Wednesday, August 20, 2008

What you didn't know you needed

I met these lovely ladies not too long ago.
Do you want to know where they were hanging out?

I found them at our county's Third Monday Trade Days.
Do you know what that is?
A giant flea market.

100 years ago, judges rode the circuit, visiting lots of little towns to preside over court proceedings once a month.
Residents would gather to participate in or observe court proceedings and saw it as an opportunity to swap goods with each other.
Thus began Trade Days.

I was bummed I couldn't bring Annie,

but I did bring my camera!

I was tempted to buy so many unique items,
but I purposefully didn't bring but a few dollars with me.

I think I'd put the mermaid in my bathroom. Near our big garden tub.

The men didn't mind me taking pictures of their popcorn.

But, I'm sure they thought I was weird.


I get that a lot these days.

I could totally collect old keys. I could be easily obsessed with collecting them.

What do you like to collect?

I'm not sure what these are. Decoration? Hooks? I should have looked closer.

My favorite item of the day?

Purses made out of old cowboy boots.

I want one.

I may have to bring money next time.

Would you have bought any of those things?

Surely something tempted you...


Shannon said...

The license plate art is kinda cool. And I love the old keys!

You definitely need to have one of those purses! They are so Rhea!

Anonymous said...

hmmm - a handful of those old keys, definitely for me!

Unknown said...

I love the mermaid.. so cute! Great pictures!

CrystalChick said...

OH I too see you with a cowboy boot purse!
I would have been hanging by the kettle corn. Was it sweet??? I'm not supposed to have much corn anymore ~oh.the.horror~ but I'd still sneak a small handful!
And the keys. Yes, I like old keys! There's a greeting card I make they would be perfect for. I have a stamp that says 'home sweet home' (card is in the giveaway) but I only use a regular all purpose key.
Skeleton keys and those neat shaped ones. Ooh, fun!!

Unknown said...

The liscense plate art is kinda neat...I loved the keys...would make an old wind chime with those...the brass hooks and finales(in all different colors) are sorta cool...the knobs..not so much...and yes, you must have a cowboy boot either bright blue or fuscia with matching toes and flip flops...that would be totally cool. Thanks for sharing...this was super fun!

Unknown said...

One more thing...not the mermaid...though she is very cool, our city is covered with day I may do a post about it. There are mermaids everywhere, literally, but by your bath tub would be kinda neat. you can put different hats on her and dress her up for the seasons.

Anonymous said...

I haven't been to Trade Days in months! My personal favorite is the Metal Guy...I think he must make the most money of anyone out there...well, that and the Lemonade & Funnel Cake Guys....

And I have seen all those things and thought the same things as you about some of that cra..uh, stuff...

Keys to the Magic Travel said...

How interesting! I have never been one to feel the lure of flea markets. But then again, ours don't look anything like this one.

Because I am living carb free these days...that Kettle corn looks most enticing. But I must admit, the mermaid captures my fancy the most. We have a hot tub built into our deck, and I think she'd look smashing there.

Valarie Lea said...

Those cowboy boot purses are awesome!! I also like the license plate art and the keys. I heart keys. Maybe I should start collecting those?

Mama Dawg said...

The keys and the pile 'o crap tempted me. I would have gone crazy in a place like that. I wish they would do that here.

Karen said...

Oh that place looks dangerous! I could spend the kiddo's college fund there with out much effort. So... was the popcorn, kettlecorn? I haven't had kettlecorn in years. I love that stuff and it seems you can only find it at flea markets and the fair. (Two things I haven't attempted since the kid's came along.) LOVE the purses!!!

Rhea said...

I agree with everyone, I need one of those purses.

I didn't try the popcorn, so I don't know if it was kettle corn or not. Hmmmm... I now have a mission for next Trade Days.

Sidney, I'm not sure who the metal guy is? I might have seen him...I have lots of other pictures I didn't post...

Rhea said...

BTW, Living on the Spit, I LOVE the idea of making a wind chime from the old keys. Brilliantly creative!!!

sassy stephanie said...

Man, we have this once a month but not quite as good as yours. Mostly handmade trinkets and organic fruits, eggs, etc.

I want want want the door knobs for the bathroom of my new house!!!

The backyard oasis by the pool. That's where she belongs.

sassy stephanie said...

Oh and the plate art, Texas shaped of course, would be great in the backyard, garage (yes, with the hubby's beer sign) or in a gameroom.

Man, I wish our market days were this cool! I took a ton of cash the first time to ours all excited and was disappointed.

Lula! said...

I want to go there...NOW! The keys are fabulous. Now I wanna do a "Key tree" at Christmas. Tie velvet & gossamer ribbons on them and slip 'em on the evergreen bough. DELIGHTFUL!

p.s. Loved your "big dog prejudice" reference. Totally discriminatory.

Indy said...

I love all of the stuff around the mermaid. Cool photos. You could frame those and make a cool collection.

Live.Love.Eat said...

Definitely the wine holders beneath then cowboy purses..... and some popcorn of course :)

Claremont First Ward said...

Wow. I felt like I was there!

carrie said...

Is that why you asked me that about your blog? The big dog prejudice? That's hilarious!!

And pretty stupid, if you ask me!

@TiffanyRom said...

I would've bought SOOOO many things. The license plate states were so cool! What a fun thing to hang outside on a porch.

Kally said...

