If you ask my husband, Texas Homeboy, about the early days of our marriage, he'll verify this. Whenever he decided to move furniture around in our first apartment, I'd freak out. Seriously. You think I'm kidding, but I'm not.
This is the one piece of furniture I've had since I got married.

Change doesn't come easy. It seems to be harder for me to adjust than most people. Or at least I used to feel that way. Now I seem to welcome change...with sweaty palms and shaky hands though, I admit.
When I was eleven years old, we moved to Austin, and it was a tough adjustment for me. The end result was good though. I loved Austin and ended up living there for 19 years.
Getting pregnant and married at nineteen years old was quite a shock to the system and resulted in some big changes. Most good.
Moving from Austin to the Dallas area last year was another huge change, and it's been good.
TODAY, my boys started back to school. After spending almost every minute of the summer together, I'm both happy for them to go back and sad. It's big change this year, because Donny has started middle school.

That's just not cool anymore.
But, I've visited his locker and saw his classrooms at orientation.

And now I'm home alone and job searching. I hate job searching. I need to find something that works during their school hours.

Oh, I love change. I can't stand doing the same thing. Looking at the same thing. Except when it comes to my hair. That hasn't changed in forever. Unless you count the monthly return to its natural color.
Your boys look so ready for their first day. And that grin of Donny's is fabulous! And I see you have discovered a new feature on your toy...
Today is my first day having both girls at school... the quiet is a little creepy. I guess I'm used to the noise!
Aw. Tender and touching. A middle schooler and a first grader--you are Super Mom.
Loved the pictures...I need to attend the School of Rhea for Fabulous Bloggy Photos. Please.
Shannon - I agree, the quiet IS creepy! All I can hear is the dog snoring.
Kat - somehow I'm not surprised you love change. I have to EASE into it...slowly...
Lula - Thanks for your sweet words! I am far from Super Mom. I'm just-barely-trying-to-hold-it-all-together mom.
Good luck with the job searching, I am in the same boat at the moment. Let us know how that goes!
Amy - good luck with your job interview!
I know what you mean about change. I am totally freaking out. Last night, I dropped my oldest daughter off at college. Oh my God!!! I am not old enough to have a daughter at college. At the same time, my youngest daughter starts preschool next week. Ack!!
Job, why do you have to look for a job!!! Don't do it! I would give anything to be able to stay at home. You want to come to Alabama and take my job??????
Those are great photos. The path to elementary school is like being seen through slightly teary eyes...
I like change and I've made some HUGE ones in my life. Like moving over here. :-)
Good luck with the job hunt. I don't think any of us handle change well!!!!
I can't imagine my daughter going to 1st grade!!
First, you are such a great photographer and I love all the affects on the photos. That is where you should look for your job. Taking pictures.
Second, I really don't know what to say about this first day of school stuff. I am not there yet but I know that next year at this time, I will totally be freaking out. I hope you can learn to enjoy your time.
Oh and then boys not wanted you to walk them to school is heart breaking. Where does it say that at a certain age us mom become embarrassing? Not fair.
Sigh. They grow like weeds, don't they?
Yep, school started for us this morning too. 5th grade here we come! Hope it goes better than 4th grade, which was a real train wreck.
I woke up this morning debating the merits of Ritalin (again!). I was so nervous, I totally forgot to take a picture of him in his new school clothes. Oh well, hopefully he won't have worn them out by this afternoon.
Wow, a middler and a 1st grader. That's great! They grow so fast.
That path picture made me all dizzy! LOL
Job searching???? Better find a really nice boss who will allow blogging!!!
My son couldn't wait to start school. He trotted in, forgot to kiss his mum so trotted back and then barely looked behind. I was expecting some protracted goodbye scene from a movie. I felt a bit denied!
Wait a minute, wait a minute, I'm still hung up on that first paragraph. Your HUBBY moves furniture around??? Ilove THAT!!! LOL
this was an excellent post.
and how are you making these fantastic photos?
This is how my day went also. You'll see it on my sidebar of my blog. Mikayla started middle school, and Madison 2nd grade today!
The boys look adorable!
Justine :o )
I think you should be a professional blogger. The pay's not that good, but you are really good at it!
I'm going to vote for professional blogger too. There's got to be money in it somewhere.
they really do grew up dont they?
Hey there--that's something NEW I've learned about you! I took you for a Hill Country Gal, and you live in Dallas? I'm from Big D myself!! Don't live there now, but there are quite a few things I miss about it. For one thing, I haven't had any decent Mexican food since I left the state!
Some change I can deal with, some I cannot. Reese going to Jr High...one of those things I cannot deal with. I refuse to accept it, although there isnt' anything I can do about it, huh? LOL
Happy first day Donny and Remy! I hope they had good days!! I like the new effect you found on your camera....too cool.
I think you should be the school photographer at both boy's school that way you can spy on them during the day...
Oh, that was sweet. change is hard. Really hard.
Middle school??? Oh, wow, he is almost a man! I don't even know Donny, but that is about to make me cry!
Happy school days!
Awwww gorjus piccys!!! And I WANT A ROCKING CHAIR LIKE THAT!!!
You should get an online job working from home!
I should too!
Lets start a business together!
Now where the heck do we start??!
:-P *GiGGLeS* xx
I handle change pretty well, unless it comes to my kids growing up. I loved the pictures in this post. The effects were amazing.
Remember the movie "Uncle Buck"? If the kids are ever difficult, threaten to walk them to class in your bathrobe. That'll show them true embarrassment.
Thanks for all your comments on my Olympic blogging. Come back for Convention Coverage.
are you wanting to be outside the home - lots of online customer service work sk tracking packages - dhlp= selling phone business- commercial follow ups - free lance work maybe you can turn more things purple. at elance or freelance.com
I'm hot and cold with change. Sometimes I'm very receptive and other times I'm being dragged, kicking & screaming. It's a toss up! I had my first hour of alone time while the girls were at preschool last week. It was surreal. I scrubbed my toilets to keep from crying about it. But, I think I'm over it now.
My Megan is going to middle school next week, it's freaky to me. Cody is in middle school too and Amanda is in high school, I begged the admin to hold Christie back "one more year of third grade" PLEASE... but NO, she's going on to 4th next week I hate it. I'm job searching also...YUCK
It goes by way to fast....
I know. Change is so scary for me. I am sending off my first born to kindergarten next week. Yikes.
I am SO not into change...and look how quickly they grow up?? Sigh.
Good luck with the job search.
I grew up moving around, so I got used to change. But now that we own a home and are getting some roots, I'm ready to stay put for a spell. I need a job, too...sign o' the times, huh?
Wow. My stomach flopped for you when I read you were heading back to work. Unless I have a baby soon, that will be me soon. My littiest goes to all day kindergarten next fall. Please keep us posted with the job search. What kind of work will you do????
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