We adopted Annie into our family a year ago. We adopted her from DFW Lab Rescue.
It was the best decision we've ever made.
We love her.

She loves to swim and fetch sticks.
and shake.
and shake some more.
Where did Annie go?
You've got to be kidding me!
Grab a camera, a critter and join in!
Click below for the rules.

love the shake pictures. Sweet Annie.
ha ha ha!
We have a yellow also, most often called our "dumb blonde". She loves to fetch in our pond and tries to swim with tree branches in her mouth...ones still attached to trees hanging into the water.
What a beautiful (and entertaining) puppy!!
My 1st reaction: "whoa, thats a big stick!"
Then I laughed so loud that my girls had to come see what had cracked mommy up (they laughed, too)!!
you guys got Annie ...
Annie ... got you guys...
It was a good deal all around :-)
I love pet adoption (that's how we got both our beasts - Kona and his predecessor Shasta)
Walk softly(?) and carry a big stick!
I love your Annie. We adopted Ringo (our dog guru) from the Safe Animal Shelter here two years ago. As I said ..dog (god)guru...need I say more! :)
They told us he had some issues (one being he doesn't like to share his toys), and I said "hey we have issues too, so he will fit right in our family." I was so right!
I think rescued animals appreciate being loved more...thus they love more!!
Annie is gorgeous thank you for sharing her. Just be careful I did some posts about Ringo...sharing some of his wisdom, and then he wanted his own blog!! He thought he had a fan base. hee, hee
Good and creative energies to you!
ANNIE! I LOVE YOU! and so does Amy
Annie's a bit of an over-achiever, isn't she?
What a sweet, sweet puppy! I LOVE Labs! My SIL has a yellow lab named Moses, who was trained as a "helper" dog. He has the sweetest personality!
What an awesome dog!
That Annie! She's a keeper! So cute.
always good to see a happy animal!
OMG those pix are AWESOME!!! Annie is a beauty!!
I saw your profile pic somewhere and I was all, look someone is copying Rhea and then I realized that it WAS YOU just sticking out our tongue.
Hi again to Annie
I don't think Annie's kidding! I wouldn't tangle with her anyway, not when she's armed with that Texas-sized stick.
Your made-over blog is GORGEOUS. I updated my blogroll with the correct address. Thanks for sending it, Rhea!
She's quite a fetcher!! She's so beautiful. I love her coloring.
There is no better dog than a Lab Rescue dog.
she is just so beautiful. and you can tell she is a good dog. I love the picture with her head in the water!! :)
And those are some good captures of her shaking!! ;)
It is great that you did an animal rescue with her and that it has worked out so well. :)
big heart bigger stick ha ah sandy
If you ever decide you can't have Annie any more (God forbid) I volunteer to take her for you. She's beautiful. I've finally decided that what I want is a lab. I've been around a few these past few months and I think they're my soul dog.
Aw, Annie is such a sweet girl. She's really thinking big with that stick too!! lol
That sure is one mighty large stick did she used to live with a giant? lol
That was one big stick!!
What a sweet dog.You can tell he is having a great time in the water.
Yay for big sticks. Yeah, I know. Everything is bigger in Texas!
Hehehehehe I just LOVE Annie! LOVE her! She's fantastic. As far as the big stick - Annie and my Maggie May would get along just fine ;-)
OMGosh...I love Annie too! lol
I loved that 'shake' photo til I saw the one where her head is in the water, HA! She's adorable! The photos are great.
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