Sunday, June 1, 2008

Naptime - Camera Critters

Picture taken by me at the Fort Worth Zoo.
If you want to join, go to the Camera Critters blogspot and read the rules!
It's easy and fun.
Misty Dawn started it all.

Camera Critters


threesidesofcrazy said...

He's cute in a not so cuddly way!

Anonymous said...

Awwww, how cute! :-)

Andree said...

LOL Even with the large size of the photo, it took me a bit to figure out it was a pig-type animal in muddy water! What a great shot!! Love those tusks.

Kim said...

He's so ugly he's kind of cute.

Coby said...

The Fort Worth Zoo is so much fun. I have a good friend that lives in Plano and she and I have been there. The pic is very cute. He/she looks very content!

Kim said...

Hi Rhea, I'm so happy to hear your son loves space and science, good for him. My profile picture is of Titan, the largest moon of Saturn. Check out:
for more information about the mission that took the picture, as well as fun activities for kids, and more pictures.
This link has more information about Titan specifically:

Coby said...

Thanks for your comment! I did change my post with breaks. I agree It is easier to read! Thank you for your help. I am not a very good writer, so any advice you can give is appreciated!

storyteller said...

I love this photo!!! I need to take my camera to the zoo so I have something new to share. Thanks for stopping by Small Reflections earlier today ;--)
Hugs and blessings,

Dianne said...

talk about wallowing!!

what a great dirty picture :)

Helen/Spike and Drusilla OK Citizens said...

He's so cute. Thanks for stopping by my Camera Critters and yes Dudley is a kitten. He is just 17 days old.

ratmammy said...

That's an impressive creature! looks like a warthog!

Misty DawnS said...

Maybe I'm weird, but when this photo opened on my screen, I burst out laughing! He's 'adorable' in a 'unique' kind of way hehe

I LOVE this post.

Ingrid said...

Hahaha ! Too funny ! Now I am in a very good mood for the rest of the day !

Valarie Lea said...

Wow, that is one ugly.... What is that thing?

Heart of Rachel said...

He must be enjoying his dip in the mud and basking under the sun. Thanks for visiting my other blog.

Jules said...

THis is WAY too cute!