For those of you not around this weekend, I was interviewed on David's blog.
I'm a dork, I know.
Who else talks about gas in their first interview?!
I'm a dork, I know.
Who else talks about gas in their first interview?!
This is Donny's first season playing football.
He and I, we haven't really known what we're doing.
He's catching on a lot faster than I am.
I still need translation during the games, to understand what the heck is happening.
They had team photos this weekend, right before their game.
I can't help but take photos over the photographers shoulder.
He's used to annoying parents by now, surely?
He and I, we haven't really known what we're doing.
He's catching on a lot faster than I am.
I still need translation during the games, to understand what the heck is happening.
They had team photos this weekend, right before their game.
I can't help but take photos over the photographers shoulder.
He's used to annoying parents by now, surely?

We lost the game.
Actually, we've lost both our games and both our scrimmages so far.
But, the coach reminds us, this is a team of newbies,
and he doesn't expect them to win until their fourth game or so.
Quite a pep talk, no?

A whole nother game's goin' on under the bleachers.
The rugrat siblings of football players are running a muck in the trash and dirt.

That's a whistle in his mouth.
It was a party favor at a birthday party he attended before his big brother's game.
He also had a soccer game earlier that morning,
which I don't have pictures of because I was coaching.
Coaches with cameras aren't taken seriously, apparently.

While I'm glad my boys are in sports and having lots of fun,
there seems to be a side effect to football that I don't like.

