

Tormented by and just out of my reach? Finishing school. I can see it, but it's so far away.

Anonymous said...

What a beautiful cat! I would say that maybe what seems out of my reach (but in actuality may or may not be) is finding a way to get paid for writing. Since my only experience since college is blogging, I don't even really know what to do first or how to go about finding a first job. sigh

ratmammy said...

what a beautiful kitty! give him a hug for me.

Shelley said...

Wanting a cat would be a wish, but can't have because hubby is allergic. A job that makes me happy would be awesome too. Need to find a way to make this blogging thing pay enough to live on.

Jen said...

I was just reading and enjoying the post thinking about what you said and then I read that I won the giveaway. Yippee!
Thank you. Jeff (and me, he reads much faster than I do) is in need of a new book to read.

Something that is within my reach but I just can't get there is...
peace and quiet.

Carletta said...

He is beautiful!

Tormented by migraines for the past week - nothing worse.

Susie said...

Sometimes, I am tormented by hiccups. I mean literally tormented. I get them, they are really bad and I can't get rid of them. It's awful!!

Reader Wil said...

Cats always rule the roost. They consider us as their servants and if we do what they want they are nice to us and allow us to sleep in our beds on the edge.
Lovely photos anyway!
have a nice weekend.

bobbie said...

A lovely cat. I know the birds are wanted, but I hope they are never caught.

Christy said...

I definitely hear you on the job situation. I have had no luck getting a job. The cat sure does look like he would be in charge. Great images.

D... said...

He is stunning! Simply gorgeous.

Ramblings of a Villas Girl said...

That furball sure is handsome.

Anonymous said...

That first shot is a great portrait. Good luck on job hunting. I have an opening for an intake worker. You wanna commute to Oregon?

Tiffany said...

Hey Rhea! The King is gorgeous! Wanted to stop by and say 'Hey'. Thanks for stopping by my blog the other day; it gets very lonely over there. :)

And I was so hoping that you would have a "Top Commenter" list that I could join and possibly overtake since I can't seem to win Kat's from you. :) hee hee

Tiffany said...

Oh no. If I plan to overtake your Top Commenter list, I have to steal it from Kat. eeks!

Indy said...

Hmmmm. Tormented. I am tormented with thinking I want a job but then trying to figure out how it will fit into our lives. I feel just like that cat. I can read about positions that I'd like but how in the heck would I make it work? No way. So, I will sit and think some more about it just like that beautiful cat and probably do nothing about it. Great questions.

Keys to the Magic Travel said...

Love the kitty! He looks like he needs to come over and give my hooligans some etiquette lessons.

And there are so many things out of my reach. Like thinner hips. Or a ticket to Boise.

AdriansCrazyLife said...

What is out of my reach - weight loss. I've been on Weight Watchers for just about a year now and I have yet to lose more than a couple of pounds - total!

Of course when I say I'm "ON" WW, I mean that pretty loosely. I mean, I don't track my points, I don't eat all the veggies, I don't drink all the water, but I DO attend the meetings very faithfully. You'd think that would be good for something, wouldn't it? Oh wait, maybe I see now why it isn't working out very well for me....

Aunt Julie said...

Our furball rule the roost, too! Kachi looks like a cool cat. And, as always, LOVE the snaps! BTW, You TOTALLY Rock! If ya wanna see how I Rock, please tune in. And come join in the fun!

Justine said...

That is one cute kitty!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Wtg Jen on winning the book I wanted! LOL

Justine :o )

Kelly said...

I can sure see why he's King Kachi! He is gorgeous!

Mama Dawg said...

I'm tormented by knowing that I'll have to stay in this crappy job until a much better one comes along closer to where I live where there haven't been good paying jobs in DECADES!!!!!!!

Misty DawnS said...

If I've never told you before, I'm telling you now - I love your writing style, and I could read your writing all day. So, please never give up on it.

That cat is absolutely gorgeous, and I can clearly see the Siamese. My cat (the one I referred to as ECA in the Misty's Words CC post) has Siamese in her too - I think that breed tends to have some attitude ;-)

Anonymous said...

What a beautiful kitty kitty! I love kitties. *squeal* :)

And I love your photos, too!

Putting the FUN in DysFUNctional said...

My cat totally rules our house.
I am too tired to be tormented right now. Wait, I'm tormented by's just out of reach, I could sleep, but my supervisor here at work frowns upon it.

CrystalChick said...

Kachi is a beautiful cat!
I've got too many torments and things out of reach at the moment. Gosh, I'll come back when my list is shorter. ;O

Angie's Spot said...

My blog reader has been tormenting me for a month now. Hence the reason that I was 25 posts behind on your blog. Everyday, I open it up and it laughs at me as the number of unread posts climbs and climbs until the feeling of hopelessness sets in again and I just close it and crawl under the table and suck my thumb. One day, I hope to conquer it again. Someday.