Monday, June 30, 2008

Attention!! Important announcement

I have a blog makeover in the works today, so hang in there with me while we work this out.

I'm getting a new address as well. So, you can find me at from now on.

Here's a link directly to Texas Word Tangle and my new look.

I'm so excited!!

Darcy from Graphically Designing is my superwonderful blog guru!!


CrystalChick said...

OMG.... RHEA, I held my breath when I clicked on your link and it was no longer valid. Girl, don't do that EVAH again, ya hear??? LOL
AH, so instead of just clicking on a comment you made at my blog, I went to Jeff's blog to get your avatar to click on and find out where you'de gone.
Now aren't you so happy that you would be missed.

Your new look is FABULOUS!!!
I'd be honored if you'de add my link again!!

Mama Dawg said...

I'm totally digging the new look. And just for you, I've posted up a you tube! Go check it out!

Keys to the Magic Travel said...

Love, love, love it! Darcy is just so amazing...and I love what you used for the fun!

Maternal Mirth said...

Congrats!!! Can't wait to see your new digs!

Irene said...

Nice! Love the new look.

I also wondered what in the world was going on when I clicked on Word Tangle. Went to Short on Words and found your comment there that took me here. Good thing I can figure these things out LOL

Rhea said...

Thanks guys! I'm loving my new look, now I just need to get the word out that I've moved.

I'm glad y'all were able to find me. :o)

moosh in indy. said...

WHEE! Wish I looked like that with a lasso!

carrie said...

I love it! It's so bright and airy (if a blog can be airy?)

Very Texasy!

John Deere Mom said...

Love the new look! So cute!

Unknown said...

OK... I am sooo loving this! I think I am going to ask your girl to do me (draw... you dirty bird) as like a cruise shipe girl? Or maybe a viking? THis is SOOO cute!

Unknown said...

OK... & Why am I not on your comment board? I know I have left you at least 9 comments... I faithfully stalk.. you everyday... I am going to go back & read your posts so I can count my comments... I want a recount....

Ron said...



I freaking LOVE the new look! I LOVE the colors, the graphics, the EVERYTHING!

The header is to die for!

Hey listen, I will change your link on my blogroll to update you!

I'm so excited for you!

Don't you just LOVE change?

Congratulations on your new home!

Anonymous said...

Fu-hu-huuuun! Love the sassy purple boots and how you have your hubby and boys on there. You covered it all and it's all adorable!

Valarie Lea said...


I so so love this, it is everything about you right down to the dog. :)

I don't think we I have actually met the husband yet on here, if we have I missed it. Does he really do the eyebrow thing??

This is just way way cute!! I am so excited for you. :)

Off to update my reader!

Anonymous said...

Your site redesign kicks butt!!! WOW! I love how well Darcy worked with you to create a georgous design that still captures your blog's personality and theme!

Anonymous said...

Looks great! Darcy did a fabulous job, I hate creative people.

All Things BD said...

GREAT new site. LOVE IT!!!

Cristin said...

I want a cute blog! *whining*

Looks great!

Utter Basketcase said...


Woman!! I've been stressing all day!! I thought you left blogland LOL!!! Finally I stumbled across your comment with your new address (I totally missed it)

AND WOW!!!!!

This look is F&@KING AWESOME!!!!!!

I LOVE IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Now bare with me... because I've found your blog so late, I've run out of town to catch up on all your posts! But I'll be back bright and early tomorrow with some popcorn to catch up and them all!!!!


BTW I've done your meme - Finally! xx

Debbie said...

RHEA! It looks awesome...Yes I can see that my fairy blogmother Darcy has cooked you up a mighty fine blog! I love it!

Anonymous said...

Love the new look! Yep, I'm in Prosper after living in McKinney for about 13 years.

I so need to decrapify as that word!

Jennifer said...

VERY lovely!!

you really have to go click the old link on my blog list... quite funny what it takes you to. I was in shock!! total shock!!


Jules said...

Just passin' through and saying hi!