For as long as I can remember I have journaled.
I have a wooden trunk in storage full of diaries and journals.
Some of it I can barely stand to read, it's so silly and trivial.
I wish I could go back and have a talk with my pre-teen and teenage self...
but that's a story for another time.
Why should you keep a journal?
It becomes a keepsake as you age.
It reduces stress.
Great way to bust writer's block
It's a good way to make time for yourself.
It helps keep you organized.
It's a great place to set goals.
It's a safe place to get out frustrations or bookmark a special moment.
My favorite type of journal?
Colorful, exotic covers with blank pages and NO lines.
Throughout the ages, others have kept diaries and journals.
Here are some of the famous characters who've also chronicled their thoughts and feelings and daily events...
Lewis & Clark
Charles Darwin
Anne Frank
Tennessee Williams
Charlotte Bronte
Virginia Wolf
President George Washington
President John Quincy Adams
President Thomas Jefferson
President Harry S. Truman
Eva Braun
Have you read any great diaries or journals written by famous people?
Do you journal regularly?
Ooh, Eva Braun... that's one journal I'd like to read!
No, I don't keep a regular journal. I have tried at different times to do them. I stuck with a 'gratitude' one for a couple weeks. Started a Reiki one awhile back, got a few pages in and gave up.
I have a hard enough time keeping up with my blogs (before today's posts it was almost 2 months since I'd contributed anything) so I don't think journaling is really for me. But those who love it, really love it. So happy journaling! :)
My daughter used to do what you do -- don't know if she still does. BUT, my best friend kept an ongoing journal from the time she was 11! It was filled with her thoughts, dreams, hopes, daily excusions, along with pictures, tickets, special keepsakes -- and, did this until her death in the 90s.
Her daughters had a tall bookcase filled with sequential 3-ring binders of their mother's life to go through and share with their children, re-awakening memories and given them insight into her world. Being a young woman and wife of the 20th Century, she was a witness to changes that were breathtaking in their speed and may never occur, again. What a legacy.
If you're blogging, that's keeping a journal of sorts but it will never be the intimate history your children will enjoy because you have to be too guarded.
Don't stop. You might even want to meet the you of years gone by, yourself!
Have you ever read - http://www.chookooloonks.com/blog
She is, in my opinion, very inspirational. She is also an avid journaler (is that a word? LOL)
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