Monday, August 18, 2008

God Frogs

Welcome SITStas!
Glad y'all stopped by.

My name is Rhea (pronounced RAY). I live in Texas.
I have two boys, whom I love to photograph, make fun of, and interview.

They inspire me.

I'm always looking for inspiration.
As a writer, I find it everywhere.
In my childhood,
in my present,
being a mother,
hearing something funny in the waiting room at a doctor's office,
in dreams.

I often have vivid dreams with colorful characters and amazing plots.

Which leads me to today's post.
A couple of years ao, I had a wild dream,

and I woke up in the middle of the night
with the images and thoughts from it flowing
from my hand to paper.
I wrote feverishly for an hour or so.

Then I went back to sleep.

The next morning, I read what I wrote,
but wasn't as impressed.

I started to make a story out of it,
but put it aside eventually and never returned.
Here's the gist of it.

A young boy in a village loses his father at a young age to the local gods. This village and the people in it are stuck in tradition, which involves them paying homage to the God Frogs, which fall from the sky on the same day every year. These sacred frogs are covered in brilliant colors and live only until the next Showering when the new batch of frogs land.

Brolie, the young boy, has to decide, as he comes of age, whether he wants to commit to and join the Holy Order that tends to the God Frogs, or to venture away from his village and its traditions to explore life. I think there was more to it, but that's all I remember right now.

I didn't get much further, but one day I might return to this story.

It was a bizarre dream, leading to a strange story.

I just love the term God Frogs though.

It's fun to say.
Weird to imagine.

As a child I was called Rheafrog.

Weird, right?

I looked up frogs in a dream dictionary.
Apparently they represent positive omens,

Positive transformation,


symbolize the unconscious

and can even be sexual symbols,

representing male genitals.

Ummm, yuck on the last one.

Sorry to leave you with that image!


Mozi Esme said...

Very bizarre! Cool graphics, though!

Unknown said...

Yea for you! Congrats on being the SITSTA... I can say I knew you when! Enjoy your day!

Anonymous said...

WOOHOO Check you out....THE QUEEN SITSTA OF THE DAY;) You rock, my love!!

John Deere Mom said...

Congrats on your special day!! So exciting!

Jill said...

Ok, I've seen you all around the blogsphere... it's about time you made it as the blog of the day! We haven't been formally introduced. I'm Jill... nice to meet you!

Totally dig your pink hat - if my girls saw it they'd make me buy one for them too - to match their pink cowboy boots (courtesy of the MIL from Target).

Enjoy your special day!

Claremont First Ward said...

Yahoo..........congrats, Rhea.......blogging will never be the same after today...:) Love your introduction!

Anonymous said...

Congrats on being the SITS featured blogger. LOVE your blog design! :)

Danyele Easterhaus said...

congrats on being the queen of the day!!! yeah! fun blog...

Emily said...

Congrats SITS girl!

Jodi said...


Heather said...

Congrats on being the Featured Blog o' the day! Off to read the posts...


Nonnas News said...

Congrats on being the featured blogger today!!

Karen said...

There are other writers out there writing books based on a dream. I say you write it. I would so read it.

Jen said...

Oh Rhea, I am so happy for you. You are the best sistsa around and deserve this feature blogger day. I am so happy for you!!!!

Jennifer said...

cool story. :) great pics. ;) love the one of you at the end!! Rhea-Frog!! ;)

I like frogs, but couldn't imagine worshiping them like Gods. lol

I have vivid dreams some times too, but not usually anything I can fully remember come morning.


Deanna said...

Congrats on being today's SITS sista! LOVE the look of your blog!

Valarie Lea said...

Did you know that Frog is used as an acronym for Fully Rely On God ?

Lynda said...

Got here from SITS, but more importantly, am a fellow TEXAN! Hope you find your inner frog.

The Nice One said...

Congrats on your big day!!!!

Aunt Julie said...

Good morning, and congrats to you, SITSta! I love your Froggy Creation! I'm still trying to find my "Inner Frog," but I'm about half-way there. If you have any suggestions for my journey, I'd greatly appreciate them!

Aubrey said...

Another one coming over from SITS.
I can't wait to read more. Enjoy your day as FB!!!

Kally said...

Wild dream. I am loving the term god frog too. (I just really like the way it sounds.)

Congrats on being featured today. I've seen your pink hat around but never quite made it to your blog until today. I am glad I did. Enjoy your day of comment lovin'.

Unknown said...

Congratulations on your SITS day!

Bar-b said...

Hey pink hatted Sitsta! So fun to have found your blog through "the girls". Hope you have a great day filled with comment love ;)

Looking forward to reading you entries, I just wanted to say hi first.

Carrie said...

How funny! Enjoy being queen for a day. :)

Lula! said...

I came over here to be all, "I knew her WHEN" since today is your SITS fame and stuff.

