San, the lovely multi-talented artist in Santa Fe, from A Life with a View awarded me this sweet prize, and I thank her for that!! Check her out when you have a chance.
In the spirit of giving and having purpose, here are a few bloggers I feel deserve this particular award:
Blondie at Tales from Clark Street
Carrie at The Gremlin Wrangler
The Secret is in the Sauce founders, gals Heather and Tiffany, for bringing together bloggers and forming a sisterhood.
And, Kathy at Mama's Losin' It.
I also was a top contender for Post Of The Day on David McMahon's site. He's an Australian journalist, author, and internationally-published photographer. He also has a mean sense of humor in his "verse and worse" posts. Check him out when you have a chance!!
that's so nice Rhea! Thanks!
Wow Rhea, congratulations! That's so exciting!
Congrats to you! Will check those bloggers out soon!
Look at you go!
Just read the "Moral Compass" post. What a devise that would be to own. People would be lining up around the block for such a thing.
Congrats on the award...well deserved.
I need a purposless random drivel award. I am the queen of that. It's good to be the queen.
congrats Ray-uh!!! well deserved!
Thanks, guys, for your congrats! I do it all for you. hehe
I love the new award Kat has come up with. That one sounds like FUN.
Yeah! That is so awesome! SITS is the best sisterhood I have ever been in...hands down.
You are so blogging with a purpose and it is such an inspiration to others!
Oh Good! Now I don't feel like such an idiot for crying like a baby at your compass post! :-P *GiGGLeS* It wasn't just me then! It was very touching!
Congratulations Hunny! xx
congrats on the rewards and shoutouts!
Look at you all bloggy famous...
Great shout outs
BTW...Amy is the cute smaller dog up front with the big tongue, she is easily my favorite. and she loves Annie
Well, thanks for shouting back at me, Rhea!
And I'll have to check out those on whom you've bestowed the honor...
hey congrats!!!! Nice!
Congratulations!! And thank you so much for awarding SITS. It's so much fun to be a part of something with so much support.
I love David's blog... he is the best isn't he?
Congrats Rhea!!!
Yeah, I am back here to see if you responded to my genius in awarding an award to myself. When you are the queen you can do that. I do need my minions to work on the subscribing to the comments thing. Cause the queen ain't savvy.
Oh...and you can so honk at a car if they are stopped at a green light. You have to honk to remind them that this shade of green is the one they want.
Kat - you crack me up. I love your new award idea. I'll see if I can find a good picture for you for the award...
I would so send you a tiara and let you be my lady in waiting if you can make this award for me.
Kat - I will work on that today for you. I've never been a lady-in-waiting before. Sounds like fun!
Congratulations, Rhea - you really deserve it, you are the most dedicated blogger I know!
Thank you, darling!! I meant to get over here days ago to say hello and thank you. You are wonderful!!
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