I've uncovered a diabolical plot,
a secret plan in the works.
I've discovered the evil mastermind behind world domination.
Sure, they look cute and cuddly,
all innocent with their sweet faces and furry bodies,
but I alone know the truth, and I'm here to set the story straight.
Webkinz are plotting to take over the world.
I found them holding a meeting.
The canine committee stopped whispering to look at me as I walked by...
a secret plan in the works.
I've discovered the evil mastermind behind world domination.
Sure, they look cute and cuddly,
all innocent with their sweet faces and furry bodies,
but I alone know the truth, and I'm here to set the story straight.
Webkinz are plotting to take over the world.
I found them holding a meeting.
The canine committee stopped whispering to look at me as I walked by...

I'm onto you, puppies.
I thought maybe it was just the dogs...
but then I found the rest of them conferring in private as well.
And it was just too suspicious to pass up.
I thought maybe it was just the dogs...
but then I found the rest of them conferring in private as well.
And it was just too suspicious to pass up.

I knew they were up to something.
They started out small...just grabbing the dog's squeaky toy...just to see if they could.
All criminals start out small, to see what they can get away with.

Then they grew bolder.
This chocolate dinosaur moved in on the music industry.
Smart move.
I think they plan on creating songs to brainwash us all.
This chocolate dinosaur moved in on the music industry.
Smart move.
I think they plan on creating songs to brainwash us all.

Wait, no, not the penguin too! He's not even a Webkinz.
Damn, those sneaky, crafty kinz have spread their evil into other stuffed animals.
The penguin has his weapons of choice ready.
and he gives me that beady-eyed stare...
Damn, those sneaky, crafty kinz have spread their evil into other stuffed animals.
The penguin has his weapons of choice ready.
and he gives me that beady-eyed stare...

Remy! Remy!! Look! Please, look.
Your animals are out of control, I tell ya.
He ignores me.
They've sucked him into their computer counterpart world.
Did I tell you that's part of their plan?
They are not only content to be played with and cuddled with...
they want us to go online and become addicted.

Annie, surely you see what's going on here.
Uh, oh, Annie, look out!!
Uh, oh, Annie, look out!!

Ahhhhh!!! It's got Annie!!

That's it. I'm putting these darn Webkinz up.
Let's see what damage they can do from the toy bin.
They have to be stopped somehow.
It's clearly my job to do something about it.

And that's when I saw the pumpkin in the bicycle helmet.
Oh, man.
The toys are slowly taking over.
Oh, man.
The toys are slowly taking over.

