Really just stopped and looked?
It's peaceful, like the ocean.
Have you made a wish today?
Positive thinking is good.
Hug an animal. It's a wonderful feeling.

Have you ever seen these before?
We bought them on a lark, and I made Donny wear them.
You put these pads on your feet at night, then check them for toxins in the morning.
So, where's our "after" picture? Donny lost his in his sheets during the night.
Never to be found again.
We will recreate this experiment another day.
Have you fought an army today?
An army of mythological beings?
metaphysical beings?
psychological feelings?
Sweet Annie.
She lightens my day.
Especially pictures of her in this hat.
I love Annie's look...
"She's making me wear that darned hat again isn't she?"
I really enjoyed these random thoughts. They made me feel "light".
I'm liking the thoughts too!! Just when you think you know a blog and all it's main content and how a person writes, it's gets more in depth and personal.
Love it!
Hubby has been looking at those toxic pads and been wanting to order them. Of course anything on an infomercial could interest him. I've got plenty of handy dandy chopper thingies and still only use a dull little paring knife. LOL
But if the pads really work..... I'm gonna need a CASE for the toxins I could release. OMG
OOH, I'm not being a comment pig or anything, but just wanted to mention to anyone reading this (cause I know you get lots of yummy comments!) that there's a little ole bloggie giveaway going on at my place and your peeps are very welcome to join in. Thanks! :) Mary
I made a wish... I need one today.... thanks.
Seems like you had a good day. And, I've said some prayers, but no wishes.
You have nice rambling thoughts
I love your images and your thinking today Rhea..yes I make wishes and I have metaphysical thoughts..too often I do believe! hee, hee
Good and creative energies to you an yours!
I love this post!! Okay, you have to try the foot pads again and tell me if they work. I saw them advertised and now I'm curious.
Tomorrow will the the day I try harder. I promise.
Thanks for you comments on Olympic outfits. Maybe all events should take place on sand so every crack gets filled. made me smile and not just because it's Friday morning...and even though I spilled my Starbucks on my shirt as I was going into the is so wonderful when someone is that you are.
That is kinda gross to think about one of those toxin pads hanging out in Donny's sheets.
On Good Morning America (I think) they have a regular segment about products from infomercials. And the foot pads was one of them. And that what is "released" by your feet are just the normal dirts and oils. No toxins. Nothing that is going to change your health. I was bummed. I was hoping that they would change my life :-)
This totally put a smile on my face. Thanks!
Love your space. Thanks for stopping by mine. :)
I would let my mind wander, it's just too little to be let out alone.
I love cloud watching.
Very insightful. You're on a roll this week! And I love the pic of Annie & the hat. If you ever need an Annie sitter, please let me know. She's my canine fix for now. :-)
hi. i was just checking out the fellow texas bloggers from blog around the world.
you have a nice page here...your header is adorable...and i'm just n. of big d too!
Thanks for the thoughts. I love the picture of the sky.
Very nice, simple, thought-provoking post. I am making a wish that a family is holding on to all their love & hope since they just lost their 2 year old. Just found out & I'm sad.
My friend used those pads and she said hers was disgusting the next morning so they must work!
Have a great weekend!!!
I love the idea of the sky looking like the ocean. You'd think I would have glanced up and noticed that before ;). Finding beauty in the every day is such a talent Miss Rhea!
I looked at the sky... made a wish and tried to fight some feelings away... I've been feeling a lot of strong emotions lately... although I'm a very emotional person I rarely wear them on my sleeve... but lately I can't help it. And your posts like this just touch right on my heart.
you are right... hug and animal, and make a wish and enjoy the things that are present and here... I needed a reminder.
xoxoxo thank you.
PS... love the pic of you!! very cute... and the pic of Remy and Annie makes me smile! Reminds me of Trevor and Zoe, an unconditional love from both... and best of friends.
My daughter works at a chiropractor and he has this little gadget that does the toxin thin. He said hey do you want to try it, I said sure why not. I am thinking this will be relaxing, like a little foot bath. I sit there for a minute and then look down. It was the grossest thing I have ever seen, I was in shock. The water had turned orange and there was black stuff floating in it. He said it was the hard metals and toxins that it was pulling out. All I know is it was not relaxing. :[
Oh Rhea - such a sweet sweet post.
I can't tell you're a boy momma because we have those same "battles" here too. Same guys and everything.
Loved this post!
I love looking at the sky. Well almost always. When we lived in Arizon...they a record number of days without rain. Not a cloud to be seen for a very long time. All that sunshine can be a little over stimulating.
Your Annie is such a sweet thing. You both are darling in the pink hat! :)
How cute are you??? Love the blog!
Congrats on the SITS feature!
You tried the Kinoki foot pads too?! I just tried them for the 1st time last night. I researched them (after I bought them...kinda out of order I know), and everything I found said they are not worth what it takes to make them. Oh well.
You tried the Kinoki foot pads too?! I just tried them for the 1st time last night. I researched them (after I bought them...kinda out of order I know), and everything I found said they are not worth what it takes to make them. Oh well.
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