First order of business:
Mama Dawg is hilarious, and I really enjoy her blog,
so when she was looking for someone to help her out,
I volunteered.
So, please, send some traffic her way,
so my planning and plotting wasn't all for nothing.
Next, I need to share a short conversation I had with Remy.
Remy: Mama, can first graders get detention.
Me: Yes, Remy, they can. Why do you ask?
Remy: Oh, no reason.
Oh, boy, oh, boy...I'm in for it now, aren't I?!
Second order of business: Donny is playing football. The first time ever. It's sweaty, expensive and a sport I don't understand yet. There sure is a lot of tackling and hitting going on.
Third order of business: Can you hear me now? Well, I can't hear YOU now. This is why:
The inlaws brought the boys up a brand new complete drum set.
Donny & Remy are in LOVE with it. And my ears...they're a ringing.
Annie and I may have to go into hiding.

I should have a brand new blogicon/favicon up in the web address/URL area of the webpage. Darcy at Graphically Designing does all my fabulous blog work. Check her out, she's awesome. I honestly can't say enough good things about her. She's wonderful!
Yep, Remy, 1st Graders can definitely get detention. As can Kindy kids. :-) though at our school, it is known as being 'On The Wall'...
That drum set looks awesome. I used to play the drums. Been actually thinking about taking lessons again. Apparently music is good for forming new neural pathways in the brain!
How about first graders getting suspended? That one's true as well...just ask my Cubbie (I should have seen the writing on the wall). Yeah for Donny and football!!! That is such a great photo of the two of them together and the drum set...I often joke about when I am a grandmother, I will pay back my children by giving my grands the loudest musical instruments I can find and lots of Mountain Dew and chocolate, then I will love 'em, hug 'em, squeeze 'em....and GIVE 'EM BACK!!! LOL
I knew it. And now it's confirmed. You are insane. You have a drum set in your house? That you allowed to come into your house. That you knew was coming to your house?! You know, I have a really big guest room :-)
And why can't I see your new blogicon? Favicon? Flogicon? Perhaps not the last one. Although I am giggling to myself trying to picture it...
Uh, oh... sounds like maybe Remy has something to confess!?
Love the new blogicon thingy.
I have a thing for drummers. Hello, Tommy Lee...he rocks my world.
Yeah...the drums are smokin' hot. The girls will be beating down your doors. I refuse to use the word "groupies," but it's kinda what I'm thinking. Don't kill me.
Poor Annie! She looks so abused! :)
You will have to let us know what Remy has planned that could possibly get that boy detention. Sorry about your ears and Annies. The Drums do look fun though!
You poor thing, a drum set!! Do your inlaws not like you or something??
Love that Annie. So cute.
My kids would LOVE a drum set. They, for now, must get their fix at their uncle's house.
Love the blogicon!
Will see you at MD's as soon as I hit her on my reading list!
Been there, done that on the drum set. Sam got a new electric/acoustic guitar yesterday for his birthday....yea.
Totally understand about the tackle football thing...can I GIVE any more money?? And yes, I did buy a parent t-shirt for that....
First-graders and detention...we're getting ready to enter that wonderful world as well, so we'll have to keep each other posted! I can say, with authority, that 6th- and 7th-graders most assuredly get detention and Saturday School.....
I'm scared about the detention question, too!
And, the much do you love your in-laws right now?
yours boys are (having) too much fun! mine wants a drumset, too...I'm putting it off as long as possible, but i KNOW it's inevitable. heading over to Two Dogs now...!
How **sweet** of your out-laws to bring a drum set!!!!
poor Annie, she hates those loud drums, send her to me for awhile
a drum set? Isn't that kinda evil of your in-laws?
I actually was totally on board for the drum set. Both my boys really wanted it. I'm cool with that, but it needs to be moved upstairs PRONTO. Right now it's in my den. way too loud.
Hey Rhea, your favicon looks great! When you go to my blog, do you see mine? I did it myself and for some reason, it's not shown for everyone, I guess depending on what thingy they're using.
What were your inlaws thinking, getting the boys drums? Oh boy, you need some ear plugs now girl!
Justine :o )
Graham has one little drum and it drives me completely batty... good luck to yo...
Do you have your earplugs handy??
hehehehe oh you POOR POOOOOR THING!!
I spent 7 years of my life living in a room next door to my brother who had a rotton little drumkit and would play for hours on end, every single day and night!!! Not Fun!!!
The piccys are gorjus!!! I love the one of Annie! xx
Hey Rhea, did you see that I added you to my blog roll? You just sound like my kinda woman! One question though... is your name pronounced "Ray" or "Ree-uh"? Have to have it right in my head!
Justine :o )
Okay, saw "The Wind in Your Vagina" on your blog roll and just HAD to take a peek. That is the most confusing blog I've ever tried to read!!!!!!!!! OMG!
Justine :o )
My son got an electric guitar and AMP for his birthday. Sometimes I'm all happy that's he's learning to play and doing well and other times.... where's the tylenol?
mighty fetching artwork sandy
Oh my, asking about detention at THIS age? Yikes.
I'm going to check out your guest post. A couple of days late. Sorry. I'm behind.
Seeing these kind of posts reminds me of just how technology truly is an integral part of our lives in this day and age, and I can say with 99% certainty that we have passed the point of no return in our relationship with technology.
I don't mean this in a bad way, of course! Societal concerns aside... I just hope that as technology further develops, the possibility of downloading our memories onto a digital medium becomes a true reality. It's one of the things I really wish I could encounter in my lifetime.
(Posted on R4Net for R4i Nintendo DS.)
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