Good lord have mercy. My poor boy.
There is no way a woman invented football.
Were you ever injured in sports growing up?
What activities are your children in currently?
I'll go first. I hurt my knee badly in a high school soccer game where it was raining and muddy.
I have one boy in football and one in soccer. And that's about all we have time for.
I have carpal tunnell from excessive computer use... is that a sport???
The kids are too young right now for sports, thank goodness... Graham is still nursing his Lymey knee and hobbling around like an old man....
I have 2 girls (10) and (16), the oldest played softball last year in high school. First time ever playing a sport! She was so excited. She got hit in the shoulder with a ball - huge bruise - and a huge gaping scratch on the back of her butt and thigh from sliding home - she was safe. She proudly wore them both! She wanted everyone to see her backside. For homecoming she wore a gorgeous strapless dress and her green and yellow bruise on her shoulder! She loves sports! The youngest plays anything we will put her in - can't get enough - luckily no injuries yet. I love reading your blog!
I tore all the ligments in my ankle playing tennis. Let's see, currently it's cheering, gymnastics, soccer, marching band, and wilderness skills...anymore and I am likely to go missing for a while. Those are some bad bruises!!!
Oh, the bruises. Oh, the coach's "pep talk." Oh, football...
You have boys. I have girls. Worlds apart we are.
I was a dancer & cheerleader, so my only injuries were shin splints and sore arches...and, to this day, really ugly feet from years of pointe shoes. Sigh...
Libbey played t-ball and soccer last year. Not this year. We're sticking with dance--we're rather girly-girlish.
YEE-ikes!! Those are some nasty bruises!!
I remember getting serious bruises from a summer volleyball workshop - practicing "diving" on a hard gym floor ... um, not fun.
Here's a little secret you won't see printed on my blog any time soon (cause my boys read it, you see...), but (shhhhhhh..... talking softly here): my boys haven't ever done any organized sports. I know, unAmerican, huh? They're just not athletically inclined. And truth be told, I'm not inclined to have my weekend activities dictated by sports. But because they're boys, and I think boys MUST be exercised, otherwise all sorts of mayhem and restlessness and argumentative behavior ensues, we make sure they run several times a week, go to the rock wall once per week, run around at the park, swim etc.
ps. totally forgot to say ... i LOVE the tilted photo of all the boys on the field with the coaches :-) I think you do such a fantastic job of photo documenting your life!!
Wow, that rainbow in the background of the group! ha ha!
My girls were cheerleaders for a youth league last year. It was always so much fun. I totally miss it.
Cowboy (9) is in his 3rd year of football and he always looks like he's been beaten the first 2 months. Usually after that point they start 'getting' (remembering) the right way to tackle and block. They do have forearm pads you can pick up if he keeps getting hit too hard there though. LOVE the pictures of him - he makes a GREAT football player!
Itchy (6) plays in soccer and participates in the 2nd game under the bleachers (the playground for us at home games).
I was injured in gymnastics - I was on the uneven bars and missed grabbing the bar on a release and landed right on my hip.
There is nothing better than showing off your battle wounds. In high school had a broken nose from basketball and from co-ed softball I had a bruise on my knee that lasted 4 months from a collison at home plate. Good thing it was getting cold out so I could wear jeans everywhere. It looked horrible.
The girls don't really do anything that would cause injury - except normal play stuff. Now, my husband on the other hand, plays softball - and seems to think he's still 12. He has had a burn up one side of his body from sliding into a base. He's had bruises from balls hitting him - or from running into a chainlink fence when he was trying to catch a ball. He's had wrist injuries, groin pulls, and a ball that hit his knee so hard, you could still see the thread marks a week later.
As far as activities - the kids are in tons of stuff. Well, I take that back, Katie is in tons of stuff. Madalyn doesn't like anything. Katie does: church choir, a professional/recording/touring choir, tennis, cooking classes, swimming - stroke clinic, piano, and scouts. Madalyn does church choir and scouts. I'm tired now :-)
I am not athletic... never played sports so never got injured. Shane played soccer in jr high... also played in 9th grade but during the season he broke his leg badly. Was in a cast up to his thigh! So that ended his soccer career... didn't play the rest of high school.
Our girls have not played any sports... they have done ballet and tap, though. And both want to do gymnastics... which I'm sure is just a bunch of injuries waiting to happen!
Poor Donny! But I'm sure the bruises look worse than they feel, right?
Dang thats alot of bruises! poor little guy!!
Oh your question, duh. I was too busy looking at the pictures. My boys dont play sports. My youngest daughter plays soccer, volleyball, basketball, runs track and is on the swim team. Shes never been bruised up or hurt.
Ive never played sports because 1. Im lazy. 2. I have no coordination.
My oldest son skateboards (hes 15, began skateboarding at age 10 and is pretty amazing). Hes always coming home with bruises.
No kids but...
I play football
P plays hockey and soccer(2 teams)
I get bruises and he gets bruises much grass and turf burn and from July a broken nose. :)
I played volleyball and had some crazy bruises from that on my hands (from serving) and forearms (from bumping the ball). No serious injuries though.
My hubby has played competitive soccer for MANY years and has broken his nose twice, broken teeth and tore his ACL a few years back.
My girls are in music and dance class right now. No contact sports for these least for now.
Ouch, those bruises seem to really hurt. I'm feeling for him over the INTERNETS.
I ran track in high school and my daughter dances. That's it for our sports related "careers".
Ouch, those bruises look painful !! Isn't all that padding supposed to stop bruises like that? Remember, you're speaking to a toatal football ignoramous here ! :-)
My kids, including my daughter, all played rugby. They'd walk off the feild, covered in mud, blood, scrapes and bruises and anounce, 'That was a good game, Mum !'
I played hockey, as in field hockey, not ice. I was pretty good at it. In fact, it was the only sport that I was good at. I was in the A team and had been picked as a District rep ( State rep would be the equivalant here). Unfortunately I tore my achilles tendon pretty badly, so that was the end of that...
Argggghhhh ... I'm getting too Americanised. It wasn't the A team, it was the 1st Eleven ...which is the same thing :-)
Oh my, those bruises look painful! The mother in me wants to exclaim, "Poor guy!" but it looks like he's having tons of fun getting those bruises ;o) Boys ..
