Saturday, October 25, 2008

Football & Soccer...Soccer & Football

We spend a lot of time outside on the fields these days with both boys playing a sport.

Donny is playing football for the first time ever, and he seems to like it!
He has practice two or three times a week and one game a week.
But the season's about to end.

I've been taking tons of pictures at the games.
Here's the team warming up with jumping jacks.
I love warm up exercises in unison.

Here's some actual tackling.
My son's in this group, but you can't see him well.
His team is the light yellow.

They are in a neat looking formation here.
Does it have a name?
I have no idea.
I can't keep up with the ball half the time.
I need a translator sitting next to me at the games.

I do notice the sunlight twinkling off the helmets though,
and how well things match,
and the synchronized movement and warm ups.

Gosh, I sound awfully girly, don't I?!

And then Remy is playing soccer.
I'm one of his coaches.

Soccer I actually understand because I played it as a child and in high school.

I love soccer. And these boys are adorable.

I've tried to avoid overwhelming you guys with sports photos,
because these are things I see and experience daily.
In large amounts.

But I love watching my kids play.

What do you take the most photos of?


Anonymous said...

Definitely photos of my kids...although today we all played hooky and missed our three games...two football games, and one daughter cheering at a flag football game. She cheers where you play soccer, and I think my 4th grader plays where Donny plays...

You'd think we'd run into each other or somethin'....

Nik said...

I am so with you on the all consumed football and soccer life. Cowboy played his final game today (they lost) and Itchy only has one more game. Cowboy also had a horseback riding competition between the two of them which I'll probably throw pictures up this week of.

I love your pics of them. Those pictures are really the moments where they look so grown up. *sniffle* Things I take pictures of the most...the boys and their doin's. I think the reason I take so many is because they do grow up so fast. I want to bottle or freeze that moment in time so I won't forget it because my memory is horrid.

Marrdy said...

These are such cool pictures. When my kids were little that was all I took pictures of. Taking pictures right now to use on a future blog that would fit right in down in Texas!

Swirl Girl said...

Saturday is soccer day at our house. Two girls, 4 and 9 -
Just today - 9 year old took action shots of 4 year old's game. Then, 4 year old used mom's camera to take pictures of ....her barbies and horsies, and the umbrella, and the ball, and my ankles, and herself at her sissy's game.

I take pictures of my kids all the time....not as good as yours with all the special effects and all.

Jen said...

I can't wait until my kids play sports, I know that later I will regret saying this but it just seems like so much fun.

And I take way to may photos of my kids. I think to date there are some 3000 photos of the kids.

Anonymous said...

I am always taking pictures of my kids holding the younger ones. I force them to play it casual - just today I took a picture of my seven year old with the 4 month old in the imitation Bjor.
I love your pictures! One of my kids is a competitive gymnast, and whenever I took pictures it was a leg, or arm or really blurry because they go so fast!
I love the picture of the two football teams together running (or tackling?) toward each other. How did you take it?
Really great shots!

Keys to the Magic Travel said...

What do I take the most pictures of?? It has to be kids. or cooking. Or strange things like close ups of flowers in the yard. Or lately it seems like I am documenting the antics of my horrible kitties. But I think that all those would be boring. So they just hang out in my computer.

Love all the sports pictures. How do you coordinate things like dinner - and not eat at Mickey D's all the time?!

ann said...

yes indeed, it's all about football these days - then on to swim then on to lax. The action photos.

Angie's Spot said...

I take the majority of pics of the girls. Playing, dancing, dressing up, etc... I know my readers have got to be bored this week with the over-abundance of family pics. I'm making up for lost time.

And I much prefer soccer to football. Better uniforms are just the beginning.

Shannon said...

I mostly take pics of my girls.

I leave the taking-pictures-of-goats to Shane.


Shelley said...

Man does that bring back memories of gymnastics and Boy Scouts. I have albums of photos. Where were digital cameras when my kids were young?

Linda said...

This last year has been tons of photos of the dog. It's been a year of puppyhood. She even has her own baby album! Besides the dog, I photograph the kids. When spring and summer are here, it's way too many photos of the kids in the pool. And way too many photos of every blooming thing in my garden (literally LOL)

Momma Trish said...

I love your photos. You've got such a great eye!

I take the most photos of my kids. Sweet memories I want to preserve.

Anonymous said...

very nice pictures great blog some how i found you when i was looking for stuff on our son and his birth defect on esophageal atresia such a great blog site you have i wish you all the best.

steenky bee said...

Great photos! With so much activity in your house, I bet Saturday's don't belong to you anymore. I'm also betting that you wouldn't have it any other way.

Vodka Mom said...

I'm with you- I LOVE watching the kids do what they do. Your pics, however, are FANTASTIC! no shit. I LOVE them.

lynette355 said...

Like all, my family. Try to get those oddball embarrising moments.

Justine said...

Girl, you take such great pictures. What the hell kind of camera are you using? I've been loving the Canon I won on SITS, but I cannot get it to take good pictures when it's dark, even on the night setting. WTF?????

Justine :o )

Anonymous said...

2 years ago my 8 y/o (then 6 y/o) was a cheerleader for the 1st grade football team. At first I was less than thrilled w/the idea, but I wanted to be supportive of her choice. So of course we went to every game--and I never understood WHAT the hell was going on on the football field (neither did any of the 1st grade players either, frankly) but we ended up having a great time every Saturday just hanging out as a family. It ended up being a great routine each weekend and now I have tons of pictures of football games and I'll never know what is going on in them, but my daughter sure had a cute uniform!

Susie said...

Other than the kids, I take the most photos of food and flowers that I share on my blog:-)

Jenn-n-n said...

My kids and nature. I love taking photos.

BTW, thank you for your comment on my blog. It's nice to see new people and read their blogs. I will be a regular visitor to yours.

Mama Dawg said...

Hands down, light of my life. Then, nature shots. Then shots of my pets.

I love all your pictures. They're all wonderful!

argsmommy said...

Your pictures are very cool! For me it's the quest to someday get a great picture of all three of my kids together and all smiling nicely. I'm not sure it's ever going to happen. : )

BTW, Thanks for visiting my blog!


Keys to the Magic Travel said...

I never took pictures at odd angles until I started blogging. Now I do it all the time. Such a strange phenom.

Keys to the Magic Travel said...

Back to number one BAY-BEE!

Do those blogher ads do anything for ya?

Tonya Staab said...

Loved the shots.

I constantly have a camera in my kids faces. If I don't have the camera, Miss M demands that I get one (I'm serious) before she'll do anything LOL.