Then I read "God frogs" and "sexual symbols" and was all, "Yep--totally knew her WHEN!" You crack me up.

If Meyer can take her vamp dreams and turn them into gold, you might as well spin yours into an amphibian treasure!

Indy said...

I am so out of the loop. Everyone is congratulating you. Not sure what SITS is. But, apparently, it is a big day. Congrats!!!!

thotlady said...

I dream a lot and they are almost always interesting. But, very, very strange.

Anonymous said...

YAY!! You go girl! I am so happy you are fb today!! Love the frog dream.

katylinvw said...

congratulations on your SITS feature! :)

Keys to the Magic Travel said...

So, perhaps there was an unconscious reason that you had to stick out your tongue in that picutre. So, you could be the goddess of the Frogs. Or something.

I never remember my dreams. Never. except one. And it's just too strange to write in the comment section.

Congrats on finally having your day in the sun!!!

Mama Dawg said...

Awesome post. I didn't even realize it's your SITS day. I haven't scrolled down to that portion of my side bar yet. Congrats! I love this post. My grandmother would love it too, as she loves frogs.

Tinabean said...

Your blog is cute & a lot of fun to read.

i beati said...

You are edgy today girl noone else will have that post sk are the boys in school??

Sydney said...

congrats on being featured blogger of the day! isn't it fun? trying to catch up on all the crazy comment love is running me ragged though. thanks for stopping by last week. enjoy your moment in the SITS sun!

Angie's Spot said...

Congrats on your big day!! Very cool pics on this entry. I love frogs. There's just something about them that I find mesmerizing.

lemonologie said...

Congrats on your SITS day!

Unknown said...

Hey I need to send you a pink tiara....WOW, congratulations! Hmmm, about the story. This could be the beginning of a really cool and colorful children's book...I really REALLY like can go somewhere...dream some more. Love ya...Marlene

Live.Love.Eat said...

My late grandmama loved frogs or so we thought she did. I think she got a dust collector frog once, oohed and aahed over it, so then EVERYONE bought them for her on EVERY occasion. So, I think of her when I think her frogs. Nice to see they represent something positive!

Untypically Jia said...

Congrats on your SITS day!

Marrdy said...

Congrats on your SITS day! One of my good friends LOVES frogs.. I'm still trying to "get" it.

CrystalChick said...

I'm not remembering anything specific right now, but lately my dreams have been somewhat unnerving. Not sleeping so well some nights and stressing about vaca plans maybe???

Congrats on SITS feature. I have GOT to get over there more regularly!!

Ashley said...

Congratulations SITSa! Love your blog!

david mcmahon said...

Persist with that stoy. No flash of inspiration goes unrewarded.

Glad you liked my garlands post.

~Tanya~ said...

Congrats for being featured on SITS. I never remember my dreams or maybe I don't dream, can't remember lol!
BTW cool frog pics too.

Shannon said...

Hope you're lovin' your SITS day! :)

I rarely remember my dreams. But the latest one I had (that I remember) was like I was in the new Batman movie!!! Yep, I was Batman/Christian Bale's love interest (woo hoo, lucky me!) and was freaking out because someone was out to kill me. Weird.

Anonymous said...

Very cool post. You are so creative.

Little Birdie Secrets said...

Congrats to you! Love your dream...very interesting!!

Ginny said...

What a cool story, hope you finish it one day.

Keeper of the Skies Wife said...

Love your post. Congrats on being the featured blogger.

Heather said...

I hope it was a fun day!! It looks like you were a hit!

Unknown said...

Congrat's Rhea, what a fun day for you!

Bob and Jenn Peacock said...

Congratulations on being SITS blog of the day. I loved your story! I have to say frogs are one of my favorite things!

Kelly said...

Congrats, Congrats to you Rhea-frog!!
Such a funny post!

Kathryn and Ari said...

God frogs? I LOVE it! I want to read the story as soon as it's ready.

Rela Pantaleon said...

Greetings, RheaFrog, from a Texas Hill Country transplant!

Here's a frog tip I discovered during Founder's Day last Spring. There was this booth selling wooden frogs. If you stroke their ridged back with accompanying wooden stick, it would make the finest frog croak I have ever heard!

Briana said...

LOL about the frog story.

You should email me designsbybriana @ gmail . com

I moved here in January from Michigan so I'm in the same boat as you!

Anonymous said...

Congrats on your day. Love the graphics, especially the last one, may we all find our inner frog.

Coby said...

How coincidental, I wrote a post today about a frog! fantastic read Rhea!

Anonymous said...

CONGRATS! It's about time. LOVE the frogs.

Jules said...

Woo hoo! Congrats on being featured on SITS! And love the graphics by the way. It must have taken you AGES to do this post!

Cristin said...

Just getting around to reading this whole thing.. better late than never...

You have to explore this further ok?? It has some real potential..