So, I took the boys to see this movie...the new animated one.
They loved it, and now I have a storm trooper in my home.
They have these cut outs on display at Target...while we were there, my boys wanted me to ask an employee if they could buy one. So, I asked...and they gave us one for free!
I finally got the drum kit out of the den and upstairs to the game room. Let's see if we can get this dude to Donny's bedroom.
I'm reclaiming my den, slowly, inch by inch. Have you see the coffee table?

I finally got the drum kit out of the den and upstairs to the game room. Let's see if we can get this dude to Donny's bedroom.
I'm reclaiming my den, slowly, inch by inch. Have you see the coffee table?
The sponge bob and legos and action figures are still on your coffee table?! Oh, my.
And now you have a storm trooper?
I am thinking that you are doing the one step forward, one step back thing. With the drums gone...and the new addition.
I remember when my son used to build with Legos for hours...building fors and villages. No need to clean it up yet, just appreciate their creativity.
I remember when my son used to build with Legos for hours...building fors and villages. No need to clean it up yet, just appreciate their creativity.
Yep. Once the kids come into the pic, the whole house becomes one giant toy box.
Why is it that kids always want to bring their toys in the living room? My girls each have their own bedroom (something I didn't have until I was 11) and a playroom downstairs. Do you think they play in any of these rooms??? Nnnooooo.... they like the living room.
boys and their toys...we always have to try to reign in the toy migration to our den's a never ending battle. Perhaps if I had a storm trooper to help me out!!
My son would flip for that stormtrooper... I wonder if my target would be as generous?
My sis and I used to set up all the barbies and their cars and house in the living room...we would play for days.
I love the coffee table! Graham keeps moving ours to the corner of the room to give himself more flailing space...
What did you think of the movie? I thought it was action for Star Wars is MUCH better.
My girls recently got a bunch of Lego's and just this morning turned my living room into a zoo with animals and a tram. In your photo, I glimpse my future.
You go and reclaim your room. I am rooting for you! I am hoping that some day I can reclaim my house from all the toys but something tells me not so much.
I think you need a lego room. My sister has one for my nephew. There are lego's everywhere. :)
You crack me up--there's so much warmth and spirit in your stories. And you are clearly the world's coolest mom, too! Good luck with the coffee table. I can't find mine either--and that's without kids!
Can you please tell me why I have purchased a gazillion toys that my son totally ignores in favor of destroying/playing with the coffee table? Why the hell is the coffee table so exciting? At least yours has toys on it!
I don't think mine will survive the month of August ...
That's one tough Lego army! They are still keepin' their strong hold.
Was the movie any good? What age range would you think is appropriate. I have kids wanting to see it. I just don't want to pay for something I have to leave half way through, because it's over their head and their bored.
That is cool they just gave you the cutout figure! AWESOME SCORE!! You mean you have a coffee table? Where, I don't see it! LOL.
We do that all the time as well...except with Nascar cut-outs. I really want to come over and play with all those is legoland at your house! I can play for hours with some know, cuz I am special like that!!!
Thats a neat sign!
It's good to see SpongeBob made it through!
We are living the same life. My kiddos saw it a few days ago and are so into their Star Wars Guys. I can barely walk through my family room because the ships are everywhere.
Reminds me of worlds my son used to build years ago. He's older now and into Xbox and his guitar so no box loads of Legos everywhere.
How cool is it that Target gave you the display!
That Lego collection is something else. Reminds me of my living room.
Good for people to know.
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