I recently read My Life Map by Kate Marshall and David Marshall for the BlogHer Book Club.
It was a fill-in-the-blank sort of book that helps you do a little self-examination, reflect on the past, evaluate the present, and dream for the future.
My Life Map isn't just for people who are struggling in life and need help. It can be a great tool for anyone at any stage of life.
I didn't have a life plan detailed out. When I graduated from high school, I planned to go on to college, graduate, get married and have kids. That was the extent of my plan.
And then life threw me a curve ball. I got very sick my first semester in college and had to medically withdraw to go home and have surgery. Then, as I was heading back to college AGAIN, I found myself pregnant. At 19. Talk about a shocker.
Next thing I knew, I'd made the big decision to keep the baby and get married to my long-time childhood sweetheart. My life plan changed.
I planned to be a good wife, a good mother, and go back to school. A few years later, I decided to have another child. And keep trying to finish my degree, while working part time and being a full time mother.
Then, years later, my marriage fell apart, and we separated. My life plan changed yet again.
So, what I'm saying is, you can make life plans, but you have to adjust your plans when unexpected events change your course. But, at any time in your life, not just during changes, it's helpful to revisit your goals, your plans and make those adjustments.
This book helps you create a visual road map in all the major life areas of your life, such as:
- family
- work
- play
- friends
- education
You'll find warm-up exercises, sample journeys, my life maps, tips and tools for establishing next steps and reflections pages.
Check it out. You'll surprise yourself. It might be hard, it might be easy, you might be excited by the exercises or you might dread it. It's all progress!
Join our My Life Map discussions over on BlogHer Book Club.
This is a paid review for BlogHer Book Club but the opinions expressed are my own.
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