Saturday, January 2, 2010

Doggy Latte

I don't drink coffee, but I love Starbucks.
I love their philisophy and how they give back to the community.
And I drink their teas.
I have no shame!

Well, whenever I go through their drive-thru with my sweet Annie,
the baristas want to give her a "doggy latte."

They told me a story about one customer who comes through the drive-thru with his dog every day,
and his dog has learned how to put down the automatic window all by himself because he knows he's gonna get a doggy latte.  

The addiction of Starbucks!

Here's some photos of Annie enjoying her doggy latte:

It's just whip cream in a cup, I think.

She enjoyed that!!

Grab a camera and a critter and join Camera Critters!

Camera Critters


i beati said...

wonderful New year Girl !!!

Misty DawnS said...

Ohhhhhh my dogs would love that! I LOVE Starbucks, but there aren't any out here.

Melissa E. said...

That's adorable! I didn't know Starbucks did that.

I think my cat Molly would probably love that. Every morning when I'm making my coffee (I use whipped cream), she sits and meows until I give her some.

Of course, getting her into the car would be the hardest part. . .

Melanie "Meme" Burris said...

I am obsessed with Starbucks! So much, that I collect the Starbucks Christmas Ornaments! My husband thinks I'm crazy!

DeniseinVA said...

Wow, a doggie friendly Starbucks. I like that!!! Great shots!

Unknown said...

Too cute....and congrats Ms. Blogger of Note! :-)

Chubskulit Rose said...

What a treat!

My Camera Critter post. Have a good day!

eileeninmd said...

Cute photos, my Goldie Girl would like the whipped topping too.

Anonymous said...

Alright, the Starbucks drive-throughs are much friendlier in Texas than they are on the West Coast! :)

Happy SITS Saturday Sharefest!

Anonymous said...

Hi Rhea, thanks for stopping by, that made me happy. Love your blog.
We travel all summer in a RV, we'll be around Dallas soon.


Pamela said...

That was soooooooo cute!

I will remember this when I get my new puppy.


Justine said...

Awwww... wouldn't it be cool if they really did come up with a dog drink?

Justine :o )

Anonymous said...

Bravo, remarkable idea

Snap said...

Annie is going to have a Starbuck's fetish too! Fun shots!

EJ said...

Nice reward for your sweet Annie.

My first time joining this meme,hope you can take a peek on my first CC entry. Have a great weekend!

ellen said...

What a great entry you have! Wishing you all the best this year. God Bless you and your family.

Mine is up! Hope to see you. Your comment is much appreciated.

Susie said...

I have been wondering what Annie was up to:-)

Anonymous said...

That is so stinkin' cute! Happy SITS Saturday!

Hope said...

I must admit to frequently ordering the Double Chocoate-Chip Frappasomething at Starbucks but as a Latter-Day Saint (Mormon), I also look furtively around for my bishop to pop up and admonish me publically.

But next time I now am going to take my dog - I can blame HIM, right?

rinelle said...

awesome! wishing you all the best in 2010! mine is up. see yah.

rinzo said...

happy camera critters! visit my 2nd entry! Happy new year!

sophia said...

How adorable!
Smart dog ;)

Anonymous said...

The dog drinking Starbucks! :) So cute. Too bad they don't have Starbucks here in Belgium.. :(

John Deere Mom said...

A doggy latte? Who knew?! So cute!

Jenn said...

Nice, I know my guy would love that! & seeing that I am a Starbucks junkie, I think I owe him one! :)

Lisa said...

I love when establishments give treats to pets. Sheridans Custard gives "Pup Cones". :)

Jared and Abby said...

That is absolutely adorable. I should see if my little doggies can get a 'latte'... we're always near a Starbucks!