What great pics. I would love to have some of those keys. I have no clue what I would do with them but I still want some. I agree the cowboy boot purses are cute, much better than the recycled blue jean purses like I carried in Middle School.

Bar-b said...

I need a cowboy boot purse. need. one.

by the way, got teary eyed with the picture of your two boys as angels and then as cute hellions. don't do that again, ok ;)

Marrdy said...

Thanks for stopping by today! I wish I lived by this flea market. Looks like such fun.

Angie's Spot said...

I'm digging the birdhouses. But those cowboy book purses are pretty cool too!

Now, I have an observation. Did someone recently begin playing constantly with their photo editing software? The last few posts have a recurring theme with the pics. I really like it! I just noticed it was something new all of a sudden. :-)

Nonnas News said...

You have the cutest blog! May I add you to my blog roll? I'm going to Canton soon to their Trade Days. I cant wait!!

Kelly said...

I could so totally see you accessorizing with a pink cowboy boot purse!!
The keys were really neat...don't know how I would use them, but they sure had character.
I wish our flea market was like yours...ours is junk.
And no one sells kettle corn!!!

Unknown said...

Rhea I'm thinking you can guess it in one, what my faves were! LOL

I need a cowboy boot purse NOW!

Jeff B said...

Sounds like a pretty cool place to meander through. I like you idea of a funky wedding cake topper.

Anonymous said...

I've already got one of those birdhouses, it's a John Deere Tractor one, and I thought Randy had a Gator one, but darned if I know where it is...maybe my Dad has one and I am thinking of the wrong person!? LOL

I do like the boot purses too!

Cristin said...

The old keys are calling me... Hubby is crafty and has been known to make some cool wind chimes out of stuff like that....

Aunt Julie said...

You and photoshop were made for each other, weren't you? I've been to Trade Days both in Texas and in Wisconsin. Sort of like swap meets that I used to go to with my Nana when I was little. You can find such FUN stuff at gatherings like these!

Krystyn @ Really, Are You Serious? said...

I couldn't get past the kettle corn. YUM!

the mama bird diaries said...

totally big dog prejudice. so mean to shut her out.

KG said...

What do I like to collect? Love letters from ex-boyfriends. I can't help it. I can't throw any of them away. Say what you will, but even ones from when I was 12 MUST stay.

Anonymous said...

I LOVED those old keys. And the cowboy boot die for - so cute!

C and C Mommy said...

I love those purses!! I need to go to your Trade Days. Ours isn't quite so exciting!!

Briana said...

Where do you live in McKinney? Email me designsbybriana @ I live off Custer north of Eldorado. I haven't been to trade days yet. DO you like it?

Jules said...

Wow! Looks like you had a great time. So what did people say to you when you started taking pictures of their stuff? LOL
ANd love the purses. Sigh.

Tiffany said...

I MUST come visit you and go to this heaven on earth!!!

Jennifer said...

wowzer... where do i start.

i love the license plate art...seriously. i do. i would have bought one for in my son's bdrm. love it!! we are in the middle of Finding Nemo meets Cars in there... but we are transistioning to Cars!! ;) just mom is a little lazy about it. But I would have definitely had to get one of them.

I also LOVE the mermaid!! I think that would be so cool to have in a bthrm by the tub. :) cool, but i'm sure it was pricey!!

I also love the old keys... something I would have loved to buy also, and all of them, I mean. i'm a little compulsive and need things like that once in a while. lol i think they would be so cool to make something out of them... and also to let the kids play with some of them, and to daydream about what they would unlock...

i'm not crazy about the hooks, but I bet there were some really awesome ones in there that I would have been able to buy and do something with. :)

I love the Big $85 birdhouse... but wouldn't ever probably spend that much money on a bird house. EVER.

I love the boot purses... what a clever idea. very cool!! I would have probably wanted one of them too!!

I also am daydreaming about a nice ice cold lemonaid slushy drink!! :)

GREAT pictures!!

I wanna go there. I love flea markets and yardsales!! LOVE them!!


i beati said...

uncanny I just watched the trade days special on tv and was wishing I was there about a3,ooo vendors right ?? sandy

Amy said...

Trade Days is something that I never did when I lived up there. Always wanted to though. Looks like I missed out on some interesting things.

Raxx - A day in the life said...

The mermaid would make great garden art, it would go nicely with my doggie poop and weeds!

But i'm working on it! (flowers and trees, not the poop)

Justine said...

There's not a thing there that I would have wanted to buy, and that even includes the popcorn if it was the kettle/sweet kind! Until I saw those purses. I'm not a cowgirl kinda girl, but man are those cool! How much were they? You've gotta go back and get one!!!!!!!
Oh look! Raquel visits you! How do you know my Trinidad mama?

Justine :o )

Anonymous said...

I'm in a purge stage in my life right now so the only thing I would have bought would have been the amazing food they have to have there (evidenced by the popcorn pic).

I did collect cool old keys when we lived in Germany. No telling where those keys came from.

Blondie said...

I totally want the mermaid AND the cowboy boot purses. So jealous.

Andrea said...

Yum! Strawberry lemonade! It's always funny to see crafty things that people come up with at fairs.

My mom collected buttons at one time and put them in a jar-cool look and fun to play with, sort, etc. I don't really collect things, but I do have quite a few teapots that I use.

I liked the bird houses, although I'm not sure how bright they would look after being outside in the sun, rain, etc.

Fun post!