I might be a bad influence on my boys.
I really wanted some pictures of cows.
So, I found some.
But I had to climb a fence to get to them...
and I told the boys to stay in the car,
so that they weren't trespassing with me.
But, they followed me.
And we found the cows.
I really wanted some pictures of cows.
So, I found some.
But I had to climb a fence to get to them...
and I told the boys to stay in the car,
so that they weren't trespassing with me.
But, they followed me.
And we found the cows.
and their guard dog donkey.
This donkey kept his eyes on me the entire time.
The cows pretty much ignored me.
But this Donkey was on Duty.
Believe it or not, but the cows were having a meeting discussing the merits of
traveling by train versus traveling by trailer.
They want to go to Wyoming.
traveling by train versus traveling by trailer.
They want to go to Wyoming.
But when they saw us, they hastily broke their meeting and went back to eating grass.
But I was on to them.
I knew what they were up to.
By the way, my 7 yr old had no idea what this was:
But I was on to them.
I knew what they were up to.
By the way, my 7 yr old had no idea what this was:
He'd never seen a cow patty before!!
I enlightened him.
And he giggled.
I'm sure the cows were rolling their eyes.
I enlightened him.
And he giggled.
I'm sure the cows were rolling their eyes.
But that Guard Donkey...he kept an eye on us.
Eventually the boys went back to the car...and started yelling at me to hurry.
They got tired of all the pictures I was taking.
See the car in the distance?
That's how far wetrespassed ventured.
They got tired of all the pictures I was taking.
See the car in the distance?
That's how far we
This blog can't be used against me in a court of law, can it?
The last time I did this there was a deputy there in no time..You however got greay cow shots all kinds- and I see faithful girl in the car.. Happy weekend Sandy
Very cool.
Too funny! Loved the cows and the donkey and the commentary!
I love the shots of the donkey and I think it's well worth climbing a fence to teach your kids how a cow patty looks like and to let them see some cows up close (there are too many kids already who have never seena real one).
Last year my daughter was yelling at us from the back seat to look at the cows hugging!!!! Ya, they weren't so much as hugging as they were....well you know.
Cool shots!
Love the shots, I think the donkey is my favorite.
Don't worry... I won't tell the cops!
You are soo funny...I totally would have done that too. I dragged my screaming little girl though neighbors yards in an attempt to get home in the dark on Halloween cause we were cold and I didn't want to walk around...Some of the lessons we teach our kids by accident...live dangerously...lol
btw...I love that white one!
cows eyes make me melt
Nice cow pics...I'm sure I would have been the first to find one of those patties :)
Very cool cow shots, Rhea ... and donkey shots!! :-)
That little white cow, with the grey speckles is sure keeping an eye on you as well !!
We used to play cow patty toss, in the summer, with all the dried out cow patties ... they make awesome frisbies..
Those cows look angry!
Guard Donkey... love it!
You did get some good shots, you rebel.
OMG, it was totally worth the misdemeanor!!!! I love cows!!!!!!!!!! But poor Annie got left in the car.
Justine :o )
When we lived in Vermont, I would frequently pull over at any random farm to take pictures of cows... I love them... never ran into a guard donkey though....
You should have gone at night and gone cow tipping. Ha!! :) Just kidding. My FIL has 50 head of cattle so we are kinda used to them, but longhorns on the other hand - those are so cool!
That wasn't "trespassing" but giving your kids and us an education. Hey! How else will they learn what a cow patty is?
You're such a rebel mom, LOL. Trespassing, cow dung ... what an education. haha
Love the photos! Definitely worth risking a trespassing charge. Never heard of a guard donkey before tho!
I love it! The lengths we'll go to for a fab blog post. Or the picture that we really want. LOL!
Thanks for stopping by! SITS is a lot of fun!
Thanks for stopping by my blog. I appreciate it.
I actually used to toss cow chips and we won first prize one year.
You are brave. I don't know what would scare me more, the animals or trespassing. I have never seen a cow patty up close. I feel like such a city girl.
That last photo - I'm in love! Remy's shoes ROCK... and when I saw Annie's smiling face in the background like "Yeah, you are SO busted!" I instantly had a full blown smile spread across my face.
P.S. Rhea... if you wanna see cows, get your butt to my place NOW! I'm waiting!
oh i like farm animals, especially cows!
I love the pics, so I am sure it was worth it
Those were great pics. The pasture where the cows and the guard donkey were look like a property not too far from where I used to live, on the edge of Austin. Makes me homesick, although I'm not that far away now.
You are far braver than I - and man, you got some great pictures. Especially that cow patty. I don't see pictures of that kind of thing nearly enough. :)
That is so funn! There is an old, falling down house down the street from me that is all caution taped and I'm dying to break through and photograph it...you may have given me the courage!
Thanks to sits for leading me to you!
You are brave:-)
LOL about the cow pattie. My 3 year old daughter thinks a cow pattie is what cows eat! I think we need to get out to the country more often! Dropping by from SITS with bloggy love. Lanie
LOL !!
a photographic crime spree ;)
glad the donkey just watched, they can be worse than guard dogs
Donkey guard dog is a new one one me. Those cows do look a little moooooody!
I want a guard donkey!
Ah, a classic Rhea post. I loved this.
So worth the climb over the fence. Mooo
that donkey scared me... those dudes can me mean, we had a guard mule, Jake, we were all afraid of him. great shots... and great cow patty education..
I'm a lil surprised guard donkey didn't run your asses outta there. Heeee haaaaw!
I would think that they would obviously prefer the privacy of a trailer. (how very Gary Larson of you)! :)
lol the things we do for camera critters! you got some good shots. go you :)
Was that donkey a Jack @$$? Oh the memories of Cow Patties.
I LOVE it. Luckily I have family that has cows, so I can get all the shots I want w/out having to get in trouble. Or worry about getting in trouble.
Wow you were brave...great photos!
great photos of cows and donkey. we have cows back home in our hometown in the philippines.
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