As you can see, I have a totally new look and a totally new address! If you already link to my blog, please update your links with my new address or copy the html over there on the right sidebar for a totally awesome button link to display on your site. They're all the rage, I promise. hehe
I'm still working on updating my blogroll, so don't freak if you don't see your blog linked yet.
Darcy from Graphically Designing and Life with My 3 Boybarians designed my site. She's totally awesome.

When I first started blogging I found that all the blogs I was most impressed with, design-wise, were done by her! So, I kept waiting to get on her list...and waiting...and then her queue opened up and I got in it! I was beyond excited. So, now, after being online and blogging for five months, I have my day in the sun, my beautiful new blog!
Now, I admit, I don't have legs that go on forever and I'm not that skinny, but I love my cowgirl up top. And, of course Annie the lab, my attorney hubby who's losing his hair and my two boys.
So, instead of showing you all MY happy dance that I've been doing ALL DAY, I'm going to share with you Annie's happy dance. I've been trying to catch her doing the butt scootch on camera for months and months, and I finally caught her. Just in time for my new blog premiere!! ENJOY!! Watch her funny face over and over.
Don't ya just love Darcy?! I love what she wrote about us on her blog. Are you kit or kaboodle? I bet we made her nuts :-)
I LOVE it. I fits you perfectly. Nice work, it is so cool to have a blog make-over. :)
It is really nice! I love the three columns, I need to fix mine. The hat did not come before I left... I'm sure it is at home waiting for me
Looks good! :-)
I LOVE your new layout. LOVE LOVE LOVE it!!!
Hi! Amorette from SITS over to visit. I am a McKinney girl here!! Just wanted to say hello and cute blog design!! I love how you have the pic with the boys roped (plus the Texas Button)!! I have 2 boys too. Have a good day.
I love the butt scootch.
When my cat, Mike, does that, it's usually because he didn't get all the poopie off his rear when he used the little box. I usually have a nice big brown smear on my rugs.
Sigh...remind me again why I love my cats?
I found your blog through Darcy's. I think it turned out adorable! I'm from Texas as well....used to be anyway...I miss it.
Your new page is totally awesome! I think your family is perfectly represented. Hey, we can all be tall and thin in our minds anyway, right?
Annie's butt scootch is a riot.
Kat - I think you're Kit and I'm Kaboodle. I think. I do love Darcy. She's awesome and so sweet. I had this idea in my head and she totally made it come to life...and even cooler.
Jen - Thanks! I was so ready for a makeover.
Insana Mama - Thanks! Sorry the hat didn't arrive before you left, but it should be there when you get back for sure. I want to see a picture of you wearing it!! hehe
Kim - Thanks!
Heather - That's what I've been saying. I love love love love it!!
Perez Family Spot/Amorette - Nice to meet a fellow Texas gal and SITS sista! How old are your boys? Very cool we probably live near each other. :o)
Mama Dawg - Annie doesn't leave a brown trail, thank god, or I wouldn't be laughing hysterically every time she does it.
Paty - Thanks for coming by! Always nice to meet a fellow Texan. Where are you now?
Crystal Chick - Glad you like the new site. I'm glad you think Annie's butt scoot is a riot too. The boys and I watch it over and over laughing our butts off.
This great Rhea! I love the sunflower theme everywhere...especially the in the little boot!
Congrats and I'll update my roll soon!
Your dog needs his anal glands squeezed. For real. That is why he does that. Sorry...but saying it isn't any grosser than video taping it!
Gypsy Heat - I'm so glad you like it! I love my sunflowers in the boot too. Thanks for coming by!
Anonymous - Are you volunteering to come by and squeeze them? She's do to go to the vet soon, I think I'll let them take care of that. Thanks for the head's up, and that's not gross, don't worry!
LOOOOVE the new look! Lookin' sharp!
Ok Girl, got all of your info updated... AAAAND... corrected my post with your name spelled incorrectly ALL OVER THE PLACE. I am so sorry... SPELING IS KNOT MY THANG!
Love LOVE LOVE the design! Turned out FABULOUS! Gonna have to look her up!
Still loving it!! Annie is hoot, she is so funny. :)
Hilarious video! Annie is a star! LOVE the new site! I am so jealous of all these blog makeovers going on. You guys are inspiring me to beg one of these fantastic designers to work some magic at my place. Congrats and I'll update my blog roll shortly with the new addy! ;-)
I'm in Utah is beautiful but I still miss my homeland especially when the rest of my family is still down there! I miss the B-B-Q!I just added your cute button to my blog! That Darcy is creative I tell ya! Thanks for stopping by over at my site!
Love the new look!
Love it! She is so talented, isn't she? Let me just say that you are rocking those lilac boots and daisy dukes!
It's me, Patti.
please email me @dcrw8490 so i can tell u what's going on.
Motherhood for Dummies - Thank you!
American in Norway - Thanks for getting my info updated! Darcy is the best, you should get in her queue when she opens it up!
Valarie - Annie is hilarious. We spend so much time playing with (and laughing at) her.
Angie - Annie IS a star. The real star here at Texas Word Tangle.
Paty - I've never been to Utah, but I bet it's gorgeous. Glad you got a button!!
Krystyn - Thanks!! I get such a nice surprise every time I come to my blog now. :o)
Angela - I wish I looked identical to my cute cowgirl, and her boots rock. I don't know how she does anything in those short-shorts. hehe
Chatti Patti - That's an incomplete email address, but I think I figured it out and emailed you. If you didn't get it, email me from my profile page. I tried to visit your site the other day and found it was private! I've been wondering what was going on and missing you!
Yes, Darcy does rock the blog world, doesn't she?!!!
If I were to just size you up based on your blog, I would say you are a fabulously sassy lady!
All the best to you!
WHY do dogs do that? It kills me every time :)
hysterical! you are gonna have to clean your carpet again, soon! :)
Christa Jean - Darcy is totally awesome. I was a big fan before my makeover and now I'm an even bigger fan.
Maternal Mirth - Someone said she does it because she needs her anal glands squeezed...I prefer to think she's just a little itchy. gross, I know. But funny looking!
Alison - I know, carpets need to be cleaned DAILY around here with all the dog hair and the boy children stuff. I swear. So, does your dog do that?
Place looks great, not dark and dank like mine. Then again, it's pretty much what I'm all about.
Great new look, Rhea ....
I love the new look. Darcy did a great job for you. I've got your new adderss updated in my links as well.
Complaint Department Manager - I'm glad you've been decrapifying too. It is very, very satisfying, I agree.
David - thanks for stopping by!
Jeff - Thanks for updating me! Darcy rocks!!
I am lovin' the fresh new look and howling at Annie. My 3rd was a scoocher, he never crawled. I'll have to dig up some footage.
You sure she doesn't have worms though? :-P *GiGGLeS*
The look is awesome! And I totally already added your funky badge to my side bar yesterday as soon as I saw it! xx
love the new site... although I already said that... I do like it a lot!! :)
the butt scootch... that is hilarious. my grandmother had a dog named Suzie and she did this ALL the time!! my brother and I would almost pee in our pants laughing so hard at her doing it. :)
one memory that always gets us laughing like it just happened! :)
Congrats on the new look by the way. It's lovely.
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