While in Baton Rouge, I decided to take the boys to visit a historic site
that I visited as a child.
In other words, I took my destroyers to see The WWII Destroyer,
The U.S.S. Kidd.
that I visited as a child.
In other words, I took my destroyers to see The WWII Destroyer,
The U.S.S. Kidd.
The USS Kidd is a WWII destroyer ship that was launched in 1943
and saw plenty of action in WWII and the Korean War.
It also saw plenty of action while we were on it.
Trust me.
You'll see.
and saw plenty of action in WWII and the Korean War.
It also saw plenty of action while we were on it.
Trust me.
You'll see.
It was never modernized, and is the only destroyer to maintain her WWII appearance.
She has been restored though and in 1997 her torpedo tubes were re-loaded.
I need my tubes unloaded.
Wait, that doesn't sound right.
She has been restored though and in 1997 her torpedo tubes were re-loaded.
I need my tubes unloaded.
Wait, that doesn't sound right.
The Kidd's special mooring in the Mississippi River
is designed to cope with the annual change
in river depth, which can be up to forty feet;
so for half the year she floats in the river,
the other half of the year she is dry-docked out of the water.
"Dry-docked" sounds so unpleasant.
is designed to cope with the annual change
in river depth, which can be up to forty feet;
so for half the year she floats in the river,
the other half of the year she is dry-docked out of the water.
"Dry-docked" sounds so unpleasant.
Of everything we saw on board this ship, my boys enjoyed all the guns the most.
Of course.
Because boys love guns.
My boys love guns.
It can't be helped.
Even when moms try.
Listen, if the ship was broken after we left...it wasn't our fault.
We didn't do it.
We didn't do it.
The boys thought it was fun to go deep down into the bowels of the ship,
several levels down...with steep staircases...
several levels down...with steep staircases...
and tiny corridors.
They dared me to follow.
So of course I did everything they did.
I have to stand up for women-kind everywhere.
You'll be relieved to know I did my part.
They dared me to follow.
So of course I did everything they did.
I have to stand up for women-kind everywhere.
You'll be relieved to know I did my part.
We all agreed we'd want the top bunk...in case they all collapsed.
We're optimistic folks, aren't we?
And we agreed we want to be officers,
because they had quarters up on the higher levels...with less neighbors.
because they had quarters up on the higher levels...with less neighbors.
I could totally be captain.
I have a great sense of direction...most of the time.
They have GPS on these things, right?
As long as these hooligans are my crew, what could possibly go wrong?!
Hey, I have a control panel just like this in my home!!
Here was the biggest gun of all.
The boys got to go inside of it.
It took 17 men to operate this one.
The boys got to go inside of it.
It took 17 men to operate this one.
And here's where I we got loopy.
I think because when you're on a ship you get seasick from all the motion,
and we hadn't had enough fruit while at sea so we got scurvy.
And that's when Remy turned on Donny...and shot him!!
I think because when you're on a ship you get seasick from all the motion,
and we hadn't had enough fruit while at sea so we got scurvy.
And that's when Remy turned on Donny...and shot him!!
Have you ever been to Baton Rouge?
Have you ever been on a U. S. naval ship?
Or any kind of BIG ship?
A cruise?
A catamaran?
A canoe?
A raft?
Have you ever been on a U. S. naval ship?
Or any kind of BIG ship?
A cruise?
A catamaran?
A canoe?
A raft?

We visited the USS Yorktown in Charleston, SC. Twice. Still haven't seen it all. That thing is huge. It's like a floating city in there.
Those pictures are great! I don't like the small spaces in ships like that b/c I'm claustrophobic (those bunkbeds? OMG!) My husband had to do an internship on some cargo ships as part of his education in college (he went to the Merchant Marine Academy in NY) and I got to go on one of those. It was a working ship so it was kinda dirty in places...
Love it. I've been on one of those tours. My hubby liked it so much....me eh....maybe if I had little boys.
Fun times!
Your boys are a riot! Quit the posers huh?
I am all for history, but I'll take a cruise any day over this one!
