I've uncovered a diabolical plot,
a secret plan in the works.
I've discovered the evil mastermind behind world domination.
Sure, they look cute and cuddly,
all innocent with their sweet faces and furry bodies,
but I alone know the truth, and I'm here to set the story straight.
Webkinz are plotting to take over the world.
I found them holding a meeting.
The canine committee stopped whispering to look at me as I walked by...
I'm onto you, puppies.
I thought maybe it was just the dogs...
but then I found the rest of them conferring in private as well.
And it was just too suspicious to pass up.
I knew they were up to something.
They started out small...just grabbing the dog's squeaky toy...just to see if they could.
All criminals start out small, to see what they can get away with.
Then they grew bolder.
This chocolate dinosaur moved in on the music industry.
Smart move.
I think they plan on creating songs to brainwash us all.
Wait, no, not the penguin too! He's not even a Webkinz.
Damn, those sneaky, crafty kinz have spread their evil into other stuffed animals.
The penguin has his weapons of choice ready.
and he gives me that beady-eyed stare...
Remy! Remy!! Look! Please, look.
Your animals are out of control, I tell ya.
He ignores me.
They've sucked him into their computer counterpart world.
Did I tell you that's part of their plan?
They are not only content to be played with and cuddled with...
they want us to go online and become addicted.
Annie, surely you see what's going on here.
Uh, oh, Annie, look out!!
Ahhhhh!!! It's got Annie!!
That's it. I'm putting these darn Webkinz up.
Let's see what damage they can do from the toy bin.
They have to be stopped somehow.
It's clearly my job to do something about it.
And that's when I saw the pumpkin in the bicycle helmet.
Oh, man.
The toys are slowly taking over.
Have they moved into your house yet?!