Saturday, December 20, 2008

She never pays for gas.

There's a passenger in my car who never pays her way.

She never wears a seatbelt.

She never reads the map for me.

She slobbers all over the car and leaves hair everywhere.

But yet I bring her with me everywhere I go!
I get such joy from seeing her ears flying in the wind.
Her head hanging out the window.
I just love my sweet girl.

Camera Critters

Grab a camera, photograph a critter and join Camera-Critters!


Kori said...

Awww Annie is the best.

Kori said...

And I really hope you weren't driving and snapping pictures. You know that is bad for your health.

Twisted Fencepost said...

I love those pictures!
She looks like such a sweetie.
And she looks comfortable in the car. She knows she's loved!!

Anonymous said...

She looks so happy! Very sweet! Isn't it funny how dogs can bring us such warm feelings even while they're making more work for us (with the hair & the slobber)?

Keys to the Magic Travel said...

She is so cute. And I haven't gotten any Annie pictures on my phone lately :-) That day still cracks me up. Cause I have never received pictures from anyone other than you. And you should have seen how long it took me to figure out how to look at them!

Beth said...

Oh my word. But you couldn't have a more adorable passenger! She looks SO happy to be riding around with you!

I just love the fist photo of her in the rearview mirror! SO CUTE.

Momma Trish said...

She's such a cute puppy! My son's favourite picture of her is still the one where she's wearing cowboy boots. Sooo cute!

Lapa37 said...

She looks very happy sitting there in the car.My dog HATES the car he goes into such panic mode.His fur falls out and sometimes he even poops on the seat.

Keeper of the Skies Wife said...

Isn't it great how our fur babies are just as important as our human babies!!

Annie rocks!

Unknown said...

Annie is the best and i know Santa will be good to her this year. These photos were wonderful.


Rudee said...

It's been awhile since I've had a dog who enjoys being a passenger in a car and treating every trip as a joy ride. My Duke is so big and though he'll go, he doesn't like it very much.

Although it may not be fun cleaning pup-kiss off the windows, but she looks like she makes for good company in a car. This makes cleaning worthwhile.

Juliana RW said...

lovely dog...

My CC entry this week : in HERE. Hope you have time to visit . Thanks

sassy stephanie said...

I'm always busting my Sydney's chops. She just lazes around the house, never helping clean, cook or even get a kid ready for bed.

ratmammy said...

What a sweetie!!

Unknown said...

What a neat dog!

Grammy said...

But she dose pay her way in cuteness and fun.
Happy holidays.

david mcmahon said...

But she's got a woof over her head, Rhea!

NoBS said...

The pictures through the mirror are great!

We used to have a Malamute who loved car rides so much that one day, when the mailman stopped by, she bolted out the front door, right past the mailman, and sat in the only seat in his jeep, the driver's seat, and just stared out the windshield waiting for her ride!

Captain Dumbass said...

Merry Christmas Annie!

kayleen said...

doggone dogs that don't read maps! fun photos. happy holidays!

Michele said...

Awww.... what a truly wonderful post!!! Merry Christmas!
Mountain Retreat- Canada

Reader Wil said...

You are right to love her! She is sweet!

Jen said...

Annie is just so awesome, it makes me really want to get an Annie. But I wonder are all dog's this awesome? Is there really another Annie out there? I bet she is just one of a kind.

OHmommy said...

Our dog LOVES the car. perhaps it is all the extra toddler snacks on the bottom of the floor.

CUTE dog!

Anonymous said...

Somehow I just knew that Annie likes the car! Merry Christmas to Annie!

Anonymous said...

She looks like the perfect passenger to me.

lynette355 said...

Lovely Annie!
Our yellow lab was inherited from my father. Penny Bright went everywhere with him. She is sad that she no longer has extended car privaliges. No we are not cruel just can not drive with 5 dogs. And hard to out of the house with just one. LOL Annie take a ride for Ms. Penny!

Anonymous said...

Doesn't she look sweet! I'm never sure whether dogs like the car ride itself or being with their peeps the most...I guess with a car ride they get a two-fer :-)

Justine said...

No seat belt for Annie? Don't you love her enough to strap her furry ass in? LOL!
OMG, she's just too cute.

Justine :o )

Aunt Julie said...

My in-laws just made the trek from Wisconsin to FLA with 3 kids and two dogs...a yellow lab and a springer puppy. They go everywhere with their critters, too!

Cathy said...

She is the only co-pilot that will not yell when you do something wrong.

Lorie said...

What cute pictures! I don't have any critters...just rugrats! ;D

This Is My Blog - fishing guy said...

Rhea: She looks well behaved.

Misty DawnS said...

She can ride me with ANYTIME!!!!!!!!! Really - she CAN - I don't mind at all ;-)

Ice Pony Girl said...

She's beautiful! I'd buy her doggie seat belt.

Mama Dawg said...

Max is terrified of the car. He starts whining and sneezing when he gets in the car.

AppleDebbie said...

Awww... Annie is such a sweetheart! Our Trooper loves riding in the car too... I never get tired of seeing his face in the rear view mirror. Happy Holidays to you and your family!

Putting the FUN in DysFUNctional said...

If I had an Annie, she'd go everywhere with me too!