Yesterday, at work (yes, I had to work on a Saturday), I was making copies with the copier, and I realized I had no idea how it worked. I mean, yes, I know how to position the paper correctly, push buttons, and get the results I want, but I don't REALLY know how it operates.
How does it take an image and put it onto another piece of paper?

And then I started thinking about all the common day items I use, that I have NO CLUE how they operate.
This is embarrassing to admit...
Things like iPods, computers, the telephone, cell phones...
They boggle my mind.
I'm not stupid, but I didn't pay attention in high school physics.
In fact, I think I barely passed. (shh!)
What boggles your mind?
Is there anything you don't understand how it works
and are embarrassed to admit?
If you're in the mood to comment,
please leave some for me about the Mexican Aztec temples
or the Mystery Spot in Orgeon!!
How does it take an image and put it onto another piece of paper?

And then I started thinking about all the common day items I use, that I have NO CLUE how they operate.
This is embarrassing to admit...
Things like iPods, computers, the telephone, cell phones...
They boggle my mind.
I'm not stupid, but I didn't pay attention in high school physics.
In fact, I think I barely passed. (shh!)
What boggles your mind?
Is there anything you don't understand how it works
and are embarrassed to admit?
If you're in the mood to comment,
please leave some for me about the Mexican Aztec temples
or the Mystery Spot in Orgeon!!
I am always curious why some jalapenos taste really hot, and others (sometimes from the same batch) don't do the trick. Is it me? Is it my mood? Or did something happen when these little dudes got picked? I didn't study Physics very well, either.
Don't even want to think about what happened to those habaneros.
I am clueless about computers. Honest to goodness. I am trying to talk John into putting in a fence on our property, so I've been reading up on it so I can understand it and there's some techincal stuff in there, yet I am motivated to learn. With computers? John is so excited about everything about them, but when he starts trying to explain something, I go to La-la land no matter how hard I try.
You know...everything baffles me. Especially things like the internet. I just don't understand. All those waves in the air...most perplexing.
I don't understand how lots of things work. Computers, ipods, phones, the internet...but, all that matters is that it works!!!!
I never quite the got hang of the difference between oxidation and reduction in my chemistry classes.
Sometimes it is best to just let the knowledge go on to someone else. Silly, well maybe. But I am content to just know that rain waters the earth, plants grow, bees pollinate and we get to have the sweetness of honey. What else is important than that when you have a fresh hot homemade bisquit waiting?????
I finally got the nerve to ask someone to explain to me how Tivo works. I kind of get it...but it's still kind of boggling to me!
I'm worse than you. Not only do I have no idea how stuff works, I don't actually CARE how it works, either! Awful to admit,but true!
I actually had a mind-boggling thought today. I was in the car, driving to visit law schools with my oldest. She drove. She's 22. She's smart, beautiful and amazing.
Geez, I am in a constant state of boggle, particularly at the miraculous functions of the human body. I mean, really, the whole machine is spectacular!
Hope all is well with you...
All of those things. And cameras. They really blow my tiny little mind!
TV. I STILL don't get how pictures from one place end up in my TV. Nope, too complicated for me.
Justine :o )
The stupid things that some people do, often boggles my mind.
Technology boggles my mom's mind, too.
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