My elderly father, who lives with us, is church shopping.
And I think he's found one he likes.
He asked me if I'd heard of these things called "missions" where church members go on trips to help less fortunate people in foreign countries.
Yes, Dad, I do believe I have heard of such a thing.
Well, he thinks it's a great deal, a cheap way to go on a trip and see the world...the less fortunate side of the world.
"But, Rhea," he said. "I don't want to end up in that bathtub."
Excuse me? What bathtub?

Apparently he meant the one at the front of the church, near the altar, where people are baptized.
I don't know why he fears the tub, but he does.
He's a strange one.
And I think he's found one he likes.
He asked me if I'd heard of these things called "missions" where church members go on trips to help less fortunate people in foreign countries.
Yes, Dad, I do believe I have heard of such a thing.
Well, he thinks it's a great deal, a cheap way to go on a trip and see the world...the less fortunate side of the world.
"But, Rhea," he said. "I don't want to end up in that bathtub."
Excuse me? What bathtub?

Apparently he meant the one at the front of the church, near the altar, where people are baptized.
I don't know why he fears the tub, but he does.
He's a strange one.
who wants to bath in front of the whole group????
when I was a young teen and baptized, I did not have anyone helping me. So when they said to put on this white robe I did! Just the white robe! JUST----the WHITE robe.
Do you know what happens when white gets wet...and that is all your wearing.
See getting in the bathtub can be scary!
I don't think he is the strange one.
It's an understandable fear. I mean, a big bathtub all up in church? Dude...that is frightening.
I got baptized in the ocean. Really. Now that's the way to go. It's way more fun. And meaningful.
I dig your dad in a very big way.
p.s. Um...I miss Annie.
Your dad is so cute!!
LOL! If dad didn't know what that "bathtub" was, I think he really does need to be church shopping! Heeheeheeeeeeeee
Justine :o )
LOL! Thats funny.
Does he have to be naked? I would be afraid of that:-)
LOL... that is so funny. :-)
It's kind of like a conversation I overheard between a friend and a family member of theirs...
Friend .. 'I'm getting baptised this weekend, you coming to it?'
FM (in a puzzled tone) 'How are they going to hold you over the font??'
I think he was thinking of babies being christened. :-)
Do they baptize new members to every church or is it a once in a lifetime dunking and the new place takes your word for it?
Well, the bath tub is a scary place. Sometimes the babies really fear ours. ;)
There are churches that don't do full immersion baptism. My friend's church does the whole dunking thing. They actually have a small inflatable pool. Like from target. Really.
Interesting fear...
I'd never thought of Mission trips as a "cheap vacation"! Smart cookie, your "strange one"!
made me smile ;-)!!
My MIL was just baptized a few weeks ago... or "bath-tized", as M puts it.
The church she goes to, they do the whole dunking thing. So I guess "bath-tized" really does fit, LOL!
What about sprinkling? ;o) Tell him to remind them using less is "greener"!
Poor dad.
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