The only sport I played was tennis, and I only played for fun. I put in minimal effort at P.E. Though, if they had graded us on things like standing, dodging the ball, moving when people charge, talking and looking cute I totally would have gotten an A+!
Lawdy, does that look familiar! Carter plays soccer, so we're ok... he doesn't come home with many bruises. My oldest plays football and as much as I love watching him play, I'm always a nervous wreck until after the game! He played quarterback last year and dislocated his elbow the first game.
I feel for him, those bruises look painful!
luckily my sister and I were pretty easy on our moms... worst thing I ever did was stub my toe on a cone off of a black gum tree while riding a bike.. those suckers HURT! took off the skin on the top of my big toe... and then there was that time I put a barrette in the light socket ... yup me = genius...
we were in dance, band, and girl scouts, so no rough 'em tough 'em sports, unless you count softball... and that didn't last long ;)
Do you think he's gonna want to stick with football? After those bruises, I might turn to something "soft," like swimming, where no one could touch me! Speaking of football, your Cowboys sure did whomp up on my Packers last nite! But I get to see Brett Favre tonite, so I'm a Happy Camper! BTW, got a Great New Giveaway going on over at my place, to commemorate my 100th post--please stop by!
My youngest daughter is a competitive cheer leader and tumbler. She dislocated her ankle in April and had to wear a brace for 4 months. That was her first injury in 4 years of cheer leading. My oldest was a dancer for 12 years, never had an injury but has knee pain as an adult.
I was on danceline in High School so I didnt have time to participate in sports because we had to BE AT THE sporting event!
OUCH those bruises look like they hurt? What a tough young man you have there!!
- Jennifer
I see forearm pads in someones future!
I was not a sporty person. I was the into drama and debate. Nerd.
No activities unless you count child chasing, play groups, swimming, gym class. I guess we do do a lot. No wonder I am so tired.
I broke my wrist and hand trying to beat a boy in a race. I ate pavement when my head went faster than my feet.
I don't have children and my dogs don't play sports! I never severly injured myself. When I was catching in softball I stuck my arm out too far and got hit by a bat. But your boys bruises look painful. He looks sort of proud of them though! :)
I never got injured in sports, because, well I didn't play any. I did, however break my boyfriends toe once while bowling...he was the star of the soccer team and no one would speak to me for a month...does that count?
My son, plays baseball and is deathly afraid of the ball. The daughter is a flier in a competitive cheer league, smart money is on she gets injured first.
Football in Texas is BRUTAL!!! He must have been giving them a good run for it to get that bruised!
Oh my, I bet he loves every second, bruises and all!
BTW- I read your interview!! Too cool. I love PW also! Keep up the good work.
My boy did karate until brown/black and then stopped. He played soccer for a few years. Now he plays guitar and not so much for sports - running and bicycling but no team things.
OH, the bruises - I cringe to see those. When I was little I knelt down to pet a puppy and when I got up there was blood dripping down from my knee; I had been kneeling on a broken bottle! 4 stithes and 32 years later, and I still have the scar to show for it!
Mercy! That looks like it smarts. Your boys are cuties. Let me see, was I ever hurt in sports? Only emotionally. I suck at them. Love to watch, but I'm not sporty at all.
Ouch, poor Donny.
In gym class wayyyyy back in like 9th grade (?) I flew over the pommel horse like freakin' Mary Lou Retton on a binge and busted my elbow up BAD. We're talkin' the bone was going in the opposite direction and almost busted thru the skin. Luckily, the ditzy gym teacher who should have known to use 2 spotters instead of just one, got a plastic blow up bag from the nurse and immobilized it to keep from doing a compound fracture while waiting for my Mom to come take me to the hospital for surgery. A repair with a couple of pins and a cast for a couple months seemed to take care of the main problems. I still have the big scar and it's still sensitive in that area.
Needless to say, I never went on to a career in anything athletic. ;)
My daughter is 24 and has a son of her own, so she's chasing him around as her activity. My son plays basketball, but only at a local court with friends.
those bruises...oh my goodness! it is not good. see, this is why i have 4 girls. i can't take it!
Ooh geez, look at those nasty bruises! The poor kid! And I bet her barely complains, right?
Let's see... my girls currently do gymnastics, but tomorrow is their last day, after years of doing it. Next will be dance. Jazz for madison, hip hop for Mikayla. Mikayla is also in band (trumpet), Girl Scouts and is now on the student council. Brainiac!
Justine :o )
I grew up in southern California as an avid skateboarder. Plenty of scrapes and bruises along the way, but the best (read dumbest) was when I wanted to see how fast I could go by hanging onto the back bumper of my brothers truck as he drove down the road. At about 35mph I got speed wobbles and wiped out turning both of my arms and legs into the equivalent of hamburger meat.
My brother scooped me up and put me in the bed of the truck to drive me home. He didn't want me to sit inside the cab because I would have bled all over it! Gotta love brothers.
whoa... those are some bruises! That football is some hardcore stuff.
Ouch I don't envy you and I have two boys. Oiy!
I love how you doctor up your pics--great way to "protect the innocent."
These are fun, except for the bruises, which are horrible ;).
Happy first day of fall!
Football rocks once you understand it. Just stick it out, you'll get it!
Those bruises look nasty... he must be playin' hard.
BTW- I sent off your stamp today!
Wow, those are some nasty nasty bruises.. Don't they have pads for those area..
I have a little girl who is in Girl Scouts, Ballet/Tap and Hip Hop ... she's 5 ... Hip Hop!?
Ouch!! Those look painful:-(
My daughter is in soccer right now. It's for 4-year olds so, no bruises...yet.
Sports growing up? Hmmm, didn't play any, so couldn't have gotten hurt;) LOL But as an adult I have started playing tennis and have been hit by more than a few tennis balls and taken at least two spills on the court...yeah, embarrassing, but I took it like a man and acted like nothing happened, LOL
My kids are both in football, girl...and let me tell you what, I love the bruise pictures, LOL I am such a football-freak-Mom, my most favorite pictures of kids are the ones in their uniforms (GREAT PIX, BTW)....yup, I'm a freak, lol
All I can say is OUCH. We don't have any activities going on here at the moment. We signed up the Ladybug for softball but they didn't have enough kids in her age group, so it got cancelled.
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