Monday, October 20, 2008

Copycat Syndrome

I'm pretty sure I have copycat syndrome.
Apparently, all it takes is hearing about someone's phobia for me to take it on myself.

I was reading a post on Britt's blog, Quietly Chaotic, about her phobia of changing her shirt in the dark and how she starts to think there's someone in the dark about to strike her, and then she gets all tangled in her shirt while panicking.

Sounds horrible, I know, but all it took was me reading about this...

and now I have this phobia too.

Surely I'm not the only one who does this?
We've all seen a scary movie and had a horror scene imprinted in our brain.

I've had this happen a lot in the blogosphere.
I'll read something that will stick with me, good or bad.
You people can write some powerful stuff, and the best part is, it's true life.

I love learning about people through blogs. And I love learning more about myself in the process.

I play the meme game and fill out quirky or random facts about myself...and gain perspective on my life.

I go through old photos to scan and post, and end up discussing memories with my parents.

I've rediscovered my creative, goofy side that was dormant for a while.

So, while my copycat syndrome is an unfortunately result, it's a side affect I can handle when the positives far outweigh the negatives.

I've also discovered I really like interviewing people (and I have a big one coming up soon) as well as giveaways. I like to give and receive...

and I might be having a little surprise over here tomorrow.


Amy said...

Blogging has changed me quite a bit also and mostly for the better. I have had quite a bit of inspiration for many things since starting :D

Justine said...

Oh, you poor thing! I've never heard of that particular phobia, and I won't tell you mine because it's a horrible one. one that you will not want to take on yourself. It'll ruin your life. No jokes there.

Ooh, who'd you interview? I know it wasn't moi!

Justine :o )

Lula! said...

Loving the copycat picture...truly huh-larious.

And, as always, your wit and stream-of-consciousness thought astounds me.

Liz said...

What a cute blog! I just found it through PDub...gotta love her!!

Can't wait to read more.

Oh and I have several phobias. :(


sassy stephanie said...

You can tell me...I can keep a secret...sort of.

Katie said...

I really love blogging too, I've reawakened the sarcastic teenager who was sleeping inside.

Britt said...

Um .. it seems that by blogging, I'm spreading my weirdness around.

Sorry! ;o)

The first picture made me laugh .. a lot .. which made me cough a lot .. but it was totally worth it.

Jen said...

I am sorry but I don't get the phobia but I can relate to your love of blogging. It may seem weird to those that don't understand it but I love it. And I also love surprises.

Jennifer and Sandi said...

I need a good phobia every once in a while. Really, I do!!

- Jennifer

Unknown said...

I don't like getting undressed in the dark, either. Especially if I have to pull anything over my head.

I used to also be terrified of standing in front of the kitchen window when it was dark. I could stand in front of any other window, just not the kitchen. Don't know whether I thought a scary monster was going to pop up in front of the window and crash through and get me, or what.

Whatever it was, standing in front of the kitchen window, at night, gave me a real case of the heebie jeebies...

scargosun said...

I get that sometimes if I think on it too much but if it wasnt my phobia to begin with, it usually goes away on it's own.

Anonymous said...

I more or less read about a symptom of an illness or some psychological thing and think I have it! Can't wait for the surprise!

Karen said...

The power of suggestion is strong for me as well. Not to a phobia stage most of the time.....but once in a while, one will get to me.

Valarie Lea said...

I have a phobia of not changing my shirt in the dark.

Ok, did that work? I tried some reverse phobia psychology on you. :)

for a different kind of girl said...

Ha! Love the reverse psychology idea!

Also love blogging, on whatever level. I think it's the community and the connection that makes it satisfying. Even though we don't 'know' who is out there, we get to know them and bond, which is pretty fantastic.

San said...

Copycat syndrome--I don't know if I've experienced that. Maybe because I have enough phobias already! I won't name them for fear you'll catch them, Rhea!

I'm with you on the way blogging opens us up to reflection. And to a treasured community.

Keys to the Magic Travel said...

