What's the best way to capture ants without killing them?
This was the dilemma we pondered last night.
Because today is Remy's birthday.
He's 7 years old!
And we let him open a early gift last night, from family who lives in Alabama.
It was a space-age ant habitat.

In 2003 NASA came up with an experiment to study animal life in space and test how ants successfully tunnel in microgravity.
They came up with this cool gel that is complete with nutrients and supplements to promote a healthy ant colony. A gel that wouldn't collapse upon shuttle lift-off.
However, with this awesome kit, ants were not included.
Luckily (or not) we have a big ant pile in our front yard.
And the boys have a healthyfear respect of ants, so they suckered talked their dad into helping.
This was the dilemma we pondered last night.
Because today is Remy's birthday.
He's 7 years old!
And we let him open a early gift last night, from family who lives in Alabama.
It was a space-age ant habitat.

In 2003 NASA came up with an experiment to study animal life in space and test how ants successfully tunnel in microgravity.
They came up with this cool gel that is complete with nutrients and supplements to promote a healthy ant colony. A gel that wouldn't collapse upon shuttle lift-off.
However, with this awesome kit, ants were not included.
Luckily (or not) we have a big ant pile in our front yard.
And the boys have a healthy
Our magnificent space-age, ant-catching tool ended up being a...butter knife.
The boys had no problem kicking the ant pile and then running.
Leaving their father to capture angry ants.
Leaving their father to capture angry ants.
Our neighbors must think we're strange. In our front yard, me with my camera, my husband with a knife.
It was big excitement, let me tell ya.
As of last night, only a few ants escaped and died trying.
I'll let you know how it turns out.
Thanks, G'Dad, Debra & Kate!!
Awesome giftand great blog material!!
Awesome gift
Am I first? I CAN'T BELIEVE IT! Well, first off, Happy Birthday to Remy...hope you LOVE your ants. Take good care of them, now. Don't want to be like one of my kids and break the ant farm. You know what happens then, don't ya? Ants in the sugar! And everywhere else!
Happy Birthday, Remy!
Enjoy the ants! Just don't let them out!
Happy Birthday Remy - cool kid cool name- ants an interesting gift choice. I'll bet he'll be teaching me soon..Sandy many blessings this new year!!
Yea Dad!
A very unique gift!
I am eager to know the developments.
Happy Birthday Remy! What a cool gift:-)
We have had an ant farm forever...and still have never put ants in it. I'm hoping the kids forget about it!
Happy Birthday Remy! How interesting to watch this ant colony at work. I can't wait to see your next posts with the rest of the story, for this is a very informative post.
Congratulations, Miss Anne!
Happy Birthday, Remy!
Awesome gift. I can't wait to see how it turns out.
We would have been in the front yard doing the same thing. But our neighbors are family so they probably would have joined in.
Happy birthday Remy! And kudos to you for allowing a container of ants to enter your home. :)
That looks like fun, but it also makes me feel itchy!!!
Congratulations Miss Anne!!!
Ok, so the Husband gets major Good-Dad-points for catching ants with a butter knife. ewwwwww.
I wonder what those ants think going from plain old dirt to space age blue goop!
I bet those ants were all arguing about who got to be an astronaut
love how happy the kids look, it's wonderful how they make everything an event
Oh boy. I don't think I could catch ants. You HAVE to keep us posted on this one. We had one of those but I killed the ants. So hard to keep them alive. I ordered my ants.
Happy Birthday to Remy!
Hope this adventure turns out well!
A memorable birthday for sure - for all. :)
Maybe I'm crazy, but couldn't you have just set the colony open next to the ant hill overnight and let the ants move in on their own? I really have no idea...I do know that you can drown ants and then bring them back to life my pouring salt over them!
How cool is that?!?! I want one of those... will your husband come over and catch some ants for me too? You and I can take pictures :-P
Now... I'm back to pouting that I didn't win your giveaway... *sigh*
Wow, great gift! And great excuse to kick ant piles! Happy birthday, Remy!
I always wanted a ant farm when I was a kid, but it never happened. If you need ants, we have a huge supply here in Tampa. They keep springing up all over our yard. Yep, you can come and get as many as you want.......
Ant farms are super cool and a great gift for a little boy!!
They are neat to watch in their farms!
Many warm birthday wishes to Remy!
Mountain Retreat
Happy Birthday, Remy !!!
That ant farm looks cool. I'vce always wanted one of those!
The ant farm came without ants? Strange.
what a neat Birthday gift, a learning experience as well.
First of all, Happy Birthday, Remy!!!!!!!!
Now, it's really funny that you blogged about this today, because Madison also got an ant farm for Christmas, and we just ordered her ants TODAY. Yes Rhea, you are supposed to send in the order for that comes WITH the ant farm to get the RIGHT kind of ants. ROFL!
Madison's is probably cooler than Remy's though, 'cause it glows in the dark. Neener neener.
Justine :o )
Dont you need like a queen or something? lol
I'm so glad that Remy (and all of you) enjoyed the ant farm!!!! Can't wait to see the colony grow!
Happy Birthday Rewy. Tell hubby that if he stands in the ant pile all those ants will crawl up his pants. I know, I have done this!
We have one of those too~ or we used to I think it is lost somewhere in Christie's room
Happy Birthday Remy! Have fun with your ant farm!
Oh my goooooodness!
this has made my entire night!
:) ty ty ty!
my email:
How cool. I have seen that ant colony thing before...but I am not bringing ants into my house. What if they escape?
And I can kinda see Donny's new hair cut. I like it...
Omgosh. That is too funny. Wow how times have changed! Space aged gel?
That looks so cool!
oh that is a fun gift and awesome blog material!!! thanks for stopping by my blog.
OOOHH! We have one of those ant houses! We actually put some ants in it when we lived in the UK.
Unfortunately, they died. We don't know why.
Maybe there is a difference between British and American ants??? Hmmm...
I am getting the "arm hairs on end" just thinking about the crawling ant pile though.
Happy Birthday! I hope the celebrations are fun! I would love to do that for MY birthday~!
That's really neat! Though I don't know that I'd want to try to catch ants. I would feel like they were crawling over me for hours...
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