Saturday, April 4, 2009

Beautiful Beggar

We took Annie, our sweet yellow Labrador, to a little league baseball game this evening.

She whined the entire game, wanting to be on the field with the boys.

She's not used to being outside for long periods of time...

But, she suddenly spied my husband eating a hot dog...

and she went into total BEGGAR MODE.

She sits up straight and tall.
And focuses all her attention on the person with the food.

It's intense.

My 12 yr old Donny took these last two photos.

I was looking through the ones he snapped, and then I saw this one!

I LOVE it.

Camera Critters is SO much fun! join us!

Camera Critters 1st Anniversary


Anonymous said...


i beati said...

most gorgeous critter of all in my book !1Sandy

Yogi♪♪♪ said...

Dogs are cool. Life would be a little dull without them. Great pictures.

Anonymous said...

They're never more devoted than when we're sad or when we're eating! Great shots!

Vodka Mom said...

She is just beautiful!!! woof woof.

Sharon said...

Sweet're beautiful!!

Cristin said...

I go insane when my dog begs.... but then, everything she does drives me insane...

Annie's cute.

Screwed Up Texan said...

Dangit, would you and Pioneer Woman please quit posting photos of your adorable dogs? I mean, sheesh, you're making me want to get a dog. Stop it.

BTW, she is gorgeous! I'm just jealous of you.

EG CameraGirl said...

AWE! I can understand why he wanted to be out in the field. Luckily he was distracted by that hotdog. ;-)

Carla said...

She is beautiful! Love that last shot:)

Snap said...

Wonderful, wonderful, wonderful ... a boy and his dog! Looks like he is an up and coming talent with a camera. That last shot is a winner!

lynette355 said...

she is beautiful
and the last shot is perfect
but who is she sticking her tounge out at?

Raising Addie said...

Wonderful pix!

LOVE love love the raspberry shot!

Lots of Luv & Kisses
Addie and Lucie

Unknown said...

Awwwww ..... I so love your Annie. I'm a real sucker when it comes to Golden Labs :-)

She certainly does look intense in the 'begging' photos. Isn't it funny how they get so focused. One of ours actually strts to shiver. :-)

Oskar said...

It does seem a bit unfair that Annie was not allowed to play with the boys.

Also, she's not begging. It's part of our doggie duty to keep our people from overeating, so we try to standby in case you need our assistance.

sassy stephanie said...

Oh she is so pretty. Reminds me of my Sydney. She is the SAME way!

Norm said...

love all those lovely pics of Annie, cute and beautiful. Visit my flamingos here, also my colorful parrots here. thanks and happy one year anniversary to you.

Villas Girl said...

The last one is priceless.
Never knew a lab that wasn't a food hound:o)

Krystyn @ Really, Are You Serious? said...

So, did she get some dog..of the hot variety?

Dianne said...

she is so beautiful! maybe she can be their mascot!

jenn said...

That last shot is my favorite!

Mom Knows Everything said...

She's beautiful!

Anonymous said...

Your son is a great photographer! With a gorgeous subject. Love me some Labs!

Jane Hards Photography said...

Buy your son a camera. He's got real talent. Seriously classy images.

Jen said...

that is a great shot! you have taught him well.

This Is My Blog - fishing guy said...

Rhea: Very nice capture of your lab, my son has a Chocalate Lab.

John Deere Mom said...

Donny did great on those pics! The last one is so cute!

Justine said...

OMG, wtg Donny! that last picture is perfect! The sun on her face, the tongue hanging out. It's just perfect. FRAME IT!

Justine :o )

Misty DawnS said...

Oh man Rhea, I TOTALLY LOVE that last photo too! That's fantastic, Donny! Absolutely AWESOME!

As far as the begging, my boy (Tag) was doing that today... he was getting rewarded, because the girls didn't come when called and he did... so, he was getting potato chips. You should have seen the straight back, perky ears, twitching nose... I'm sure you know what it's like. Then he ended up wit his head in the bag, scooting it across the floor, it was pretty funny if I do say so myself.

Beth said...

That Annie. She is soooo stinking cute! I just want to eat her up. But then I would have dog breath. Literally.


Putting the FUN in DysFUNctional said...

OMGosh, love that last one too. My sweet Suzie begs the same way. She's politely silent but she somehow still manages to catch your attention.

Jennifer said...

Annie is a very cute and pretty dog, who could say no to that face!