I remember when I first started reading wrote about checking out all symptoms on webMD - you never know when you might get some rare disease.

I can be higly suggestible sometimes. I'll yawn if someone else does. If someone is talking about itchy skin will itch. I wonder what a hypnotist would do with us!

Ritch in Love said...

Do you remember the first Scream movie where the girl gets stabbed in the bathroom stall while at the movies? Well that is my phobia. I'm serious. I can pee faster than a race horse when I go to the movies and no one else is in the little girls room. I worry sick that someone is in there lurking and waiting for me. Yup, I'm a freak.

Ash said...

You're dead on with the whole blogging experience. It makes me look at situations from a different perspective - usually a humerous one, just to get a good writing prompt. Makes life that much more enjoyable.

Oh, and phobia? It involves snakes and toilets, but that's all I'll tell you, so not to scare you too much ;-).


Heather said...

I love interviewing people too! I can't wait to see who you've got lined up for us.

Claremont First Ward said...

I can't wait to see what you have lined up for us tomorrow! Sounds so exciting!

steenky bee said...

I'm so here tomorrow, and apparently now. Blogging has changed me a little bit. It's helped me look for positives. I always love coming over here because your writing is so cheerful and playful. I think we would be real-life friends. :)

Indy said...

Can't wait to see what you have cooking!

Unknown said...

Yep blogging has done the same for me too, it's also really got my photography hobby restarted too.

Btw - did you see what someone left me yesterday!!?

jill jill bo bill said...

I have weird phobias, too. All of them end with me peeing on myself. I have a tilted bladder. Just know it.

Susie said...

I love the copycat picture:-)

cheatymoon said...

Nice post, Rhea. I agree that blogging brings some unexpected and interesting perspectives...

So, will the next interview-ee be as good as BHJ?

Anonymous said...

Hum blogopondriach? I find this condition lies dormant but when activated is pretty tough to control......

Swirl Girl said...

I have finally added you to my blog roll. I see you everywhere and have been lurking for a while....s'that okay?

Insane Mama said...

Blogging has changed a few things for me too! I look at myself and my situations a little deeper.

J'Ollie Primitives said...

looking forward to your interview!

Tiffany said...

I freak out sometimes when I am washing my face... like someone is going to sneak up on me.

Interview... hmmmm.. can't wait!

Cristin said...

So curious about the interview!!

Cristin said...

It's not me is it?? I'm not very interesting....

Cristin said...

I think one more comment and I'll be back up on that list...

Cristin said...

Yup, that should do it.

Anonymous said...

Surprise huh? What is it? I have a fear of surprises.

Anonymous said...

I love surprises. Kind of. Except when I can't wait to find out what the surprise is!

Linda said...

What a fun blog you have! I'll keep checking back. I got sidetracked clicking on all the blogs on your blog roll list!

Mc Allen said...

omgaw this post cracked me up, your toooo funny. The shirt thing made me spit out my gum.... I must do a post like this, but with a diff theme, another title and about me, not you... ;) Thanks for sharing all this personal stuff, I'll be back!! Leah

Putting the FUN in DysFUNctional said...

I don't acquire people's phobias, but I definitely get a lot of inspiration from other bloggers! I love that copycat picture, lol.

Angie's Spot said...

You know, I frequently find myself adopting the fears of those that I read about. Of course, I am predisposed to unnatural fears (you read my nuclear cooling tower post, right?) so this only feeds the madness.

Congrats on the upcoming interview! Can't wait to hear more about it.

Kat Mortensen said...

I have problems taking showers with shower curtains ever since "Psycho" and baths, ever since the Freddie Kruger movie with Johnny Depp (what was that called again?) Oh yes. Nightmare on Elm Street.

I sometimes don't like being in the bathroom alone at night in the dark. Especially when a furry cat tail rubs up against my leg! Yikes!

Thanks for your comments on my Blasts from the Past blog. Don't forget to check out my main blog, Poetikat's.


Misty DawnS said...

I've truly enjoyed meeting and getting to know you, Rhea. I truly enjoy your writing style and way of thinking.