Earlier this week I posted about my new Texas Word Tangle car decal
that I got from Monogram Chick.
I'm totally in love with it and with Monogram Chick's products.

And, when I found out she tagged me on her blog, I decided to participate.
So, here we go.
that I got from Monogram Chick.
I'm totally in love with it and with Monogram Chick's products.
And, when I found out she tagged me on her blog, I decided to participate.
So, here we go.

7 Weird/Random Facts About Me:
1. I read really fast. I think it's because I grew up on a ranch without TV and spent a lot of time reading.
2. I peed in the ruins at Pompeii, (you know, the city completely covered by a volcano eruption in Italy), because we were on a tour and couldn't find a bathroom. That's probably illegal or defacing history or something like that. But, when you gotta go, you gotta go.
3. I was involved in the theater when I was a child. I was an orphan in Annie and Greta, the youngest Von Trapp child in The Sound of Music.
4. I saw my first Shakespeare play in England in a huge park. It was A Midsummer's Night Dream, and it was completely magical.
5. I received my first massage and snow skied for the first time, all in the same week, when my family visited Canyon Ranch in Massachusetts when I was about 14 or so.
6. I saved my mom's purse from a thief in Mexico City when I was around seven years old.
7. In 5th grade I won the school science fair for making fossils, and I was the second fastest runner in the school. That may have been me in my prime. It's been all downhill since then.
and now I'm tagging some new friends:
1. Marlene - Country Girl on Chesapeake Bay
2. Jen - Steenky Bee
3. Jennifer & Sandi - Minnesota and Texas
4. Carrie - Life in the Slow Lane
5. Gingela5 - My Dogumentary
6. Justine - Justine's Froggy Bloggy
7. Scargosun
I'm it? It's on. Bring it!
Shame on you for peeing on sacred ground! LOL
How about a meme on the weirdest places you've had to pee?
Those are some impressive random facts... Good stuff.
Oh, those were good. My mind always draws a complete blank when I am asked to do a meme like this. I think I was tagged months ago to do a 6 quirk one. But I can't think of any. I don't have quirks. I have preferences :-)
And peeing at Pompeii? Well...one of the coolest things found at pompeii is grafitti. So, why not :-) Have you read Pompeii by Robert Harris? It's really short - and very fun.
I am surprised you aren't rotting in an Italian prison... Peeing in Pompeii?
Funny/interesting facts!
You pee'd on Pompeii? That's so freaking Rock Star!
may you sure have done some traveling.
You are a traveling women! Great post, learned even more about you!
Ok, I did mine! And I am so jealous you get to say you peed in ruins! Is that sad that that's the thing I'm jealous of?! Thanks for tagging me!
Pompeii? Mexico City? England? Way cool travels!
way to go columbo ont he mexico purse snatching bandit!!! fun facts...and i saw Midsummer's night dream as my first play too!
I think I was the second slowest runner at school, when I was really young. I once won a race though. The only other person in the race was the slowest girl in the school.
I did get faster as got older though..
'Peeing in Pompeii' ... sounds like it could be the title of a travel book, or something...:-)
Oh geez, I don't know if I can do this one! I've had a very boring life compared to you. I haven't peed anywhere interesting even! Lemme think..
Justine :o )
I too, am ipressed with all of your traveling! Glad you decided to give it a go...never knew you were such a speed demon! :)
You win for the coolest random facts/quirks!
I so want to hear more about you and the would-be purse snatcher!
I love the fact that you have an adventurous side! Completely cool random facts, Rhea!~
Thanks for tagging me! I have to think about this one for a minute and try to finally figure out HOW to dow links in blogger.
I love these comments. I thought that one of my interesting quirks could be that I can't ever think of any interesting quirks.
Oh, and have you gotten any questions about your car tag?
What a great tag and great to get to know you better. We did Sound of Music my senior year. It was so fun:-)
How DID you do #6???
hmmm...not sure if I could come up w/ 7 such creative and random things!? Although I have peed in some strange places.
hmmm...not sure if I could come up w/ 7 such creative and random things!? Although I have peed in some strange places.
Memes are my favorite & I love learning random facts about people. All the graphics you have as part of your blog design and in some of your posts are adorable--love the whole thing!
Peed on Pompeii?!?! You've been to Pompeii? That's pretty cool in itself.
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