Have they moved into your house yet?!
Oh yeah, have they ever moved in. And we battle daily.
I win, but they sneak back out of hiding one by one.
I think we dodged the kinz bullet. My son is 13. He had one before he became too cool for school (and kinz).
The penguin cracked me right up.
Another fun post, Rhea!
One of the monsters has Webkinz..she keeps buying/wanting more..I can't figure out how she makes enough money to have all of them in the same 32 room house. I used to get on and make her some money but now I have this thing called a blog that takes up all my time.
My girls have always loved stuffed animals. They were never into baby dolls. Barbies. But beanie babies - little animals that they could carry around with them - that has always been their favorite. And webkinz. They love even more because they can combine their love of stuffed animals with their computer obsession.
And now that we have taken away ALL the kitty toys...our kitties have realized how fun webkinz can be, too. I am amazed and Annie's restraint in not absconding with all of them. She could be your biggest ally in this quest for world dominion...
Oh, Shane would totally agree with you on this one!
Our girls each have 13 or 14. Each. And they both want more.
Confession - At this moment, in the drawer of my desk is a purse. IN that purse is a Webkinz. Because a certain 9-year-old brought it in the car this morning and when she got dropped off at school, she begged her mother to please take the Webkinz (a brown dog named Elvis) in to work with me because he would be afraid to stay in the car by himself all day. And there was eye-pleading... and I said i would... and I know that she wouldn't know if I left him out in the car, which was my plan, but he was sitting right next to the gear shift, and as I put the car in park, he looked and me... and whined... and there was eye pleading. So here he is. In my purse.
I bet if you give Annie 10 minutes with them, they will all be gone.
Batting all over the floor. Dead, gone no brainwash songs made!!!
- Jennifer
Only temporarily. Then I kick their little bootay's out the door to the rummage house for redistribution to the needy.
I hate webkinz!!!!!!!!!!!!! But still, I think I am buying a few for Christmas.
We have held the number down to 8 total, but now they've joined forces with Bakugan, and we've met our match.
I still don't know exactly what a Webkinz is.
So, I think it's safe to say that they haven't taken over my home yet.
My niece got one for her bday. This old aunt had no clue what they were. In her tween fast talking voice she explained it to me, but you think I understood a word of it. Nope!
If they moved into my house, border collie would think they were his toys and would have them all beaten down in a day or two.
fun post Rhea. Wait till the boys get older and skateboard and motorcycle gear take over your house and garage...
Oh yeah, kiddo loves the webkins and he found them by accident. The across the street neighbor showed him the site and his webkins stuff. Then the across the street neighbor gave kiddo a Koala webkin. Then I got forced to go on e-bay and get him the basset hound, spotted leopard and cow.
Now the christmas fairies, have added a frog, reindeer and cat to his stash. ahhhhhhhhhhh
Oh and guess who goes and gets their daily stuff (cuz kiddo isn't allowed on computer every day) That would be me. hahahahaha
Hey, Rhea - found you from All Things BD.
My kiddos are still a little too young yet for Webkinz (I say "YET"), but we've been on to the domination plot for some time. We believe it has spilled over into television too. Teletubbies and Boohbah? A way to desensitize us to the true horrific form of the Alien Overlords!
I may need more caffeine...
Great to find you :).
"Take me to your leader"
Oh way they are here and I have stopped fighting. They win and own the house.
I love the pumpkin helmet! Too funny.
Cute!! Don't forget legos scattered about that you step on in middle of night going to the bathroom - now those are WMDs!
My daughter is only 1 so no webkinz yet. But I teach piano, and it's all my piano students can talk about! Can we please move on to the next toy?
LOL... I can totally see you walking around the house snapping away in your pink cowgirl hat!
Rock on, Rhea. LOL.
Laugh out loud true as true can be!
All I could think of was Toy Story and the toys coming to life when the humans leave the room...
I'm gonna start sneaking around here so I can catch them in action.
I will kill those Kinz for messing with Annie. It's freakin' on!
This post is too funny! You really have quite a collection there. We "only" have around 5 or 6, thank goodness. I'm hoping my kids move on to living in a Webkins-free environment one of these days. :)
My kids each got one of these for Christmas last year...and none of them are into it! Yeah for me!! :)
I am sure these lil creatures are going the way of the Beanies. College girl is 21 now and we still have over 350 of these lil animals. They sucked me dry years ago. I think I am going to see if we can donate them to a toy drive.
My plot to win over these sneaky lil toys.
You know... this is actually pretty scary!
No kids so I don't have to worry about TOO many stuffed animals (other than my own!) yet!
Girl, what the hell is wrong with you buying your kids that many Webkinz? Are you insane?????????????? No wonder you think they're taking over your house!!!!!!!
Justine :o )
Yes they have. They are planning their final attack on Christmas Eve. You have been warned!!
I had the best comment and then i saw your 1st commenter was Twisted fenceposts and i was like dammit, that's a really freakin awesome name.
twisted fenceposts.
absolutely, one of a kind.
You make me giggle chickee!! The toys are obviously taking over the world...they're all over our house and we don't even have kids yet!!!
Yea...when my girls were young it was those darn Ty Beanie babies. I have 4 trash bags full of them! I even gave my dog two as a toy!
They NEED to step away from the dog, that's all I'm saying
HA HA - that was hilarious!! Love the dog with the stuffies!! Do you really have that many? Oh my heck, they have not moved into our house yet!
WTF are webkinz? Are they anything like Beanie Babies? Dangit, I am so uncool!
We are currently in Duplo-land. Feel sorry for my bare feet.
That raccoon looks very guilty! I think he's the ringleader!!
Um, that is ALOT of Webkins, I really think you need to put your child in some privant therapy to over come the Webkins brainwashing.
Oh, my! Watch out for those guys!
They are here! How do they keep multiplying right before my eyes?
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