Saturday, November 8, 2008

Enriched and Enchanted

When we adopted Annie into our family last year from DFW Lab Rescue,
I was told it would take us a year to really get to know Annie.

I scoffed at that idea.
But, it's kind of true.

Annie now is a different dog from Annie when we first got her.
She's more loving and more playful.
She feels more secure with us.

Have you ever seen an 89 pound dog burrow under covers?

She's enriched our lives in so many ways.
If I could draw with any talent, I would sketch her night and day.

She follows me around the house...hoping I'll pick up my keys and invite her for drive.

She rides in my car with me everywhere.

And sleeps with us at night.

She used to dislike going into the backyard...she'd go to the bathroom and want right back in.
Well, now she'll go sunbath on the deck...
and lately she's been after nocturnal creatures in the backyard.

It's fun to see her chasing after something...
We love to let her run free, and I think we need to take her camping.

I can't imagine our life without her.

She puts smiles on our faces...
and the faces of everyone who meets her.

The drive-thru bankers send her dog treats through the shoot.

The Starbucks drive-thru employees know her by name and gave her whipped cream once.

People in cars next to us at stoplights smile and wave at her head sticking out the window.

We love our Annie.

Camera Critters


HiHoOhio said...

Very sweet photo peeking out! My Annie is a love too, but shew is my 8 year old daughter!!!!!!!!!!!!

Dina said...

I can see now why you love Annie. I would too. And she is lucky to have you.
Did you say 89 pounds?!

bobbie said...

that picture is predious.
she knows she is loved and feels at home now.

Teena in Toronto said...

Peeka boo!

I played too :)

Captain Dumbass said...

89 pounds? That's both my kids and then some.

Carletta said...

That's a really cute picture!
Your love shows through in your commentary.

i beati said...

and Sandy does toooo !!! sandy

Misty DawnS said...

Add me to the list of people who love Annie! I'm one of her biggest fans, and she ALWAYS puts a smile on my face! She's such a sweet doll!

Juliana RW said...

lovely dog

My CC post this week in HERE. Hope you have time to visit. Thanks.

Jeanne said...

Annie is a beauty and sounds like a perfect addition to your family.

This Is My Blog - fishing guy said...

Rhea: I really like the pencile sketch of Annie.

Swirl Girl said...

how sweet.


All Things BD said...

Awesome dog. We're not quite there yet. Hence, the hamsters. :)

Ramblings of a Villas Girl said...

I can see why everyone loves Annie. What a beauty.

Pseudo said...

I think the entire interent loves Annie too. I love the picture of her poking her head out of the covers.

Sherrie said...

Your Annie is beautiful!! She sounds like a wonderful companion to you or more like a best friend. Take Care!!


david mcmahon said...

What a great photo, Rhea.

lynette355 said...

Anne is beautiful. She can come play with my yellow lab, Penny Bright. I inherited our baby from my father this year. I am glad that he always brought her with him when he came to visit. That way the adjustment was not so hard on her. She will finally (after 6 months) walk on the tile floors.

Anonymous said...

Awwww! I love Annie too! Sweetie pie!

Indy said...

I just love my dog too. Annie looks so sweet. I just told my husband that if I was rich like Oprah or Martha Stewart, I too would have a lot of dogs. Did you ever notice that really rich people have a bunch? Anyway, she looks like a sweetie. Enjoy her!

Sally-Ann said...

I've been considering getting a dog for our family. You have almost helped me make-up my mind. Now to work on my husband's mind!!!

Anonymous said...

I love the 'ode to dog'! We took to our first dog, Eavy, right away, but our second, Franny, took us while to get used to. She is a much more complex doggie:-) Once I get Husband to show me how to download pics I'll post some.

marLou said...

Pets are wonderful to have in our lives and your Annie is no exception.

Valarie Lea said...

She is such a beautiful dog and she needs to go camping. :)

AppleDebbie said...

I love Annie too! (And I think your sketch is wonderful!)

Anonymous said...

I can see why you love her.:) Its amazing how much joy our critters can bring into our lives.

Anonymous said...

What a great labbie! She's a lucky girl.

Thanks for sharing.

I have two entries for CC this week!

All dogs, all the time!

KimmyJ said...

Look at that precious face!

Susie said...

She is still my favorite dog on the blogosphere:-)

Mama Dawg said...

I love your Annie. My Max has been a godsend to us, as well.

Cristin said...

Annie is sweet.

I've been composing a post in my head about how much I hate my dog.

Reader Wil said...

Well Annie is sweet for sure! And your paintings of her do her credit! They are lovely!

Jane Hards Photography said...

Nicely done and very cute.

It's Me said...

Annie is definitely my favorite blog dog!! :-)

Twisted Fencepost said...

Great pics of Annie.
My Stretch sleeps with me and burrows under the covers, too. All night long, under the covers, gets hot, gets out, gets cold, gets under. Drives me crazy. But the good kind of crazy. We love our Stretch, too!

D... said...

I love your Annie too.

Unknown said...

Pets add so much to the quality of our lives, I just could not imagine not having some ever.

I think it's wonderful you rescued her, we did with Cal-Jo & Sukie and they are different cats totally now.

Annie is such a pretty girl and blonde to boot!

Keys to the Magic Travel said...

My girls get soooo excited to see dogs with their heads hanging out of windows.

OMG...a while ago, I was driving to work, and this woman in front of me had two dogs in the back. And they were hanging out the window. And then suddenly, one was outside the car - hanging - because it's leash/collar was caught on something inside the car.

I was honking my horn and finally they pulled over and got the dog back in the car. The dog was fine. But that woman was so rude to me as I pulled up behind her to make sure that her doggie was okay...

CrystalChick said...

Both our dogs sleep with us. One under the covers, one on top.
Annie is a really sweet girl. I'm so glad she's adjusted to life with y'all. :)

Anonymous said...

Your Annie is too precious, and makes me chuckle at my own 100 lb lab, Samson. Aren't they just the sweetest dogs?! :)

Anonymous said...

I love her too :) She's so cute! :)

Putting the FUN in DysFUNctional said...

I'm just finishing Marley & Me and she reminded me of Marley. (such a good book, you should read it if you haven't already!)
I just love Annie, I want one just like her!