Thanks for sharing your adventures. Just started following your blog a few weeks ago.
I've been on a cruise, a canoe, and a raft! Never a big U.S. naval ship! WHat a fun outing!
I have never been on a ship. My boys would have loved this too. Pictures are awesome.
I've been on several ships, boats and canoes. I want to visit this one, though. I love anything WWII and I can't believe after living in NOLA for 10 years, I never knew about this!
Cruise ships, yes. Destroyers, no.
My grandfather served on a destroyer that was kamikazed by the Japanese during WWII, so I'm fascinated by your trip. I'm composing a post about his story, but maybe I'll go visit the Kidd before I post it. That would be amazing.
Hey Rhea! I have missed you so!! I loved this post! It looks like your boys may have budding acting careers! Or you as a producer!
Just wonderful. I have naval ships including carriers very near my home. Within yards.
You are a mom after my own heart! We love to take the kids to see cool historical things or places! Both my stepdaughter and stepson would LOVE the U.S.S. KIDD!
You are a mom after my own heart! We love to take the kids to see cool historical things or places! Both my stepdaughter and stepson would LOVE the U.S.S. KIDD!
I actually spent the night on the USS Alabama in Mobile with my girlscout troop when I was young! I had forgotten about that trip until your post! I live about 3o minutes from Baton Rouge, definitely need to visit the USS KIDD!
Oh I felt like I was there. Thanks for the great tour. The only big ship that I have been on is a cruise ship for my honey moon. It was awesome! I would so go again in a heart beat.
Love cruises. They are so cheap right now. A steal. If anyone has any money, go now!
The Aircraft Carrier in Corpus Christi is AWESOME!!! it's on the bay, by the HUGE bridge, next to the aquarium. it's a MUST if y'all make it down that direction... Great pics! the boys look like they were having a blast! (pun intended ;) )
It's a boy thing that doesn't go away. I'd totally be playing with those guns too.
When my husband was in the navy, we got married and we had to walk down the longest dock you will ever see, passing battle ship upon battle ship to get to his, then all up the stairs and through the inner depths of the ship to get all my paperwork filled out.
I was on board a battle ship with a ton of other sailors. hahahahhaha
Worst part was, the hubby didn't tell me how you have to *step up* over the door frame, and it was so tight in there, I was about 4 inches from his back walking, and I stubbed my toe and tripped on that thing, and thought I was gonna die. hahahahaha
Great photos! I know your boys had a great time!
I've toured the USS Constellation... it's a Civil War era ship docked in Baltimore's Inner Harbor.
I have pics of me on the U.S.S. Alabama (I think... actually I'm not quit sure but some big naval ship) but I was really young and don't remember. I did go on a cruise last February and it was great! It is amazing how much you can feel the big boat moving at night! I could never tell if it was the boat or me after one too many drinks! :)
Rhea, you've given me the best and ONLY belly laugh of the day... thank you, thank you, thank you!
Wow that looks like fun!
I've been on a bass boat, does that count?
I have a thing for boats... especially big boats with little spaces
That was a great tour! Graham would have totally wussed out and not set foot on the stupid thing...
First, before I even respond to your questions, go back and look at those alarm dials, and tell me the handle on the blue one doesn't look like a big honkin' penis!
I've been on a 10 person raft in HI during a damn thunderstorm in 10 ft. waves. I've been on a catamaran in Aruba and Key West. I've been on a battle ship in San Diego... can't remember the name of it now though. I've been on a ferry. I've been in a flat-bottom canoe. Is that enough for ya? Oh, a cruise ship too.
Justine :O )
Looks like a fun day. Yes - boys and gun together like hand and glove, or hand and trigger.
Looks like your boys were in heaven. And what is up with boys and big guns??
I have been on a naval ship. When I was younger we visited my cousins in Mobile. There is some ship there...but I don't recall the name.
We have cruised several times. And I LOVE it. I am so ready to go on another one. Anytime.
Wow. Looks like a boy's paradise!
They look like they were having so much fun. Good job, Mom:-)
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