Saturday, November 1, 2008

Wicked Cool

Question: What do you get when you cross a Star Wars Storm Trooper
with a Giant Whoopee Cushion?

Answer: My children.

Question: What do you get when you mix Sunshine and Lemonade?

Answer: An awesome blog with a Wicked Cool contest hosted by the lovely Kat.

Kat is hilarious, witty, and wonderful and has an amazing blog.
She knows Latin and lives in Georgia.
She loves to travel.
She's an avid reader.
She's my bloggy BFF!

She's giving away prizes once a week...for TEN WEEKS!
How cool is that?! GO CHECK HER OUT!


Jen said...

you kids are so AWESOME! I love the costumes and that contest, totally in love.

Keys to the Magic Travel said...

Hey there bloggy BFF! Love the contest promo. I am so excited about the whole thing...but especially the first give away!

And your, love their costumes. I need to get pictures of the girls up...maybe tomorrow...

Keeper of the Skies Wife said...

Those costumes are awesome!!!

Kimberly @ Seriously Daisies said...

LOL! Love the costumes. Halloween is so much fun!!!

Amy @ Living Locurto said...

I love the whoopie cushion!! ha!

Unknown said...

Your kids look so happy and excited, hope they had a great night!

Sandy said...

The Whoopie Cushion is great:) and the Storm Trooper too.

Captain Dumbass said...

Those are awesome. They would have got bonus candy at our house.

Anonymous said...

Saw that whoopie cushion costume at the store.

Very cute.

Thanks for the contest heads up.

Anonymous said...

Great costumes! Love them both equally, but in very different ways.

Beth said...

Kids are too much fun.
Great costumes!

Off to get Wicked!! Woo!

WheresMyAngels said...

I'm loving that woopie cushion, but what is next a Trojan? Opps, did I say that? I swear with the teenagers that came to our door at work last night, I wouldn't have been surprised by it.

♥ Boomer ♥ said...


Judy @ In His Grip said...

The whoopie cushion is the best, I have to say that is a first for me. Just over from SITS with some comment love.

Tara Bennett said...

Did everyone try to sit on the whoopie cushion all night? Or secretly stick him on a chair to surprise and embarass the other Halloween-ers? too funny!

HiHoOhio said...

Funny whoopie cushion! Happy Candy tummy aches!!!!!!

Rachel said...

The humor of whoopie cushions never grows old. Loved the costumes!

Karen said...

Oh......I love the costumes!!!! Thanks you for leaving a comment on the day we lost our sweet Sabrina. It was very thoughtful and we appreciate it.

Susie said...

Those are great costumes and a great contest:-)

Valarie Lea said...

They are so cute!! Did Donnie's outfit make a noise? I little boy had one on last night and of course my Husband asked him to make the noise. Well he did, but I was not sure if it came with the outfit, or if he had one of those machines that he bought. It was great though. :)

KimmyJ said...

Too funny!

Jennifer said...

CUTE costumes!!

angela | the painted house said...

Love Donny's costume!

@TiffanyRom said...


We heart you big time....

Putting the FUN in DysFUNctional said...

OMG, I LOOOOVE the whoopie cushion!

Cristin said...

The Whoopie Cushion is the best..I'll try to remember that for next year.. Graham loves farts.. it would be perfect for him!

CrystalChick said...

The costumes are terrific. My sis-in-law just sent me a picture of my hub's brother in GA. He was dressed in that same whoopie cushion costume. What fun!

I'm so behind in blogland with all our baseball and parade festivities so I won't get to the first contest probably, but will visit over there real soon!

Lucy Filet said...

Super cute costumes! Thanks for being a bright spot in GM/BM this week:).

Angie's Spot said...

Donnie's costume is awesome! Such originality. I love that.

And I'm so thrilled about Kat's 10 weeks of contests! Something to take my mind off the Christmas hustle and bustle.

Swirl Girl said...

okay- the whoopee cushion is the 2nd best kid costume I have ever seen. The first was ...a toilet! Seriously - a toilet.

that kid's mom has some serious issues.

- and way to suck up to linked her more than I did!

Shelley said...

Fab costumes! Reminds me of costumes my son decided on: a book, Santa Clause and a screwdriver.

Mama Dawg said...

I ALMOST bought that whoopie cushion costume for my self. I bring my own "noises" though.

SweetAnnee said...

Aren't you just the cutest with a sweet blog
LOve your kiddles costumes
the big whoopie cushion brings back so many


Anonymous said...

Ummm. Awesome costumes! They fit their personalities well!

Krystyn @ Really, Are You Serious? said...

Rhea...those costumes are great. Where they their ideas?