Saturday, August 23, 2008

Kangaroo Conversations

Here are a bunch of kangaroos from the Fort Worth Zoo.
I think they're so cool!!
They have a lot to say...

Me: "Ummm, nope, not lookin' at you. Ignore the big camera pointed at you, carry on!"

ME: "Definitely not, Sweetie. A little hairy, but just the right size."

ME: "I'm gonna pretend I didn't see that."

Me: "I hear ya, sista. My pregnancy felt like that too."

Now, not to freak you out of anything, but here's the...

I'm gonna give myself NIGHTMARES!!

Every weekend it's camera critters.
Grab a camera, find a critter and join in!

Camera Critters


Nikki - Notes of Life said...

Brilliant! A great set of photos :D

Webradio said...

I love wallabies...
A bientôt...

Carletta said...

This was funny!
I loved your captions - great shots.

I also love your glowing boat widget for your awards - cool.

sassy stephanie said...

Poor preggo...she even has sad eyes. Misery.

Ramblings of a Villas Girl said...

The captions are priceless. I feel bad for the soon to be momma. She looks sooo uncomfortable.

AppleDebbie said...

Lol! Love the photos and the captions! Great post.

Karen said...

Those were really cute.

Anonymous said...

LOL Too funny :)

My critter is here

Melissa Lee said...

I don't know what is scarier - Alien kangaroo or pregnant kangaroo. Either way - Sheesh. Both will show up in my nightmares. (ha)

I am Lufkin, Texas, by the way. I don't suggest you head to this town unless you have ABSOLUTELY NOTHING to do. (ha ha)

Melissa at Stretch Marks

david mcmahon said...

Hilarious captions, Rhea.

I felt right at home here!

Justine said...

Ooh, how fun! They're so damn cute!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

JUstine :o )

Kelly said...

Love the pictures and captions...I keep meaning to take some pictures of some of the creatures in my backyard...I'm reminded I have yet to do that each weekend when I visit you....Oh well, may be next time...

Keys to the Magic Travel said...

Someone has herself a new toy. A new obsession. Or something like that. Do you know who it might be? :-)

Keys to the Magic Travel said...

Oh, and I had to laugh at Carletta's comment about your glowing "boats." Did you tell her that your feet really aren't that big?

(and a total side note - do you watch "King of the Hill?" Where Peggy Hill wears size 14 shoes. And has to speciality shop for them? And in one episode, she bought shoes, and her husband sees the box. And he says "Hey...who bought a microwave?" Nevermind. I just amuse myself...)

Insane Mama said...

A french bath.... HAHA
Maybe I would if I could :) I mean, er... um... what was I saying? Oh yea, Great Photos

CrystalChick said...

Purple grass!!! I love it! The world would be so wonderful if more things were purple. :))

Valarie Lea said...

Even Mama Kangaroos look miserable when pregnant.

Kelly said...

Great shots of the kangaroos! I think you did a great job getting the photos and I love the pregnant one! Great job!

ratmammy said...

hahah!!! these were so funny! and thanks for visiting bob and blackie. they always appreciate it. :)

Krystyn @ Really, Are You Serious? said...

Kangaroo fun! I love the preggo one! I feel like that, too!

Rambling Woods said...

I think the pregnant kangaroo really had the baby in her pouch. Take a close look...

Cristin said...

I've never been creeped out by a Kangaroo til now...

Emily said...

OH! I love the Fort Worth Zoo, so worth the ride out there. Was it hot?!

Your pics are great!

Emily said...

OH, I saw your trade days pics. We live SO CLOSE to there!

Briana said...

LOL that is sooo funny! That poor preggo kanga!

healingmagichands said...

Priceless! Marsupials are so interesting. I wish I was that flexible. . .

i beati said...

love the roos but always looking for Annie sandy

Anonymous said...

These were great especially your comments!

Love the drum set, but glad it is at your house not mine. hee, hee

I like the world of Rhea..thank you for sharing it. :)

Putting the FUN in DysFUNctional said...

I love the alien. The preggo mama breaks my heart. Get her an epidural, stat!

Utter Basketcase said...

Hey!! Where did you find that 4th picture of me??!!

Dammit! I didn't want anyone to see piccys of me pregnant, cause it clearly doesn't suit me! *GiGGLeS*

We just had a 'Roo hopping down the street yesterday! :-) xx

KatBouska said...

You're gonna give me nightmare too...they are super cute though!

Anonymous said...

I think I had that same look on my face when i was full-term pregnant.

Unknown said...

Too funny!Love your captions.

Indrani said...

Funny series of shots with wild and hilarious captions. :)

Aunt Julie said...

I sure can sympathize with the Poor Pregnant Mama! I was due with my last one in August, and she was 3-1/2 weeks late! I KNEW she wasn't gonna come out til college!!!

Misty DawnS said...

OK - you have TRULY outdone yourself here! You're gonna have a hard time ever topping this post, my friend. I laughed until I had tears running down my face. LOVE LOVE LOVE this post!

This Is My Blog - fishing guy said...

Rhea: Super fun post with the captioned kangaroos.

Anonymous said...

The kangaroos are really cute and comical!

Minkydo said...

Love your comments and the alien photo.

Critter post

Angie's Spot said...

I love kangaroos! There's a kangaroo preserve in GA that I'm hoping to visit sooner than later. They're just neat creatures!