Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Answered Mystery Photos

No one got all of them right. Most of you all at least got one or two right.
It was a sport theme.
We went to Academy yesterday to buy football gear for my eleve-year-old.

Football helmets!

Referee shirts!

football cleats!

(Did you know there are cleats for soccer, baseball and football?)

In my opinion there isn't a HUGE different among them.

Just more money from my wallet.

Baseball bats!

Girly softball gloves!!

Pool Cues!


Golf clubs!

Thanks for playing, everyone!!

We'll do it again next week.


Kelly said...

I thought I had done much better...oh well there's always next week!

Keys to the Magic Travel said...

I didn't do so bad. And I should have guessed gloves for those black and pink things. But I didn't. You do the best mystery photos. I need to do this again on my blog. But I am awful at picking things out for the photos....

Jules said...

Wow! I would never have guessed then all. Amazing what an ant's eye view will do to things.

Jen said...

Awe shucks! I did get the theme right, sorta.

Claremont First Ward said...

Amazing job. These were so fun.

Insane Mama said...

I so would have guessed all of those if I got here earlier. Cuz you know, i'm a genius and all.

Unknown said...

I would have definitely have guessed a few of them, if I'd got here this morning!!!!

Anonymous said...

If there was an award for the most creative blogger, I swear I would give it to you! You are such an imaginitive poster. I am running out of ideas!

Anonymous said...

ooooh, I missed the first post, but I closed my eyes while I scrolled down so I could still play! I thought the bats were golf clubs but other than that, I did pretty well! Hmm, could it be because we were JUST at Sports Authority buying soccer cleats and shinguards?? Yep, it's that time of year!

Karen said...

I thought they were hard until my husband names them all off without problem. I apparently don't spend enough time in sporting goods. :)

sassy stephanie said...

Woooow you got me good on the gloves.

CrystalChick said...

I knew I wasn't going to get all of them so I took a pass on guessing. :(

Cristin said...

I missed this one!! Darn!