Saturday, November 15, 2008

All Annie, All the Time

Here comes Annie! In her backyard domain.

Hi, sweet girl.

Sit. Good girl!

She found her duck.

It must be tasty. Look at the length of that tongue!

Annie in action, after something.

Carrying around her duck.

Such a beautiful, sweet girl.

Camera Critters


Jennifer said...

she sure is beautiful. :) I love labs... they are such good, smart nice looking dogs. :) but i'm not sure all are just as sweet as your Annie! :)


Linda said...

Ah, what a sweet dog. I had a yellow lab, Dutchess, growing up on the farm. She was the best dog ever! We had peach trees on our acreage and so did our neighbor and our 2 farms were separated by an irrigation ditch. Can you guess where my lab spent most of her time? Yup, in the water! Thanks for sharing your beautiful Annie.

Keys to the Magic Travel said...

Now that my kitties are not allowed to have toys, they have a new fondness for webkinz. They carry them all over the house. I wonder if Annie would share her duck with them :-)

Momma Trish said...

She's a beautiful pup. Looking at the pictures makes me wish for a dog. Maybe someday.

Anonymous said...

She is a pretty dog. What a sweetie pie.

Anonymous said...

Good doggy!! She IS a great-looking dog, heheh. They say dogs have the personalities of their owners ;).

lynette355 said...

Please bring Annie to play with our yellow lab, Penny Bright. We will share toys and provide all doggie treats. LOL How pretty she is.

Anonymous said...

She looks just like my dad's old "lap dog" Chick. Short for "chicken". She was often lead around by their terrier. Sweet pictures!

Beth said...

Such a pretty girl, indeed!

Anonymous said...

I love this dog. She's a real beauty! Her eyes are so expressive. Don't you ever wonder what they're thinking?

Like :

"Hmmm. Here she goes again with that funny black box in her hand. Clicking, humming, clacking, whirring. And NO food comes out of it! She really needs to get that thing fixed."

ratmammy said...

What a happy dog annie is! blackie has his favorite toys too, and loves to carry them around and toss them around! he was a dog in a previous life...

Mariah said...

She's so sweet, you can see it in her tongue... err I mean eyes

Twisted Fencepost said...

Annie is a beautiful dog!
I think they are so cute when they're ears are perked up.

Teena in Toronto said...

What a gorgeous dog!

I played too :)

AppleDebbie said...

Hi pretty Annie, I wish you could come over to our house and play with Trooper. You two would have a wonderful time together! (Trooper has a duck toy just like yours!)

david mcmahon said...

The only thing better than a lab is two labs, Rhea!!

Anonymous said...

Yes, Annie is a beautiful sweet girl :) Her duck wouldn't last a minute at our house though. My dog immediately pulls the innards out of any stuffed toy.

Susie said...

Too cute:-)

Anonymous said...

These dogs look sooo smart & full of wisdom - great memory shots

Jane Hards Photography said...

Now that's a cutie.

This Is My Blog - fishing guy said...

Rhea: Neat photos of your dog Annie.

Momo Fali said...

I have a yellow lab too. I love her to death, when she's not driving me crazy.

Britt said...

What a cutie! I love labs .. they make great snuggle buddies. Once you get past the chewing, scratching, crazy puppy stages. Or was that just my lab? ;o)

sassy stephanie said...

She is such a pretty dog.

Unknown said...

She does look sweet.

Cristin said...

Darlin Pup.

Captain Dumbass said...

I'm lucky that my neighbour has a lab for the kids to play with. Annie is sweet.

Indy said...

Sweet Annie.

Jeff B said...

Love the sitting one. She sits and defies gravity all at the same time!

WheresMyAngels said...

I'm loving that cute duck. Bad dog, leave cute duck alone!

Keeper of the Skies Wife said...

She has beautiful eyes!

Cathy said...

She is beautiful.. It that her Thanksgiving turkey?

Justine said...

Oh my goodness, Annie is so beautiful! Can you send her to me for a while? I need a damn dog in the house, and she's just perfect! And, *I* won't dress her up to look like a freak either!

Justine :o )

Pseudo said...

I alwys love teh Annie pics. Boder Collie has a duck too; he likes to play catch with it while we watch TV.

i beati said...

Wouldnb't shelike to cme to Fla fr vacation. Pharoah has the same duck and a fox??Sandy whata beauty

Karen said...

Your Annie is so sweet. She makes me miss my Sabrina. Give her an extra hug from me.

Mama Dawg said...

Yes, she is.

Valarie Lea said...

I just love Annie!

Teri said...

Your doggie is beautiful. The duck, on the other hand...

Katie said...

Aww, she is too cute!! What a sweet girl.